The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Dear Members of AIASCT and Friends,


When Senior officers of the department are buoyant about GST revenue collections, their promotions, their facilities and wanted to celebrate the GST day on 1st July 2022 in a grand manner making committees, working teams and handing down work related to arrangements to superintendents, we just stopped  for a moment and  thought what is there to celebrate for us? The answer an emphatic "nothing". The CEC of AIASCT decided to communicate our deep felt anguish, frustration and disappointment at the state of our issues.  Long pending issuance of All India Seniority List from 2007- no light at the end of the tunnel,  when promotions are issued upto date for all other cadres DPC is pending from 2020 and there are more than 2000 vacancies of Assistant Commissioners unfilled while there are more than 6000 officers who are already drawing AC's scale. Alternate suggestions in the form of redesignation as atemporary measurer is also not considered. Even Supreme Court decisions are not being implemented; injustice in Pay matter; While there are 10 levels of supervisors above the Inspectors vacancies of more than 65% is unfilled leading to a huge burden of work only on Superintendents and added to that, pathetic working conditions. These are some of the issues which makes the life of a Superintendent miserable forcing many to go on VRS. 

The deeper issues of Inter cadre disparities,  ignominy of working under natural juniors from Customs side, regional disparities, injustice in Cadre restructuring etc are issues bringing down the morale of the cadre, but it appears that the CBIC is not bothered about the fate of its most important cadre. When the whole department celebrates the GST day 2022 there is nothing to celebrate for the Superintendents of Central Tax during the GST day 2022, so we will not be part of the celebrations this GST day we will continue to do what we are good at : work in our office.  

We have also launched #nothingtocelebrate on twitter to bring to focus our outstanding issues it is for everyone to join hands in creating a wave so that the stake holders and others are aware of what is happening on HR front in CBIC. Please be part of the movement  and make an impact by forwarding/tweeting to as many as you can. I call upon each member to do his bit.

We have let everyone trample all over us, there is a need for each one of us to stand up and say I do not want to participate,  at least to say that I am in no mood to celebrate GST day on 1st July 2022. Until you send this message across boldly and register your displeasure nobody is going to notice.  

Please read through the letter written by us to the Revenue Secretary here.

Time has come to Act, we Act or we perish.

Jai Hind, long live Association.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General


Thursday, June 16, 2022



Dear Members and Friends,


The Central Executive Commiottee of AIASCT met at Bangalore on 11th and 12th June 2022 and it was an occasion to celebrate as it was the first meeting after the grant of recognition to AIASCT. The open session was a glittering function with even the earlier office bearers of the Association in Karnataka in attendance and the office bearers of other associations in Karnataka were also present.  I would like to thank the members and office bearers of Karnataka Unit for organizing the event in a very beautiful manner.  Shri Narayanaswamy, ADG, NACIN graced the event as the Chief Guest and the Guests of Honor were Shri V.Suresh Kumar, the former President of Karnataka unit and Shri. Chandramouli , our former All India President.

use this link for the photos:

 The Business session started with the proposal for co-option for the post of Secretary General which fell vacant due to the resignation of Shri.Shishir Agnihotri. The name of the Undersigned was proposed and unanimously accepted by the house. Consequent, Co-option to Assistant Secretary General was also done and Shri. Sanjay Kumar from Pune was Co-opted by the CEC after an internal democratic process.   The house deliberated on the Action Taken report of the Secretary General and during the discussion various outstanding issues which needed urgent deliberations were also discussed. The action taken report as approved by the house is attached herewith. Action taken Report

Some of the major issues discussed by the house are:

1.    Victimization of office bearers of Kolkata Unit was discussed in detail and Com. Koushik Roy, General Secretary, Kolkata narrated the details of the issue. A delegation of AIB consisting of President, SG, Former SG Manimohan ji and Arun Zacharia ji have already met the new PCC, Kolkata on 30th May 2022.  It was proposed by the PCC that the officers could join and give a representation which would be considered. Two public hearings were conducted in two separate buildings where members expressed various grievances against the ADC involved in the issue. A resolution was passed appreciating the efforts of the PCC, Kolkata and it was also resolved that the AIB will take up the issue of grievances of members due to the behavior and actions of ADC Haldia will be brought to the notice of PCC, Kolkata and also escalate the issue  if no resolution is got in two weeks.

