Dear Members and Friends,
Every opportunity to drive home the point that injustice has been meted out to the Cadre of Superintendents of Central Tax should be used, in this direction the allocation of laptop to Group B officers has been welcomed by the Association and in the same breath the outstanding demands pertaining to issuance of All India Seniority list of superintendents of Central tax, early holding of DPC etc has been brought to the notice of the Board vide AIASCT letter dated 26.4.2022.
It will be the endeavor of this body to meet the competent authorities and seek redressal of our outstanding issues at the earliest. Please stay tuned to this blog for further updates on cadre issues.
Jai Hind, long live Association.
Yours truly
M.A. Jithendra
Secretary General
If 6000 Superintendents are in 5400 PB3, maybe all may not get AC post. Only few will get AC post. Thus, a new cadre like Junior Assistant Commissioner may help all. They will get a new designation in the same office. There may not be any transfer issue. Only designation change. No one can have any grievance.