The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Monday, October 24, 2022

Happy Diwali


Dear Members and Friends,

Wishing all of you and your families a very Happy Diwali, Celebrated as  Dantheras,  Lakshmi Pooja, Durga puja,  Naraka chaturdasi and many other forms across the country. May this festival of lights bring much needed cheer to the cadre. May the positivity also bring much anticipated promotions from Group B to Group A at the earliest.  May the festival of lights dispel the darkness in the form of various litigations within the cadre be it issues pertaining to seniority, Inter and Intra cadre disparities etc.  May god bless all with prosperity, Health and happiness.

It has been a rough ride for the past two months for the members. While the release of the much sought Draft seniority list has been a ray of hope for many while the same has sounded despair for some. It has been a herculean task for the leadership to balance the legitimate aspiration of the senior members who have been waiting endlessly for their promotion to Group A and the anguish of some members who don’t find their names in the seniority list though they are senior to some in the list.

Everyone is aware of the historical perspective of these complex issues and the difficulties in resolving these problems. The solutions though simple are difficult to achieve as all the units are required to be on the same page.  No one can be expected to sacrifice their positions for a less fortunate colleague when all are languishing as superintendents for much too long and are frustrated.  There has been much criticism from some quarters to the stand of this association to pursue for a solution for the zonal disparities which has widened as could be seen from the Draft AISL.  It is to assure that every effort will be made by this association to achieve a balanced and equitable solution without disrupting any advancement by unnecessary road blocks.

 History has been a great teacher and we are aware of the fact that on earlier occasions even Hon’ble Supreme Court decisions have been subverted and made ineffective, but the efforts to settle these outstanding issues should not stop in the name of some advancements and neither should we ignore the aspirations of members.  An Application in Delhi Principal bench from some of the stagnated units was much in discussion and was perceived to be for putting road blocks for the DPC, it was also used by some fringe elements to do mudslinging gleefully on the AIB of this association though we did not have any role to play in that petition, but the bolt came from Hyderabad on an issue which has been settled by the Hon’ble Supreme court.  The inaction of the department in not settling issues has been the bane for the cadre and it is perceived that the Board wont wake up until there is a stay or a contempt, which has led to the spate of litigations.

Hope that the cadre and the Units gets re-energised by the festival of lights and work towards our common goals and objectives for the betterment of the cadre and its prospects. Our aim should be beyond the present aspirations for which we will have to grow out of the traps we have set for each other and ourselves. We will have to work in unison to defeat the known Ravanas and Narakasuras.


Happy Deepavali to all of you. 

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General



  1. Happy diwali to everyone. It would be great if SG and other office bearers travel to Delhi and meet chairman & member(A&V) to solve hindrances for DPC and push for promotions. Member is retiring in January , mayb before her retirement she can give some happiness to this cadre if our SG also presses for the same

  2. It is better to draw a common seniority list from the date of joining as Inspector in regular post all over India, and settle this contentious issue once and for all. The transfers after becoming Group A are all over India, so the seniority has to be all over India. A senior is a senior and there can be no doubt about that. If anyone disagrees, will he allow his junior to be his senior? The present exercise of promotion is to address the work related issues of AC which appear to exist as the the available AC strength is not sufficient in GST.

  3. As rightly suggested by someone above our office bearers should immediately hold talks with our bosses in CBIC. Already 10 months have been wasted. Let’s make some use of the recognition for which we fought so hard. Before the dawn of 2023 we can expect some good news if association office bearers do some ground work. Regards

  4. At the minimum it can be requested for immediate redesignation of all MACPS PB 3 5400 Superintendents as Additional Assistant Commissioner in the same office. Whoever gets AC post after DPC is also welcome separately, but it involves practically less individuals than those who are drawing 5400 PB3.

  5. One more diwali gone without any promotions. When will this association wake up and do it's bit for the cadre?

  6. I’m sorry to say but i think this association has not been able to achieve even a single demand of the cadre since it’s inception. Correct me if I’m wrong .

  7. Stand up, be bold, and take the blame on your own shoulders.
    Do not go about throwing mud at others; for all the faults you suffer from, you are the sole and only cause.
    Swami Vivekananda

    1. May this esteemed association honestly introspect the above quote and stop throwing mud at each other once and for all and start taking concrete steps if any deemed fit. Please a humble request.

