The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Monday, January 16, 2023

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends,

Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 13.01.2023.  The cat is out of the bag and the once promoted are elated,  I am really happy for my seniors who have been promoted at least at the fag end of their service.  Congratulations to all the officers who have been promoted. Any good news to the cadre is always welcome as it is far and few.

However, my heart goes out to those of my seniors from other Zones who are yet to be promoted and are disappointed. Just wondering what I could have done to redress their plight. 

May god give me strength to bear this cross,

the thorns of malady of the unfortunate

pricks my conscience with its barbs of ire

knowing not to say what, to buy peace 

with the oppressed and with myself 

But I know, meek acceptance of inequity 

breeds brazen injustice beware !

May god give me strength to bear this cross

Devoid of roses and holy water to cleanse. 

With those words, I lay down my office of the Secretary General of AIASCT consequent to my promotion as Assistant Commissioner. I have sent my resignation to the President of AIASCT today. During this journey of past 9 months I have realised the limitations of my extremely humble attributes, the support  and nurturing of my comrades,  love of my dear friends and the patience and care of my family. 

The twist of destiny pushed me to this post and I have tried to garner my inner strength and humble attributes to try to live upto the least of expectations. The unhinged support of Manimohan Ji through the journey cannot be expressed in words. I will refrain in naming others who have been pillars of support as I fear that I may miss out a few,  my humble  regards and sincere thanks to all those people who have helped me in shouldering this responsibility.  Thanking all the members for having faith in this Body. I want to specially thank the members of AIASCT Karnataka for their love, affection, support and adulation. I am every indebted to you all. 

Assuring that I will be at the beck and call of the new Secretary general at all times. 

God bless this Association, 

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Former Secretary General



Friday, January 6, 2023

Legitimate Anticipations and Cruel Disappointments


Dear members and Friends,


The heightened anticipation at the end of the year and the heart breaking disappointment is all something which has been a bitter pill and will remain in our memory for long.  Everyone is looking for a scape goat to blame for the fiasco. The fact that the expected DPC was not to happen before 31st December 2022 was written all over the wall and only that we were not ready to read it. I had in my previous blog subtly indicated to this scenario.

Some points to consider are that the AISL 2007 to 2011 of Central tax side is yet to get the approval of the Board and to be published, same with the other feeder cadres from Customs side.  As I Understand the collection of DATA is nearly complete but has to be 100% complete before expecting any DPC. The new issue which has cropped up in the form of the order of Principal Bench of CAT filed by some of our stagnating units on Zonal disparity.   Though the AIB of AIASCT has clarified many times that we have not filed that case, it keeps haunting us like a ghost. Hundredth time it is clarified that AIB of AIASCT has not filed that case and we have already distanced our self from that case and intimated the same to the Board, in fact we had been advising these Seven Plus One stagnating units to withdraw from that case, but that is beyond that point now. The takeaway from this episode is that if Units fail to maintain organisational discipline and democratic process, they will have to face the fallout someday. Further, we feel that the order of the Hon'ble CAT in this case does not have any tooth excepting that this may allow the Administration to camouflage other reasons.

However, all is not gloom and dark, the above issues are something which can be resolved easily and does not require much time, there could be a delay of a few weeks but not later. Some elements have been pushing a false narrative in some WhatsApp Group of ACs that AIASCT does not want DPC, I don’t know why they keep doing this AIASCT bashing, we have never done or said anything about stalling any process of DPC, people privy to the CEC meetings are well aware of this stand of AIB. AIASCT has not and will not attempt anything retrograde like putting road blocks to any impending DPC,  that is not on our agenda. All we have done is to earnestly take up the issue of regional disparities which has been the cause of various litigations.  We firmly believe that resolving this issue will not only bring parity in promotions across zones but also will go a long way in paving a way for smoother promotional avenues for all.  We have been pushing a bigger agenda of promotions for all who are drawing AC scale in any form without upsetting the apple cart. Request all to stop falling prey to the false narrative of some partisan elements. 

