The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Friday, April 26, 2019

Prepared to take challenge

Dear friends and comrades,

 As we all know, that after the meeting of the three member committee on dispute resolution, there is a lull in the Board responding to our cadre issues.

After we obtained the note sheets under RTI, we found that there had been a concerted attempt to subvert the proceedings after we furnished the DDO certificates.  Though my predecessor was not able to do so from 2015 from when the renewal fell due, after our submission, the dispute created by him has become an excuse for the Board not to renew recognition and keep the cadre at bay.

Though we were prepared to change the name in the Surat meeting due to change from C.Ex to GST, our EC decided not to do so immediately because that would amount conceding our right and the other party using the name of the Association.

As some persons in units who are not completely aware of the proceedings in the earlier years loosely comment, we are not for the name just for the heck of it.  Not to get funds from the earlier body.  But because some court cases are being conducted in the name of this Association, we cannot disassociate with them - in the interest of the cadre.

Hence we have communicated to the Board our preparedness to change the name provided it ensures protection of the right of the cadre.

We also have committed that if any other group is able to furnish 35% membership in any other name than as AIACEGEO, we will withdraw our claim and unconditionally join them.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Our CAT case on 1.1.96

Dear friends and comrades,

The case for parity in pay scales with effect from 1.1.96 on the basis of materials gathered through RTI had been filed before the Hon'ble CAT, Mumbai by the AICEIA.

The then SG of AICEIA Shri. Kousik Roy had authorised the then JS of that Association Shri. Sanjay Srinivasan (our present President) to file the case and pursue it.

The proceedings in the case had got halted after the CBDT filed an appeal in the Mumbai HC against the CAT order favouring the ITGOA on the same issue.

For the past two years we have been in touch with the ITGOA to get the HC matter heard.  It was taking time.  Now the CAT case filed by AICEIA has been taken up for hearing.  Fresh vakkalats have been filed due to change of Office Bearers in AICEIA. Due to the Counsel engaged by the Association being appointed as Govt Counsel, a new Counsel had to be engaged.  That has been done.  Shri. Sanjay Srinivasan and team have briefed the new Counsel.

The matter came up for hearing on 08.04.2019.  Fresh vakkalat from the individual in the case who had since retired, was also obtained and submitted on that date.

Matter is posted for next hearing on 26.06.2019.

We will post you on subsequent developments.


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The same old lies, when retold does not become gospel truth Mr. Malik

An Open Letter to Mr. Ravi Malik, Assistant Commissioner.

Dear Mr. Ravi Malik,

All these days, our cadre has been treated to your liberal lies.  So too you have without bating an eye lid, written what ever suits you to the CBEC/CBIC.

Those who know about you and me from 1998 Nagpur Convention of the AIFCEEOA, do not require any explanations.

But many came in latter into Association activities.  During the period from 2008 to 2016 I had also not been active in Association activities at the All India level, after my promotion as Superintendent. Hence, some of my well wishers have asked me to give a feed back to the cadre on your allegations.

One oft repeated lie by you is that I was one of those who broke the the Inspector Association. I think, when the Convention of the said Federation was called for by me at Kolkatta in 2003, as President of that Association/Federation, you had already been promoted as Supdt.  So you may not know what happened and why the Convention had been held to revive the Association.

What exists today as AICEIA is what was revived at that Kolkatta Convention.  So where was the division?

After you and I lost against Mr. Srinivas for the post of SG of AIFCEEOA at the Nagpur Convention in 1998, did you ever stir a leaf in the All India Association, when you were an Inspector and GS at Delhi for fighting for pay scale or removal of stagnation?  

While I campaigned through out the Southern India, (as per the then SG's request and though I had lost the election against him) for the three day strike call given by the Co ordination Committee of Revenue in 1998-99, on the pay scale matter, what was your contribution?

On the contrary, you unilaterally walked out of a meeting with the then Commissioner, DOPM when I was discussing modalities for bringing down regional imbalances, in 2001.  And that too in that meeting for which I had got appointment as the President of the Federation and you were merely the GS of the Delhi unit.  What national interest did you serve by walking out and torpedoing the proposal made by me?

When I proposed in the EC of AIFCEEOA that we will first get the pay scale fixed notionally from 1.1.96 as done in the case of organised Accounts Services by the CPC, and then fight for 1.1.86, who was it who declared that we will not take anything other than from 1.1.86 with arrears and delayed action till we could get it prospectively only in 2004?

When in the EC of AIACEGEO held at Kolkatta, Com. Kousik wanted you to revive the Subramaniam case in the SUPREME COURT did you not say that it pertains only to Inspectors?  When I pointed out that all beneficiaries are now Supdts and hence this Association should take it up, did you not put up a list of a numerous number of cases filed by you and demand a whooping 6-7 Crores?

To rejuvenate our Association I had proposed to you during the same Kolkatta EC (during lunch) that our Constitution should be amended to make it in tune with the CCS (RSA) Rules and voting rights should be linked to paid up membership, did not Mr. C.S.Sharma tell me that Constitution can be amended only in the Convention?   When he told that in your presence, did you not fail to point out that it was contrary to the Constitutional provisions and that the EC had the powers to amend?  So what was your interest in keeping the units dormant?  Where did you get funds from when the subscriptions were not being collected by check off?

While I laid down office as Secretary General of AICEIA in 2008 before taking my promotion, even though the tenure was not yet over, have you not been misusing the name of the post of SG of AIACEGEO and name of this Association even after your promotion, even after your President wanted you to step down, even after most of the units (24 against 7) and members (5317 against 1350) formed this legitimate body in a meeting presided over by the President, who was still a Superintendent and even after the Board has clarified that the so called amendment (disputed though) claimed by you has not been approved by the Govt and therefore ACs cannot continue in this association as per CCS (RSA) Rules?

Even at Delhi, you have continued without elections for more than 7 years and even after the new body took over, it is learnt that you have neither handed over the accounts and bank balance nor the correspondence of the Association.

Still you try to misguide the members of this Association and cadre.

Already many of your allegations had been answered in the following blogs, even when the Convention was due:

Now, kindly leave the members of this Association at peace.  PLEASE.

Thank you.

With a sincere thanks for whatever you achieved for the cadre in the company of our other leaders,

R. Manimohan,
Secretary General, 

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...