  8. The RR of IRS is applicable to REGULAR posts and not for ADHOC post. Due to anticipated increase in workload, in the ensuing GST regime, 2118 post of Superintendent were to operate as AC on ADHOC basis for 5 years ( extended till 2023 now ). As suggested, if officers with stipulated length of service are selected to operate the ADHOC AC post, the disputes/ litigation may be resolved.

  9. Dear GS kindly do something. This cadre has seen no promotions from last 2 years. Please plan for peaceful protest/black badge , only then dept will wake up. A sincere request pls introspect.

  10. From the above comments we can imagine the frustration in the cadre. Writing blogs will not help us, it's either perform or perish kind of a situation. Take some concrete steps otherwise perish and let someone else takeover who can do the needful.

  11. What has the president done for the cadre sitting in delhi? Dont be president just for name sake

  12. Those IRS who joined as AC in 2004 are commr now. Those DR inspector joined in 1990 are still supdt waiting indefinitely for temp upgradation as ad hoc AC. We are reporting to 1996-2000 batch customs examiners who are our ADC/JC/ DC. Could not the association have foreseen the delay due to Hyderabad list, and tried to resolve in time, rather than blaming it now?

    1. Correct. Now also I doubt that office bearers will take any step. Wasted one full year and did nothing for the cadre. Anyhow it's never too late.

    2. They very well knew about the mischief about to be displayed by the Hyderabad Unit.

    3. Also reporting LDC promotee of Customs who became Examiners now ACs. DOPT did not understand this.

    4. How come 1990 DR Inspector is reporting to 2000 Examiner? 10 years service junior? Same year is okay, as they may claim merit rank. What is DOPT doing ?

    5. 1987 DR Inspector of C Excise is reporting to 1995 Steno of Customs , who became AC through Examiner channel

  13. This mischief would only cost a delay of a few more months or a year in case of worst case scenario and nothing more significant other than adhoc status would happen..unless and until the pending cadre restructuring has been completed. Mark my words.

  14. Look how income tax association (ITGOA) is working positively for their cadre. Already they have been able to achieve promotions and before end of this year their ad hoc promotions will also be regularised. On the other hand our association is doing nothing, literally nothing. Stop blame game

  15. It is requested to GS & CEC to kindly plan future course of action. We were always ready for protest or strike previously also. It is requested to again plan something like this. Time is running out pls understand. Sitting in offices and writing blogs or commenting won't help us.

  16. As we all know and acknowledge, the direct recruits Inspectors are still continuing as Supdts after 30 years..and suffer the most with a single promotion. Rest Others/ have attained a cool fast-track 3-5 promotions to reach Supdt. level and nothing more to lose /achieve at the end of their career and so why not be a game spoiler. These office bearers of Cengo and Cengo 1honestly know all the facts and keep writing blogs, commenting, criticizing and complementing each other and without performance. And we watch them continue their activities years together and Divide and rule..their main policy. Stop and ignore these office bearers. Push them to a corner and make them look insignificant. Ignore these blogs.All are blantant lies that lead to frustration.

    1. Does this happen to direct recruits IRS!!? we all know the answer.

  17. Wow. After reading all the comments we can very well imagine the frustration of officers. Our association office bearers have become so shameless that they have decided nothing needs to be done from their end and let board do whatever they want, even if there is no DPC/promotions for years. These office bearers are in deep sleep and waking them up seems difficult. Anyhow hope for the best and may good sense prevails soon.

  18. Sir, why just blame the dept only. We have to accept that as an association we failed. Our so called leaders let us down. inspite of regular request to kindly do something nothing was being done. It seems office bearers are happy now after CAT Hyderabad order. Let someone else takeover your position if you can't deliver.

  19. Let's go and do some dharna before RS home in Delhi.. Last DPC happened so.. why not this time.. let's make it a practice.. Let's bring this the fore..

  20. What is status of Cadre Restructuring.. Why it is being delayed.. Form Last few months status of it is the same .. Pending for Cadre Control remarks . God knows why Cadre Control is taking so much time when all they will say yes to it..