An Office Council Meeting with all recognised Associations of CBIC has been called on 13.01.2023 which has been called by the Board after a period of Five years. Obviously the organisational efforts of this association are bearing fruits. This gives AIASCT opportunity to pursue the long standing unresolved issues of the cadre in a structured manner.   We have already submitted our points for inclusion in the agenda for discussions. A copy of the letter submitted may be found in this link: Points for OCM.  Assuring everyone that we will put in our best efforts to communicate the mood, issues and grievances of the cadre in right earnest without mincing words.

Any rock should give in to persistent hitting, so should any unresponsive authority to relentless perseverance.   Let’s welcome the new year with a gust of positivity that all good things will happen in this year, pick ourselves up, pull our socks and get ready for a final push for the deliverance of our desired goals.

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings to All

 Dear Member and Friends,

Merry Christmas and season Greetings to all my members and friends. May the festive season also bring cheer to the cadre in the form of career progression and much anticipated promotions to the seniors. I wish that the new year begins with a bang and good news on DPC and promotions to many officers.

I am guarded in my optimism, as much is going on behind doors than visible to the naked eye.  As everybody knows the Hyderabad Stay is vacated but much has been spoken in conversation about the Interim Order in CAT, Mumbai. It appears to all that the Coast is clear but is it for the CBIC?  is the moot question only they can answer.

They also have been guarded in their utterances from the former buoyant approach in the past few months, god knows what has changed ?.  However, some of the issues pointed out by this Association has remained unresolved and we have been making efforts to make headway in getting justice for a larger number of officers. One such effort has been for a delegation of AIASCT to meet the Revenue Secretary to put across our issues and convey the need for 3000 additional posts of ACs in the ensuing CR.

The meeting with the Revenue Secretary has been positive in bringing across the deep rooted stagnation to his notice and the fact that nothing much has been done by the powers to be, to mitigate the issues. The Hon'ble Revenue Secretary was of the firm opinion that at least there should be three promotions in ones career. That's definitely  one step forward, lets see how far it will go?  Here, I should thank whole Heartedly the super approach of the Honorable Member of Parliament Shri, Tiruchi Siva who is a five time MP, and a much well read scholar who personally took the delegation of AIASCT  to the Revenue Secretary realising the long standing injustice meted out to the cadre. . We should be much indebted to him for his approach of taking up the issue whole heartedly and in a unhinged manner with a resolve to find a resolution. Rarely we can find such parliamentarians and the credit for finding one goes to the Coimbatore Unit and Com. Mani Mohan.

Will it? Wont it? before the end of the Year is something only future will answer. Yes there could be hurdles but can we cross them, do we have the tenacity to cross them? As long as there is injustice there will be litigations let us be clear about it,  the history should have taught us that much.  So the future will definitely grade us based on our choices. 

The way forward in the coming year would definitely be challenging and arduous if things go south on cadre restructuring, I call upon the cadre to be proactive to the calls of Association for a forward march on the issues and if need be stronger positioning. ": One Nation , One Tax is fine,  why only one promotion?"   should be our one liner.  So much to be done, so much to be achieved, so little done is how I would like to take a bow on this year and look forward to a horizon of light, prosperity and all goodness of the year to come.

Hope is the craziest dream, dream it, nurture it and let it blossom to reality one day.

Merry Christmas and seasons Greetings to all.

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General



Saturday, December 10, 2022

Com. KKN Kutty Amar Rahe

 Dear Members and Friends,

The news of the sad Demise of Com. KKN Kutty came as a jolt to the Central Government Employee community. The tallest figure in the Confederation movement who had toiled endlessly beyond age and debility for decades is no more and the void unfillable. The astute ability of Com. KKN Kutty is well known, though I have not had the good privilege of meeting him in person whenever any senior talks of any movement by Central government employee, any benefit accruing , any demand being met there is always a reference to Com. Kutty. His way of spreading warmth to anybody who would chance to meet him irrespective of their stature or name speaks volumes about his humaneness and compassion. The very mention of his name evokes fond memories and awe for people who know him personally or have interacted with him. No words can describe his stature, his abilities and the great person he was nor can we say or do anything to say thanks or to express out gratitude to the huge contribution he has made for the association and Federation movements except remember him and tread the path he has laid down for us. My humble homage to a great soul. 

