The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

How much more shameless one can become

Dear friends and comrades,

There has been repeated assertion by the previous SG Shri. Ravi Malik that he has not issued any call for Demands Day on 28.2.2018.  That every one knows.  That he would never issue a call also every one has known.  More than us, the bosses to whom he has remained loyal also know that very well and no more assertions were required from him.  It was also evident during his last leg as the undisputed SG that he was representing the Board to the members, instead of representing to the Board what the members of the association actually felt.

The end result is that he got promoted and the proceedings are caught caged in legal wrangles, putting at stake the promotional avenues of more than 1600 persons.

In this situation, he has tried once again to distort records, proceedings and actual incidents to suit his own ends.  With this motive, he has given a chronology of events in his blog regarding how the Promotee IRS Association came into being.

For the above contentions of Mr. Ravi Malik, Shri. S.K.Patil, the Organising Secretary of the IRS (IDT) OA has given the clarification as below:

"Chronology of events given is fudged for "obvious" reasons to suit 'greed' of single person who wants to stick to place. The relevant facts are as below:
1. The Daman meeting of promotee ACs was held separately in same hall(where Convention of AIACEGEO was held on 1.11.2014). Loknath ji(as SG), AK Sharma ji(as President, in absentia)& me (as Organising Secretary) a/w other promotee ACs (total 10-15) decided to form "ad-hoc' body. During proceedings of AIACEGEO's Convention when clarification was sought about continuance of promotee ACs in AIACEGEO's AIB it was clarified 'on stage'( video recording is available) that such ACs can be only members & can't hold any post in All India Body. (The cross check of AIACEGEO's minutes with video recording available, will show that minutes are fudged for obvious reasons)
2. No such meeting was held in Bhubaneswar in Dec 2014(& neither was attended by Shri.AK Sharma ji) as claimed, obviously purported by-laws claimed if any doesn't have sanctity. Rather in Dec 2014 the All India meeting was held in Mumbai NACEN & it was unanimously decided to form a separate Association as the Custom Preventive promotee ACs too are members of this Association. (The minutes of said meeting are available).
3. None of the retired officers are members of this Association. The name of Association has been resolved and adopted as IRS(IDT)OA in June 2015 meeting held at Kolkata where the then President & SG of AIACEGEO were also present a/w AK Sharma ji (President) & Loknath ji (SG) of the promotee ACs Association. In the same meeting, entire house unanimously approved formation of separate Association of promotee ACs.
4. The Association of 'retired' officers is reportedly formed by self-declared SG of said "virtual" Association by forming on 'Blog'. Each one of us in Cx fraternity has got high regards for Loknath ji (he has stayed in my house with family for a day) & hence "no comments" about his virtual Association.
5&6. The RSA Rules are available on DoPT portal. The definition of 'Temporary' post is also available on DoPT portal. As these posts of ACs are created on the "functional"&"statutory" basis these posts have been automatically get converted as "permanent" (GoI's Decision no.9 of 1978 refers) & hence the IRS(IDT)OA is valid. The process of getting it recognised is on but we the office bearers are concentrating on "results" than involving in recognition technicalities. And, we have been regularly heard by authorities in Board, RS, DoPT, DoE, MoS, FM & PMO too.
     Above is stated in nutshell. We have documentary evidences for whatever is stated herein above & not interested in propoganda through Blog(to damage close-neat fabrics of Gr-B executive fraternity).
   Thanks to All.."
From the above, people in the department can come to know how chronology of events are distorted to suit some persons.
And the more serious question that would arise is why the Board should continue to entertain such self serving persons calling themselves representatives of a cadre, procrastinating over our legitimate claim submitted with documentary evidence more than a month ago.

fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan,
Secretary General

Monday, February 26, 2018


Dear friends and comrades,

People from Central Excise and Customs from various parts of the Country have been calling me regarding the DPC for the posts of ACs.
We all know that the Board has filed SLPs in the Hon’ble Supreme Court seeking a stay of the Order of the CAT, Chennai in the Bharathan & Others case.
So far only two SLPs have been filed, while a third is expected any time.  The Hon’ble SC has granted Stay of the contempt proceedings (alone).
Time and again we have requested the Board to:
(i)            Issue clear cut guidelines for re-fixing seniority in terms of the N.R.Parmar decision;
(ii)          Give specific time frame to the Zonal authorities to undertake the exercise;
(iii)         Go before the Court and state that efforts are on to implement the Judgment of the Apex Court in the N.R.Parmar judgment and that since people are retiring without promotions and numerous posts are lying vacant, the Board may be permitted to order adhoc promotions which would be regularized within a stipulated period after refixing of seniority is completed.
The Board had assured to do so and informed that they were geared up to issue a circular on the lines of the CBDT where re-fixing of seniority as per the above said judgment is completed and promotions to the posts of AICT ordered accordingly.
But suddenly, it was decided by the Board to file SLPs before the Hon’ble SC.
From what we have learnt, the Grounds of Appeal filed by the Department are self-contradictory. The reason for filing such SLPs is therefore clear as day light.


R. Manimohan

DEMANDS DAY – 28.02.2018

Dear friends and comrades,

As discussed in the AIEC at Mumbai, we have launched an agitation programme along with our Sister Organisations in the CBEC, to highlight the long pending demands either pending before the CBEC or where CBEC has a vital role to play.  We have tried to align our demands with the sister organizations to the extent of making common demands charter and we have added as our own demands only three, which are not common to others.
Certain other demands, which we have in common with the Inspectors or Promotee Group A, we have not mentioned separately for avoidance of repetition.
There are also some other demands which can be raised at a later point of time.
It is our endeavor to take forward this co-ordination in portrayal of our collective demands, in a collective way.
The next phase of agitation is to be decided by the COC after the second week of March 2018.
Most of our units have already made arrangements for the Demands Day.  Some of the neutral units have contacted and stated that they are yet to take a stand regarding formally joining us.
In the meanwhile, to those units, we would like to appeal that even keeping the formal decision to join us aside, for arriving at a consensus within their respective units, they may give thought to the Charter of Demands and the necessity to show our concern regarding non-redressal of our grievances to the authorities in the CBEC.  A plan of action may be considered with that in mind. 

fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan,
Secretary General

Sunday, February 18, 2018


           Yesterday the Hyderabad Unit of the AIACEGEO went to polls.  There was a massive turn out.  Unmindful of the day being a holiday and Saturday almost 90% of the officers turned out to vote.  They had come to unseat the present set of Office Bearers.  It was a shocker that even Sh. B. Pawan Kumar Reddy, the sitting General Secretary was defeated.  His Presidential running mate of course lost with a huge margin.  It was not however the defeat of Sh. Pawan Kumar Reddy.  It was a decisive mandate against his aligning with Sh. Ravi Malik.  The team that contested against the sitting team was not considered formidable for the organizational prowess and clout wielded by Sh. Pawan Kumar Reddy. Yet they defeated Sh. Reddy and his team – the team of the President (Sh. Venkatesh) of the faction lead by Sh. Ravi Malik.
            The team lead by Sh. Dass Thavanam as President and Sh. VSV Somanath as General Secretary were voted to office.  We congratulate and welcome the new team.
          Only on the last 24th Sh. Ravi Malik had conducted his All India Executive Committee meeting at Hyderabad.  The Chairman had been very kind enough to send him a message, which he had very rightly projected in his blog.  She said she should have herself attended the meeting to reassure the cadre.  However, due to pressure of work she was deputing the Member (Admn).  The Member (Admn) also diligently attended and gave certificates of credence to Sh. Ravi Malik and Sh. Venkatesh, whom he said he used to meet very often to discuss the problems of the cadre.

          Then the Board invited Sh. Ravi Malik for a discussion on the draft Transfer Policy for the IRS.  The Board was clearly showing whom they preferred.

          All this was going on even as we had already submitted DDO Certificates to prove more than 35% strength and the support letters of the supporting Units.  But, that file is kept pending for almost a month now.  They were waiting for Sh. Ravi Malik to produce some DDO certificates - the person who was not able to produce DDO Certificates even in 2015, when he was the undisputed Secretary General.

The message of Hyderabad is clear.  The cadre cannot be hood winked and taken for granted.  Puppets cannot be anointed as their representatives.

