The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Friday, March 29, 2019

Financial year end tamashas

Dear friends and comrades,
As this financial year closes, some Rip Van Winkle is yet to get up from the Central Excise era.
In Central Excise, the duty for the month of March had to be paid by 31st Of March.  Offices used to be kept open for taking the closing figures.  But the GST Act stipulates only 20th of April as the last date for making payment for the clearances made in March.  Yet, some persons in the Board;s Office who have obviously not woken up to the new GST Regime have mislead the competent authority compelling all field offices to be kept open on the 30th and 31st of March, 'to augment revenue'.

Queries have been raised regarding availability of Compensatory Off for these working days.  Members may avail compensatory off for working on these days as per DOE OM. No. 15011/2/E.II (B)/76 dated 11.08.1976 on the subject of Overtime Allowance, which deals with Compensatory Off also and the method of availing it.

I have received a video showing a well furnished room of a Commissioner in Hyderabad.  It gives a grand look.  Really our officers should sit in such grand halls.  Forget how we are made to sit. Just be happy that our bosses at least have good space. Within the financial year closing the sanctioned OE has to be exhausted after all.

with financial year end greetings,
R. Manimohan,
Secretary General

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Dear friends and comrades,

It has come to our notice that some misleading directions are being given to the members of this Association, in the name of the Association, by a non-member, who still claims to be the SG of this Association, even after the clarification by the Board.  It appears that a message has been put on the blog in the following link requiring members to send representations to the Chairman and copy marked to the Association, for fixation of revised pay scales from 1.1.86:
        We are already dealing with this issue for fixation from 1.1.96, first, in two stages: 
(1) By pursuing the matter before the Hon’ble CAT, Mumbai, which is linked to the case of ITGOA on the same issue pending before Hon’ble HC of Mumbai – for revision with effect from 1.1.96 
(2) Before the Anomaly committee for revision.  (link for details of the submission in this regard letter dated 7.11.2018 addressed to the Chairman is available in this blog itself:  )
          Apart from the above, there is also a case before the Hon’ble High Court in Orissa for effect from 1.1.86 against an adverse decision by Hon'ble CAT, Cuttak Bench.  The following links also may please be verefied:

          Therefore, the present attempt is to mislead the members to give representation on a matter which is subjudice and before the Anomaly Committee is only to give an impression that the particular individual wanting to project himself as SG, is interested in it and to get gullible people make representations, thus by default give him some recognition.  But, the effect of this exercise will go against our efforts in the case.

Hence, members are requested to please be informed about the correct status of the issue and not fall prey to gimmicks and jumlas.

R. Manimohan,

Letter to RS and Chairman for inrem implementation of Subramanian case judgment

Friday, March 22, 2019

DPC, Stay and collection of money by persons not belonging to the cadre/Association