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Ground reality is not a slave to Frustration and Aspersions of some.

Dear Members,

I have seen the comments on my previous blog by some frustrated members, this effort is only to clear their concerns.  Please understand that after almost 31 years of my service I am not oblivious to the fact that they have been waiting for their promotions for a long time and their reactions to the decision of the CEC of AIASCT to pursue for a permanent resolution of a long standing issue of regional disparity is well understood.  However, people fail to understand that every time there is a talk or possibility of a DPC there is also the demon of stay from courts and the fight and the scramble for its resolution. It is this perpetual hurdle  that AIASCT is trying to resolve by bringing in systemic changes so that there are no roadblocks for every future DPC.  We have also made it very clear that the AIB of this Association has not moved any court on the issue of AISL and we have also requested the Seven Units of AIASCT who have filed an OA in  CAT Principle Bench  to withdraw from the case.  Having said that,  left with no other option to resolve the glaring issues of seniority even if we approach any judicial forum for resolution we will be seeking resolution of the issue by alternate methods and certainly not by seeking stay of any process as we are aware that it could be self inflicting for the seniors of this suffering cadre. 

The stay from CAT Hyderabad was a bolt from the blue as nobody expected it.  It is an issue which has seen many twists and turns and finally decided in favor of the promotee officers by the Hon'ble Supreme Court, and any action without considering the said Order would have been a retrograde step which  would have definitely haunted us in the future.  This issue is certainly a setback and may result in a delay of a few weeks but surely not a roadblock.  It is expected to be resolved soon and will definitely not hinder the prospects of the officers.  Board has already issued instructions for its implementation and nobody other than the administration of  Hyderabad Zone is required to act, which is being monitored by the Hyderabad unit of AIASCT. 

Not withstanding the above issues the collection of Data itself is in progress and in fact contrary to your belief the office bearers of this association at each local unit have put in their efforts to ensure that the data is transmitted and this has been done silently without shouting from the squares with a microphone.  Just posting messages in WhatsApp groups will not yield results but ground work done will.  Anybody in Bangalore will know how it was done which was one of the first Zones to complete the task, same is the case in other Zones also. Any allegation on this ground is either motivated or they are blissfully unaware of ground reality.   The letter calling for data was sent on 8th September 2022 and vigilance clearance was sought on 27th September 2022,  in roughly Sixty days both the tasks are herculean but considerable work is completed.   One should understand that there are issues of NRCs not being issued, APARs being misplaced, APARs not communicated etc and we cannot aspire to march forward leaving some of our brethren behind. Cacophony from some distractors is uncalled for until this task is completed. 

Despite the uncharitable comments made by some in the comments to the previous blog which alleges that nothing is being done, it is to communicate that we have met the Chairman/Member more than 4 to 5 times in the last six months and we have had a correspondence galore on all outstanding issues.  Only after our repeated requests and letters that the AISL 2007 to 2011 was issued. I have visited  DOPT thrice on CR issues.  What ever is required to be done is being done but without shouting from the roof tops because that is not my style. I have kept everyone informed about every action.