  21. Sad state of affairs for the cadre. Everything has come to a standstill. How should we make our SG & President to see our frustration. Why no steps are being taken? As someone said we can do dharna outside RS house, but for that office bearers have to take a call. Atleast talk n discuss some strategies. What was the purpose of making this association? Everyone seems ready for peaceful protest but our leaders are hiding somewhere. God bless

  22. Association should push for regular DPC along with re designation of officers in PB-3 5400.

  23. The frustration of officers is justified. Everyone had lots of hope from this association but it has become a defunct body since 4 months. Now where to go, and who to ask to represent us? Really frustrating

  24. For heaven sake.. all members please stop the membership funding at once to these associations Cengo and Cengo1 or whatever name they have designated.. do not entertain these office bearers as their contribution is a big zero throughout all these years...force these office bearers out of this association..or at least after reading these blogs replies they should suo- motto step down and give way for others. Shameless!

  25. One blog after a long sleep and then some comments and then again a long sleep. Strange are the ways of this association.

  26. This association is slipping for more than 2 years. Now, when board started process of DPC, they try their best to halt DPC and blaming others. Everybody should stop contributions to this association and this association should be banned.

  27. I think the association office bearers should clarify from Board/CCA Hyderabad, whether this issue of Hyderabad Seniority list will be resolved soon and if yes, till when. The Officers who are due for promotion and whose vigilance clearance has already been sent to DGHRD by their CCA deserve to know if they should expect the promotion in near future or they should stop thinking about it.

    1. Review DPC upto 2002 had been completed before Diwali in Hyderabad. Any one has latest updates?

    2. Ashok Sir, Review DPC ki news to thi lekin uske basis par koi order issue nahi hue. Inspector Grade me bhi up to 31.12.2001 final seniority list issue ho gayi hai, lekin uske basis par Inspector to Superintendent ke promotion review nahi hue. It appears that this Inspector list is not suffice for review of promotion form Inspector to Superintendent beyond March-11.

    3. Thanks dear Amit. The inspector list contains names of more than 1400 officers and after going through it can be easily said that review DPC can take place even beyond 2011.

    4. Ok, but mujhe jo jankari hai, SC ST Inspector up to 2002-03 need to be considered for Superintendent DPC 2011. That's why there is delay as the promotion order in the grade of Inspector for 2002-93 onwards is not issued yet.

  28. We are in a condition where our hands are tied and we can't plead elsewhere as this only association which represents us, still they are not willing. Promoting litigations through their blogs and delaying process. Just testing the patience of the cadre. Days are not far when these leader will face the music.Utter nonsense

  29. The frustration is beyond comprehension of most. Lack of promotions also lead to lack of financial growth, which MACP also doesn't address especially for direct recruit Inspectors, achieving a maximum of 5400 and then stagnating there. Only 01 promotion in 30-35 years of service is laughable. Plus most work in GST regime rests on the shoulders of Superintendents, doing donkey's work and being treated like donkeys too. Sad state of affairs. Association is just for name sake, hardly any progress for the cadre.

  30. The previous SG Mr.Agnihotri was definitely a better leader than the present one. His decision started to yield some results.But current SG is completely ignoring the aspirations of the cadre.Colleagues in Bangalore kindly wake him up.

    1. Yes, his efforts made it plausible for our officers to rise to L 12 level through deputation mode.

  31. Gst collections are good.. kindly take up the matter of pending 18 months d a arrears

  32. Point 1. Wherever it can be achieved try to get promotion for those ultra senior Suptds.
    Point 2. : For all PB 3 5400 MACPS Supdts bargain and get redesignation before 31.12.2022 as Additional Assistant Commissioner. Do not ask please for redesignation as Assistant Commissioner as it will not be given as it is a Group A post. Also it requires change for lot of Notifications, Rules etc. Let it be a new year token gift for those 24 years plus service officers from an otherwise stingy decision makers. Please March forward....

  33. There goes a fact..a true example ...Long long ago during the year 1992-93 when we joined as a Direct recruit Inspector...a contingent worker( CW) was given a job in a Range to preform all MTS jobs as we all know... The CW. became an Sepoy after a few years ..then a LDC after a few years ...then a TA ..then UDC..then an Inspector and finally became a Supdt. in the year 2016. The timeline shows the glorious ascent to heaven(for him). Now we should fight for his redesignation as AAD. We should be also prepared to go to court if he files a stay. Woww..May God bless us for the patience we continue to show. Thanks all. Are Bhai log IRS bolne se bhi vigilance case ho jata he. Promotee IRS association with Direct IRS... impossible!! But we care love our brothers. God save us.