Dear friends and comrades,
          The instances of our members approaching judicial forums for promotion and seniority issues has been on the increase.  Suddenly there are stay orders obtained against proposed DPCs.  It is an unfortunate state of affairs.  The first thing it evidences is that the administration is not working as it is expected to.  Had the administration done its work diligently, there would have been no room for doubts, and consequently, the individuals would not have been compelled to approach the judicial forums for relief. The judicial forums also will not admit any case without a prima facie ground and particularly they will not so easily grant a stay against a Promotion process.
          As a result of the inept handling of the promotion process, there are two fall outs for our members. 
On the one hand, those members who are expecting a promotion after a very long duration feel frustrated that just when it is about to happen, someone puts spokes in the process.  On the other hand, those members who have approached the judiciary feel that they are more eligible for the promotion and therefore they should be considered first for the promotion.  In most of these cases, the stay itself is granted on the basis of these members convincing the judicial forums that they are deprived legally when their juniors are to be considered. Talking to these litigants has not been fruitful because, they ask us whether we are competent to sit in judgment regarding their grievance; whether we can guarantee them that they will be able to get justice if they do not go to the judicial forums; whether they are also not our members and whether we will be able to get their grievance settled before promotion of their juniors, etc.  To our argument whether the process of DPC is to be thwarted and whether larger interest should not be considered, their response usually is whether we will be able to give them any guarantee that even if the ad hoc promotion is allowed as per the existing systems/seniorities, that they will be set right within a short time or within their life time.  We cannot give such guarantees given the temperament of our administration where even regularization of ad hoc promotions to the posts of ACs has not yet been done from 1997, in spite of orders of the Supreme Court.  Once something is done on an adhoc basis, they allow it to remain so and never regularize it.  Hence, we have not been able to convince the litigants in such situations.
On the other hand, there is a suggestion that the Association should also intervene and seek permission of the judicial forum to conduct DPC on ad hoc basis. 
          Our Association has been consistently maintaining neutrality when there is a dispute between two section of our own members, for two reasons.  One is that both sections are our own members and it is not proper for an Association to take a position against its own members.  If it is done once, it has to be repeated again and again, which goes against the very grain of an Association. The second reason is that as pointed out by some, the Association is not competent to adjudicate claims and counter claims and therefore cannot take a stand, unless a particular issue has attained finality.  When a matter has attained finality, such issues will not attract a stay by a judicial forum also.  Unless, the Association has something substantial to submit on the point of law or merit of a case, no judiciary entertains such pleas.  That is because the judiciary is concerned only about judicial discipline and is not bound by majority opinion or the good of the majority.  The concern for the majority has to be implanted only in the minds of the administration and it is the duty of the administration to act with alacrity whenever claims and counter claims arise so that any question in the mind of the judiciary regarding the fairness of a particular process is nipped in the very bud.  The administration cannot prefer to look the other way until some difficulties have grown thick and then expect the Association to do the fire fighting, without any equipment in hand or without any authority to give any commitments before the judicial forums.
          We have seen in the instance of Bharathan case in CAT Chennai, Intervention petitions were filed at the behest of the previous SG of our Association.  The CAT did not take cognizance of it.  Though he forced the then President to get an order from the High Court ‘suspending the stay granted by the CAT’, the CAT reacted immediately by passing a final order wherein the All India Seniority List of Superintendents, not corrected as per the Parmar Judgment was QUASHED.  When the department subsequently approached the High Court twice, first on appeal and then on review, on both occasions, the Order of the CAT was only upheld.  In this situation, we had approached the Board with a request not to precipitate the judicial process.  We cited the instance in CBDT before the Ahmedabad High Court on the same issue regarding implementation of Parmar judgment, where the CBDT gave a commitment before the High Court of Gujarat to implement the said judgment within a time frame and after submission of compliance affidavit, the contempt proceedings were dropped.  Though our then Member (Admn) assured us to act similarly, the Board decided to file an SLP before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.  We all know what has happened subsequently.  We repeatedly requested for implementation of the Parmar judgment within a time frame and conducting of DPC subject to condition that it will be corrected within that time. But the Board refuses to give any time frame.  There lies the vested interest.  After 16 hearings, the SLP is yet to be disposed off.  In the meanwhile, the previous SG filed an IA claiming to represent the Association and collected money from individuals stating that he was going to demand conduction of DPC.  The IA was not even allowed.  Thereafter, the Board filed an IA wherein they sought permission to promote 600 persons as per the existing AISL on ad hoc basis and gave a commitment that they will regulate the ad hoc promotions and that as per the outcome of the decision in the SLP these ad hoc promotions will be regularized.  The Hon’ble Supreme Court had at the time of filing of the SLP, granted a stay on the Contempt Proceedings alone and not on the order of the CAT (upheld by the HC) quashing the AISL.  Hence the above IA by the department became necessary.  Because, our Association had been made party in the dispute by intervening in the CAT proceedings at Chennai, a notice was issued to us and we had also to file our affidavit, in which process, due to the numerous hearings, we have had to spend more than 12 lakhs.  This has been a bitter lesson for us even in the matter of a settled law.  Even then, since the matter was primarily linked to DRs (though every promotee also gets his benefit at the recruitment stage by this judgment) we have consciously taken the expenses only out of the donations received towards pursuing this case. 
          On the other hand we still come across promises by the erstwhile SG still claiming to represent the AIACEGEO and Superintendents, even after the Board clearly stated in its letter dated 12.02.2019 that Assistant Commissioners cannot be members of this Association.  He has claimed to have filed an IA before Jabalpur CAT in the matter of Alok Dixit.  His IA was not admitted / his plea had no bearing on the case.  The CAT vacated the stay only on the basis of the department committing before the CAT that the petitioner will be covered in the DPC.  This is classic instance where it will come out clearly that Judiciary is mindful only about justice to its applicants and is not bound by jingoism.  At this juncture, it has also to be mentioned that one of the Hon’ble Judges of the Supreme Court had even subsequently expressed his irritation over the ‘hype that was created in the issue’ in the Court room (in the Bharathan Case, when the former SG had come up with his IA).  Thus, any demands on the basis of public pressure are not entertained by the judicial forums with kindness.  They prefer to go only into judicial merits of each case.
          In our cases, the merit could be established only by the department stating before the judicial forums either that on merits the petitions should be dismissed for such and such reasons or that the department is taking earnest steps to correct the issue and seeking a reasonable time frame from the judicial forum to correct it and giving an undertaking that they may be permitted to conduct an ad hop DPC considering the administrative exigencies or the larger welfare of the staff and that they will regularize the said promotions within the set time frame.  ONLY THE ADMINISTRATION IS COMPETENT TO SAY THIS AND ASSOCIATION IS NOT COMPETENT TO SAY THIS.
          Hence, it is felt that it is our duty to warn our members against any promises made by individuals held to be not members of this Association - by the Board itself, to intervene in the name of the Association and get relief and towards that contributions are demanded.
          On our side, we have been putting pressure on the Board to have a uniform approach on all cadre issues throughout India and not to allow things to be done in different manners in different zones, thereby affecting the All India Seniority of the cadre and also not to allow things to be left in a limbo eternally.
          We are putting all our efforts in this regard so that as a cadre we can live free of such litigations and leg pulling, considering that the entire cadre is a stagnating cadre and it is only a mad rush between the stagnating, more stagnating and most stagnating.
          We feel depressed that we have been, as a cadre and as a class, degraded to such an extent. 
          Yet we will request our members on both sides of any issue to kindly use your discretion and act, in the wider interests of the cadre.
          As a responsible body, we assure everyone that as our fight is against stagnation, the association will not impede the process by impleading or intervening for stay.

Fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan,

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Happy Holi

Wishing all friends and comrades as well as members of their families a very happy HOLI.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The distress of Range Officers taken up with REVENUE SECRETARY

Dear friends and comrades,

All of us have been lamenting our working conditions.  The miserable ways to which we are forced to work, without infrastructure, without hands to help and with numerous reports being called for from Range levels.
We all know these are the creations of our Board.
They want to show their existence  only by  harassment by seeking reports after reports.
What effect these reports have, whether they are studied at all and more importantly when computerization is expected to take care of the minimum need to collate data and produce reports at will, why they are sought from the Ranges, without facility in the AIOs to produce them, are million dollar questions.
We all know that the Board is the chief cause behind these miseries and that they do not want to end them at all so that all the posts above Commissioner remain justified, even as we languish without promotions.
Hence, we have addressed this issue to the Revenue Secretary. 
The credit for the main inputs in this proposal should go to Shri. Kakkum Perumal, our member of Tirunelveli Unit.  It was scrutinised and vetted by Comrades at Chennai. Some more points were added by our Karnataka Unit and the members of Coimbatore Unit of AICEIA helped me in fine tuning the proposals.
This placed here for wider circulation and so that more proposals could emerge, which could lead to some changes in the GSTN back end, which could bring solace to the Officers facing the ordeals day in and day out.
fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan,

PS: If any one feels that the sheets are not clear or not downloadable, they may contact their General Secretary to whom the same have been sent by email in word format.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Call to join Inspectors in the fight of the 'Right against Might'.

Dear friends and comrades,

All of us are by now aware that two Inspectors of Lucknow Zone have been placed under suspension for unspecified reasons and have been shifted to places around 200 Kms away from their place of posting, by the Principal Commissioner of Agra, purportedly (as is said to have been stated by him) with the knowledge of the Principal Chief Commissioner, Lucknow.

From the Office Bearers of the unit and from the Secretary General of the AICEIA, we have been able to gather that the suspensions issued on 05.03.2019 is as a result of the resistance of members of the unit to wear uniform because no uniform has been prescribed in our department and also therefore not to participate in a (mock) guard of honour to a Member of the CBIC on his visit to that area.

It is also surprising that these Officers had been deputed to a 15 day training on 'Uniform protocols', at SSB, Ghorakpur, to be attended in uniform, when the uniform itself was in dispute.  Still surprising is that the said order to attend the said training was issued from a vigilance file which makes the entire purpose and action a suspect.

We are also aware of how the non-existent uniform has been misused by the DR IRS for their personal ego satisfaction. Our generation started questioning it. The Board had to concede before the CIC that there is no prescribed Uniform for our department. The CIC also in their order dated 2010 directed the CBEC to formulate guidelines if Uniform is to be maintained in the department. Down the line, with the introduction of GST, it has become out of question. A prescribed uniform is required at best only in Customs formations, for identification and safety and security of the personnel themselves. There too, it is not to be meant to impersonate the police by sitting in the front seat of the vehicles transporting IRS Officers and carrying weapons as if our IRS Officers are always under threat to their lives. The complex of our IRS Officers that they are neither IPS nor IAS is sought to be camouflaged by such mockery. 

On 06.03.2019, by calling in the Police into the Office to threaten and (reportedly) abuse our Officers who were waiting to get an assurance from their Principal CC that the suspensions would be revoked, the Principal Chief Commissioner and his office have unwittingly conceded that they do not consider our Officers on par with Police Officers and thus this pattern of uniform they have been forcing upon us is entirely and without any legal backing or sanction. 

In these circumstances, the Principal CC is said to have promised our Lucknow AICEIA Officer Bearers to get the suspensions revoked by Tuesday (12.03.2019). On the other hand it is learnt the Principal Commissioner who issued the suspensions had himself agreed to revoke them on Monday (11.03.2019). Both promises have not been kept yet. 

The Senior Officers involved in this episode should realize that these youngsters on whom they are illegally exercising their administrative powers are only of the age group of their own children. They should for a moment pause to think how they will feel if their own children are meted out with such ill-treatment and injustice. If they consider it for a moment, the department would be a better place to live and work in. If not, then serious action requires to be taken to save our young brethren. 

We have spent almost our entire life by carrying out the directions of these senior officers, writing their orders, enabling them to get pats on their backs from their higher ups, meeting out their revenue targets to enable them to get more and more promotions, even as we remained stuck where we are merely passing from a GP of 4600 to 5400 in our entire career.  Now we cannot allow ourselves to be spectators to the ruin of lives of the present generation of Inspectors also. 

Hence, when the Inspectors all over India are to hold a Lunch Hour demonstration tomorrow (13.03.2019) protesting against the illegal suspensions in Lucknow and demanding the immediate revocation of the suspensions, let us also join them to give them our complete moral support in this fight of ‘Right against might’.

Our letter to the Board on the subject issued today is given below: 

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...