I am aware of my obligations to my seniors from 1985 to 1991 batch officers who are eagerly waiting for their promotions and will get it,  I am also aware of my obligation and the desperation of some of the 1989 to 1991 batch seniors from some Zones who don't find themselves in the seniority list  they know that we are doing our bit, I am aware of the keenness of my batchmates of 1992 most of whom are covered in this list,  I am aware of the enthusiasm of my juniors to make it to the list, I am also aware of the aspirations of the young just promoted officers who just want a hassle free promotion process put in place which is what we are trying. Casting aspersions is easy but to manage and balance all these conflicting interests is our job I know, but only the day we put behind our shallow sectarian interests and collectively work with unity for the cadre interests will we be able to  force the hands of the Administrators for a permanent solution.  Until such time we are gullible and should be cautious about unwittingly playing into the hands of our persecutors.  

I have consciously stayed away from arguments on the blog just for the reason that I don't want to be part of any mudslinging which will further alienate and divide people.  My effort would be to assuage the feelings of the aggrieved and take everyone along.  Every single comment is being taken note of  and accounted for its worth.  Any positive suggestion is always welcome.    

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General




Monday, October 24, 2022

Happy Diwali


Dear Members and Friends,

Wishing all of you and your families a very Happy Diwali, Celebrated as  Dantheras,  Lakshmi Pooja, Durga puja,  Naraka chaturdasi and many other forms across the country. May this festival of lights bring much needed cheer to the cadre. May the positivity also bring much anticipated promotions from Group B to Group A at the earliest.  May the festival of lights dispel the darkness in the form of various litigations within the cadre be it issues pertaining to seniority, Inter and Intra cadre disparities etc.  May god bless all with prosperity, Health and happiness.

It has been a rough ride for the past two months for the members. While the release of the much sought Draft seniority list has been a ray of hope for many while the same has sounded despair for some. It has been a herculean task for the leadership to balance the legitimate aspiration of the senior members who have been waiting endlessly for their promotion to Group A and the anguish of some members who don’t find their names in the seniority list though they are senior to some in the list.

Everyone is aware of the historical perspective of these complex issues and the difficulties in resolving these problems. The solutions though simple are difficult to achieve as all the units are required to be on the same page.  No one can be expected to sacrifice their positions for a less fortunate colleague when all are languishing as superintendents for much too long and are frustrated.  There has been much criticism from some quarters to the stand of this association to pursue for a solution for the zonal disparities which has widened as could be seen from the Draft AISL.  It is to assure that every effort will be made by this association to achieve a balanced and equitable solution without disrupting any advancement by unnecessary road blocks.

 History has been a great teacher and we are aware of the fact that on earlier occasions even Hon’ble Supreme Court decisions have been subverted and made ineffective, but the efforts to settle these outstanding issues should not stop in the name of some advancements and neither should we ignore the aspirations of members.  An Application in Delhi Principal bench from some of the stagnated units was much in discussion and was perceived to be for putting road blocks for the DPC, it was also used by some fringe elements to do mudslinging gleefully on the AIB of this association though we did not have any role to play in that petition, but the bolt came from Hyderabad on an issue which has been settled by the Hon’ble Supreme court.  The inaction of the department in not settling issues has been the bane for the cadre and it is perceived that the Board wont wake up until there is a stay or a contempt, which has led to the spate of litigations.

Hope that the cadre and the Units gets re-energised by the festival of lights and work towards our common goals and objectives for the betterment of the cadre and its prospects. Our aim should be beyond the present aspirations for which we will have to grow out of the traps we have set for each other and ourselves. We will have to work in unison to defeat the known Ravanas and Narakasuras.


Happy Deepavali to all of you. 

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Independence day greetings


Dear Members and Friends,

On the eve of this Iconic day of our 76th Independence day, our Azaadi Ka Amruth Mahothsav we will complete 75 years of Independence. My heart is filled with greetings to all my countrymen in general and my members of AIASCT in specific. The day should mark our tribute to the mammoth amounts of sacrifices for the country by uncountable number of individuals, massive amount of hard work by many for a better nation and the hard core resolve of my countrymen to stay independent and cherish their right to Justice and freedom.  The biggest democracy has come of age and is rearing to go forward steadfastly towards a promising future.