          This mood was abundantly clear in the meeting at Delhi in February 2017 itself.  Sh. Ravi Malik did not mind it, or could not. If he had paid heed, the Chennai Convention would have been averted. Sh. Pawan Kumar Reddy with all his organizational understanding, also did not give due regard to that popular sentiment. Had he done so, he would not have got entangled with Sh. Ravi Malik by having Sh. Venkatesh as the President of that body and eventually would not have lost at Hyderabad itself.

          I hope that at least now, people who made a mistake in reading the mind of the cadre would put their personal thinking aside and give way for the sentiments of the cadre.

R. Manimohan


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Demands of AIACEGEO under the banner of COC

Ref. No. CBEC/06/2018                                   Date: 06.02.2018

Smt. Vanaja N. Sarna,
Chairman, CBEC,
North Block,  New Delhi

Respected Madam,

Sub: Lunch hour meetings by our members and resolutions on long pending grievances – Intimation of observance of Demands Day on 28.02.2018 – reg.

The COC of Associations in the CBIC met at C.R. Buildings, New Delhi on 16.01.2018 and decided to conduct lunch hour meetings in all Headquarters Offices, on 01.02.2018 under the banner of the COC to focus the attention of the administration on our long pending demands.

As per the said call, lunch hour meetings were held all over India, in the Headquarters Offices, on 01.02.2018 and also on 05.02.2018 by the members of this Association along with the members of other Group C, B and Promotee Group A Officers’ Associations.

The said meetings were held in various buildings of Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Belgaum, Jammu, Ludhiana, Chandigargh, Jaipur, Pune, Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Salem, Nagpur, Raipur, Gujarat, Cochin, Calicut, Thiruvananthapuram, Nashik, Indore, Hyderabad, Meerut and Malwa as per reports received by this Association.

The following resolution was passed in the said meetings:
“The CBEC should urgently settle the long pending demands of the Group C, Group B, Gazetted Group B and Promotee Group A Officers in the CBEC”.

The following pending demands were passed for resolution:

Common demands:

1)    Fill up all vacancies
2)    Grant at least 5 promotions to the staff of the CBIC and in parity with their counterparts in the same Ministry in Income Tax and for this purpose get a One Time Relaxation immediately as done in the case of Joint Commissioners of Central Excise.
3)    Conduct regular DCMs and JCMs at the level of the Board, CCs and Commissioners to mitigate the collective grievances at each level speedily and effectively.

4)    Provide Infrastructure including office space and Residential Accommodation as per the minimum Austerity standards.
5)    Publish a Departmental Manual codifying the duties and responsibilities of all cadres.
6)    Issue instructions to dispose vigilance proceedings speedily and fill up all vacant posts by conducting periodical DPCs.
7)    Regularise all Ad-hoc promotions based on the Rules in vogue.
8)    Issue revised Recruitment Rules for all cadres in consultation with the concerned Staff Associations immediately.
9)    Issue instructions to dispose of Medical claims and request for grants immediately.
10) Strengthen Departmental Canteens due to long working hours.
11) Fill up quota of Compassionate ground appoints immediately from the pending requests.
12) Take steps to regularise the contingents employed in the department as a one time measure.

Demands specific to our Cadre:

1)    Implement decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in M. Subramaniam case with regard to grant of GP 5400 PB-2 in rem.
2)    Get extension of 2118 posts of Temporary ACs and fill them up on the basis of stagnation.
3)    Stop giving additional charge of Administrative Officers to Executive Officers like Superintendents.

It was also resolved to observe “Demands Day” by wearing Black badges and conducting lunch hour demonstrations on 28.02.2018 to focus attention of the administration on the above demands.

It is requested that immediate instructions may kindly be issued to the concerned authorities to settle at least some of the above demands immediately and draw up a time frame for redressal of the other long pending issues.

We would also take this opportunity to suggest that a minuted meeting chaired by your good self with all the constituents of the COC of Associations in CBIC could be arranged to identify the issues that have to be settled on priority and which can be done within a time frame.
Yours truly,

(R. Manimohan)
Secretary General

Copy submitted for information to:
1)    The Revenue Secretary to the Government of India, North Block, New Delhi.
2)    The Member (Admn), CBEC, North Block, New Delhi.
3)    The Joint Secretary (Admn), CBEC, North Block, New Delhi.
4)    The Commissioner (Co-Ordination), CBEC, North Block, New Delhi.
5)    The Convenors, COC of Associations in CBIC.
6)    The Secretary General, CCGGOO.

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...