The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The distress of Range Officers taken up with REVENUE SECRETARY

Dear friends and comrades,

All of us have been lamenting our working conditions.  The miserable ways to which we are forced to work, without infrastructure, without hands to help and with numerous reports being called for from Range levels.
We all know these are the creations of our Board.
They want to show their existence  only by  harassment by seeking reports after reports.
What effect these reports have, whether they are studied at all and more importantly when computerization is expected to take care of the minimum need to collate data and produce reports at will, why they are sought from the Ranges, without facility in the AIOs to produce them, are million dollar questions.
We all know that the Board is the chief cause behind these miseries and that they do not want to end them at all so that all the posts above Commissioner remain justified, even as we languish without promotions.
Hence, we have addressed this issue to the Revenue Secretary. 
The credit for the main inputs in this proposal should go to Shri. Kakkum Perumal, our member of Tirunelveli Unit.  It was scrutinised and vetted by Comrades at Chennai. Some more points were added by our Karnataka Unit and the members of Coimbatore Unit of AICEIA helped me in fine tuning the proposals.
This placed here for wider circulation and so that more proposals could emerge, which could lead to some changes in the GSTN back end, which could bring solace to the Officers facing the ordeals day in and day out.
fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan,

PS: If any one feels that the sheets are not clear or not downloadable, they may contact their General Secretary to whom the same have been sent by email in word format.


  1. Exhaustive submission. May I submit the following points which may be included if deemed fit:
    1. The Eligible ITC in GSTR3B is not integrated with the Taxpayer's Credit Ledger which must be done.
    2. Cancellation of Registration: The Reason for Cancellation is submitted by the Taxpayer in some cases as OTHS. Our Circular says that the reason has to be specified. Upon telephonic inquiry with the Taxpayer we get to know that under the OTHS category also he has submitted the specific reason which is not visible to the RO. This needs to be sorted out.
    3. In cases of requests for amendment it is seen that the Taxpayers do not find options to upload the substantiating documents such as lease agreements, NOCs, Address proofs, etc. This issue needs to be taken care of so that it becomes easier for the ROs to approve the amendments without any loss of time.
    4. Option needs to be given to open GSTR1 and GSTR3B simultaneously in different tabs for proper analysis.

  2. There must be reformation of DGARM Reports. all reports have more than 110 colomns. Many reports have unwanted colomns seeking infn not at all related. For eg. DGARM 18A related to big T/P who stoped 3B filing in Jan19 in which colomns seeks infn reg. Misclassification, sppression, bogus invoice etc etc. so without applying mind they made formats. There are duplication also from different directorates. Same should also be brought to the notice of RS.

  3. शुभकामनाएं-मंगलकामनाएं

    वेरी गुड मूव I stand all the way..

    with fraternity....

  4. Toms john . Supdt. Thiruvananthapuram.March 18, 2019 at 6:24 AM

    I appreciate this endeavour.when they call for any report , there should be a note on how to generate it, from which module and at what level of hierarchy , how much time is required to compile it. Etc.

  5. More ideas will come from our friends with field experience. Ideas beget more ideas. But to trigger the thought process , I think 2 things are needed . Time and examples . We should circulate a questionnaire (the questions itself should be subjected to a survey) , give them time to observe in the course of daily work, and give one or two months . This should be a continuous process.

  6. Very good effort.

    Following suggestions may also be incorporated:

    a) NON-FILER DATA : Real time data is not available on non-filer tab. Cancelled registrations also reflecting in NON-FILER list. There are double entries too.

    b) VIEW RETURNS : GSTR3B or GSTR1 : At present there is a option to view taxpayer wise returns/tax period wise returns. on dashboard all returns filed by the taxpayer shown. But, we have to open each and every return and copy paste data to other excel sheet for preparation of report, data analysis, checking interest liability (and its payment?).

    If option to export the taxpayer wise data for (selected tax period) or month wise data for (all taxpayers) particular return (3B or 01 or any other) in excel is made available (details of taxable value, tax, itc, payment, interest, etc), time and energy of Range Officer will be saved very much and report/other data analysis will be completed in short time.

    3) View Returns : GSTR3B : at present we can see returns of all taxpayers by selecting the tax period. there should be provision to arrange returns in ascending/descending as per various parameters viz date of filing (late filers), [option of ascending/descending is available in registration tab, same may be provisioned here]

    4) On AIO, wherever we have to check any return, we have option to search by GSTIN, PAn or Name of taxpayer. After typing any one of them, we get the details of taxpayer, then we again require to click on that GSTIN, then only it appears in GSTIN column in return field.

    Instead of this, if, direct search option may be provided in main tab (GSTIN Column, or name column)

    Thank you

  7. Pleaee Submit concise letter which is easily readable so that they should understand and take action.

  8. Team Manimohan,
    Great iconic work by a service Association.
    Exemplary presentation worth a thesis.
    The RS should be asked to Organise a meeting with GSTN + CBIC + AIACEGEO officials.
    The suggestions given are worth consulting value of at least 10L.(if outsourced)
    Reciprocal gesture from RS will be a game changer, on HR issues.

  9. Thanks to Manimohan Sir and eager to see the implementation of the valuable suggestions very soon.

  10. In stead of making all RS to work on such reports, whether a team of some officers can be formed for such work? It will help to make other officers to work like as expected in the forwarding letter.

  11. In stead of making all RS to work on such reports, whether a team of some officers can be formed for such work? It will help to make other officers to work like as expected in the forwarding letter.

  12. Inspectors have not been given any role in AIO which has overburdened the Supdts. Inspectors should be given data viewing rights and download rights in AIO for preparation or analysis of various reports or data which will substantially reduce burden on Supdts.


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