    1. Feeling pity.. i can feel your frustration brother. Shame on this association and it's office bearers..also shame on those who file litigations and try to stop any kind of progress. These so called leaders need to be boycotted. Waiting for Christmas/New yr greetings in the blog as best we can do is just write blogs.

    2. Those who joined as Sepoys get 3-4 promotions easily, those who joined at LDC, also 4-5 promotions, those as UDC get 3-4, DEOs also got 4-5 and all are now Superintendents along with the direct recruit Inspector who got his sole promotion. For assessees and even our IRS bosses, it doesn't matter on the path taken, as everyone is now a Superintendent. Even the Casual Worker is our professional equal. How is this even acceptable and then there are the intra cadre & regional disparities too. HR is CBIC is only for the IRS, and some other who benefit, but for DR Inspectors the situation is so bleak that there is no light at all at the end of the tunnel. I really feel sad for us DR Inspectors who cleared SSC only to get chosen as CX Inspectors, actually our bad luck started that day.

  34. Present scenario after 30-35 years of a Direct recruit Inspector.....He reaches the office sharp at 9.45 am... Namaskar Sirji to his fellow junior colleagues/colleagues/ examiners PO of the same recruitment year who have become AC/ DC/ JC/ ADC.. Namaskar Sirji to CAO / ACAO who started his career from LDC...and Bhai/ Brother for the rest...our kids/freinds question us ..Dad/ freind he is AAD but you still a Supdt...Ans. aree no ..he is from a Directorate and myself from Commissionerate. Time passes by... Namaskar Sirs/ Ma'am.
    Date of retirement arrives. We retire.

    1. Pain is understandable.. But this is because of negligence of cadre back then.. Now. . We must not make the same mistake..

  35. Then why stay the process when we had earlier accepted the policy of regional disparity. Now ease the process... complete cadre restructuring.. complete promotional back log... after some thing acheived..go to the Board..discuss a plausible solution..

    But now it's a different story altogether. Everything is stalled..a big full stop..and the discussion and story of Narakasuras goes on and on and what not.. !!

  36. Please go ahead with two plans.
    Plan A: DPC for Group B to Group A for Supdts for about 1000 officers.
    Plan B : Redesignation for all PB 3 5400 Supdts as Additional Assistant Commissioner on the precedence of Directorates (Where Supdt is Additional Assistant Director) for about 5000 officers.

    1. Dear , no one from the leadership will read your comments. They can just call for emergency AIB meeting to halt some developments as they did during draft AISL. Contact your zonal SG to take the matter up with AIB of association, otherwise don't expect anything from these self appointed Stooges.

  37. Why is there so much of animosity towards the leadership. There is no point in spewing venom against them since the leadership can and is only as good as the members of the association.

    1. It is not about spewing venom. It is about the inactivity of the leaders of this association. If they dont want to do anything except writing a blog in two-three months then why a new association was formed by dividing the already working association.

  38. Nothing will destroy you faster than watching you tolerate a bad one/ leadership. Hey leaders-Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds so you get a garland of flowers not chappals.

  39. We need to accept that this association has failed completely, so abusing the leadership is not going to yield any results. The main person behind formation of this association Sh Manimohan has also disappeared from the scene. In between the fight of two groups it's the cadre which has suffered.

  40. As someone pointed out above, promotion for the very senior Superintendent and Redesignation for all PB 3 5400 Supdts as Additional Assistant Commissioner, both can be achieved. If promotion is to be fought out in court, there is no fight on the issue of redesignation. Thus, have a well thought out, planned, time bound humble request for the new proposed/visualised upgraded post Additional Assistant Commissioner. It is better to cycle than to walk, as there is no money for the two wheeler.

  41. comes Additional Asst. Commissioner Sirafter 30 years....!

    1. I will ask the painter to write.
      Ad. Assistant Commissioner..and camouflage the Ad. part with a lighter paint !!

    2. Ssshhh. Here remains Supdt sir, after 30 years. That is a reality..

    In Reality- Zero work done, association just for namesake, not even willing to discuss anything .

  43. Discussed now...AAD and cycle!!what more

  44. Remembering our previous leaders like Sh. Loknath Mishra, salute to him, that was the best era for the association during 2013-14..they were fearless .


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...