 2.    On the issue of publishing of All India Seniority List and DPC, the house observed that after the DOPT circular dated 12.4.2022 consequent upon the SC decision of Jarnail Singh Case, there should not be any hinderance for issuance of seniority list. However, the issues pertaining to Parmar and Bharathan Case, issues pertaining to Maheshinder Singh Dindsa and ors, Case of Bharathi Bakhthiani are required to be ironed out by the CBIC. It was also decided to urge the Board for issuance of seniority list not only upto 2011 or 2014 but beyond that also up to the current period. The letter written to CBIC is attached here,

 3.    On our proposal of Re-designation, a detailed letter has already been issued to the Board, and now it was decided to seek an appointment with the Chairman to present the issue.  Redesignation is pursued so that officers who are not covered by DPC but are seniors due to regional disparities are also elevated. A copy of the letter on the subject matter of re-designation  is attached for ready reference (Click Here).  Re-designation would be a stepping stone for Branch B service which is proposed in the Cadre restructuring.

 4.    Cadre restructuring was also discussed and the house was informed that an additional 3452 posts of AC/DC  has been demanded in our presentation and during the meeting with DOPT officers it was indicated that any additional posts in the Grade of AC/DC under Branch B service would be easily approved as there is functional justification. The letter on the subject to the Chairman is attached.

 5.     Implementation of various court cases in-rem was also discussed and the cases of Subramaniam, C.R.Madhavamurthy, implementation of Pankaj nayan case, are the issues in question. In respect of in-rem implementation of Subramaniam case the Board has again asked for the details from the Zones and the same will be followed up at Delhi. It was felt that a positive letter from the Board to Expenditure that the case will be implemented in-rem is to be ensured.

 6.    Court cases which are pending in various courts were discussed and they pertain to Grant of MACP in the Grade pay of 6600/7600, Grant of Pay scale of 6500 w.e.f 1.1.96.  In respect of MACP cases have been filed by Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Karnataka, Cochin, Mumbai and Pune. But different stands have been taken by different Zones. However, the common points which has been brought out is that in all cases setting off of one MACP against the PB2- 5400 granted after four years in GP of 4800 have been questioned. The consequent relief whether in the GP 6600/7600 has been claimed based on their understanding.  As the cases are already filed nothing much could be done but in the future it was decided to file two different cases one against setting off of grant of PB 2 5400 and another on for seeking GP of 6600/7600. In respect of case filed in Mumbai CAT on grant of pay scale of 6500 w.e.f 1.1.96 Mumbai and Pune have been asked to pursue the case jointly and file for early hearing.

 7.    The nepotism and lack of transparency in filling up SEZ posting, Deputation posts and Loan basis across the country was discussed.  The lack of any concrete Deputation policy has led to its misuse therefore it was unanimously resolved to demand a single window system for deputation and loan basis postings like the one available for Group A.

 8.    It is a matter of progress that we now have an adhoc body in Gujarat and they had requested for approval to proceed in the democratic process of collection of Membership cum authorization letters and followed by democratic process of election of a New body.  The CEC has approved the request and has authorized the Adhoc Body with S.K.Yadhav as Zonal President and A.S. Kundu as Zonal Secretary to carry forward the democratic process.  Similar such requests are being received from few other Zones also, the CEC called for the few remaining units including Lucknow Zone to unite under the umbrella of AIASCT which is the only recognized association of Superintendents of Central Tax.

 The other issues discussed will be part of the Minutes of the CEC meeting and will also be circulated shortly. Overall, it was a fruitful meeting with a lot of bonhomie where all issues were discussed threadbare, and decisions were taken by the CEC. Hope to carry forward the decisions into actions which will result into good results and benefits for the cadre.

 I would like to sign off  on a cautiously positive note that the previous meeting with the Member (A & V) and Chairman was positive and it was indicated that they are hopeful that they should be able to do some promotions by September. It was also indicated that they would call us for making our presentation on cadre restructuring proposals given by us. Assuring that we will do our best to protect the interest of the cadre but require your support and strength in pushing forward our demands.  

Jai Hind, long live Association.

 Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General


Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...