The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Friday, January 6, 2023

Legitimate Anticipations and Cruel Disappointments


Dear members and Friends,


The heightened anticipation at the end of the year and the heart breaking disappointment is all something which has been a bitter pill and will remain in our memory for long.  Everyone is looking for a scape goat to blame for the fiasco. The fact that the expected DPC was not to happen before 31st December 2022 was written all over the wall and only that we were not ready to read it. I had in my previous blog subtly indicated to this scenario.

Some points to consider are that the AISL 2007 to 2011 of Central tax side is yet to get the approval of the Board and to be published, same with the other feeder cadres from Customs side.  As I Understand the collection of DATA is nearly complete but has to be 100% complete before expecting any DPC. The new issue which has cropped up in the form of the order of Principal Bench of CAT filed by some of our stagnating units on Zonal disparity.   Though the AIB of AIASCT has clarified many times that we have not filed that case, it keeps haunting us like a ghost. Hundredth time it is clarified that AIB of AIASCT has not filed that case and we have already distanced our self from that case and intimated the same to the Board, in fact we had been advising these Seven Plus One stagnating units to withdraw from that case, but that is beyond that point now. The takeaway from this episode is that if Units fail to maintain organisational discipline and democratic process, they will have to face the fallout someday. Further, we feel that the order of the Hon'ble CAT in this case does not have any tooth excepting that this may allow the Administration to camouflage other reasons.

However, all is not gloom and dark, the above issues are something which can be resolved easily and does not require much time, there could be a delay of a few weeks but not later. Some elements have been pushing a false narrative in some WhatsApp Group of ACs that AIASCT does not want DPC, I don’t know why they keep doing this AIASCT bashing, we have never done or said anything about stalling any process of DPC, people privy to the CEC meetings are well aware of this stand of AIB. AIASCT has not and will not attempt anything retrograde like putting road blocks to any impending DPC,  that is not on our agenda. All we have done is to earnestly take up the issue of regional disparities which has been the cause of various litigations.  We firmly believe that resolving this issue will not only bring parity in promotions across zones but also will go a long way in paving a way for smoother promotional avenues for all.  We have been pushing a bigger agenda of promotions for all who are drawing AC scale in any form without upsetting the apple cart. Request all to stop falling prey to the false narrative of some partisan elements. 

An Office Council Meeting with all recognised Associations of CBIC has been called on 13.01.2023 which has been called by the Board after a period of Five years. Obviously the organisational efforts of this association are bearing fruits. This gives AIASCT opportunity to pursue the long standing unresolved issues of the cadre in a structured manner.   We have already submitted our points for inclusion in the agenda for discussions. A copy of the letter submitted may be found in this link: Points for OCM.  Assuring everyone that we will put in our best efforts to communicate the mood, issues and grievances of the cadre in right earnest without mincing words.

Any rock should give in to persistent hitting, so should any unresponsive authority to relentless perseverance.   Let’s welcome the new year with a gust of positivity that all good things will happen in this year, pick ourselves up, pull our socks and get ready for a final push for the deliverance of our desired goals.

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General



  1. CBIC administration has been delaying publication of seniority list, process of dpc and other pay matters of our cadre in the pretext of cases before CAT and it is given a presumption that some association members are behind it Unless the cause title is in the name of office bearers representing association, Board should not take cognisance and the concerned association can file affidavit to cbic that they are not part of it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What happened to MHC 1133/2020 contempt case


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