May be, motivated by this solemn occasion the CEC of AIASCT which met on 06.08.2022 took a momentous   decision to pursue Justice for all, rather than short sighted benefits to some. The release of the Draft seniority list of Superintendents of Central tax by CBIC after a delay of 15 long years evoked more sarcasm than praise.  The debate on regional disparity which was pushed to the background from the past 30 years by the CBIC, and may be by the meek acceptance by the Association too probably for lack of conviction was brought to the fore front. When a 1992 batch officer of an advantageous Zone sits 4000 places above a 1990 or 1991 batch officer of a stagnated Zone there is something grossly wrong with how CBIC administers its HR policy.  This issue has been put on the back burner by the CBIC by sheer lack of will to do justice and what is right even against odds. 

The very fact that even Zones which are placed comparatively better supported the call for Base cadre (Inspector) seniority  in the eye of the huge disparities of more than 5 to 6 years between the better placed Zones and stagnated Zones speaks volumes of the sense of injustice and misery heaped on those stagnated Zones.  An officer of 1992 batch Inspector bossing over a 1985 or 86 batch officers of another Zone from the same cadre reeks of disastrous HR management let alone the inter cadre disparities. The historical reasons for the disparity is well known and well documented but is it not the responsibility of the administration to correct something which is unjust?  Well, the CEC of AIASCT decided to stand for justice rather than for short term benefits of promotions among others to forward Zones which would increase the disparities and in turn litigation.

The point that any change of RR would require time and administrative will is well taken and that is the reason why this Association has suggested for Re-designation for officers who have achieved the grade of PB 3 5400 as an interim measure, which is expenditure neutral. This will obviously benefit more people and bring equity is required to be understood by all.  A letter dated 08.08.2022 addressed to the Chairman CBIC was issued by this Association requesting for implementation of base cadre seniority which is historic in itself.  (Click here for the letter) The CEC by a majority decision decided to pursue the demand for Base Cadre Seniority for the reasons well enumerated in the letter.

Various, allegations that this association does not wants DPC, the SG and President is being manipulated, some leaders of AIASCT does not want promotion etc etc are being floated by fringe groups.  This is totally untrue and fabricated,  even to suggest that officers who have put in more than 30 years of service do not aspire for a promotion is outrageous, everyone wants promotion but it would be the duty of the association to get justice for the rightful ones.   One could always say that this AISL is as per the present Recruitment Rules, but as an Association representing officers across the country it is imperative that we should have the guts and gumption to say that the RR itself is skewed and unjust to many. When the three top office bearers out of four belongs to advantageous Zones and still a decision to support the demand for Base cadre seniority is passed by the body, it truly speaks volumes about the vibrant democratic process in this association. It also demonstrates that the stark naked injustice heaped on the stagnated Zones which stares at us and stirs our conscience for a justified decision devoid of parochial interests.  

Yes, I know that the forward Zones are feeling that a Seniority list issued after 15 years is being litigated and may jeopardise their promotions, yes it may for a short period of time, but we will not carry the burden of snatching something which belongs to someone more senior to us. The whole idea is to do what is justified, to bring what is our moto - equity, to go by what is right for the cadre for now and for the future.  Being an advantageous Zone or a forward Zone is only temporary but having the Right RR which would bring justice to all is permanent.

I urge all of you to realise that we are eliminating a plethora of contentious issues which has plagued the cadre and ensured that we stay divided to the benefit of who? Everybody knows.  We are also eliminating the divisive issue which has been all along been taken advantage off by the administration to keep us busy fighting among ourselves.  We have come to a point of now or never, we have huge amount of vacancies which will smoothen out the effect of the change in RR proposed and close to the Cadre restructuring with Branch B service on the anvil which should pave the way for a better future for our young ones. This is something what we have to do for the future for this cadre to be relevant.

Let us chart a new path of Equity and Justice for all on this historic occasion of completion of 75 years of Independence.

My greetings to all.

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General


Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...