The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Our Official reaction to the Promotion orders issued on 24.12.2020

Dear friends,

After promotion orders were issued on the night of 24.12.2020, the rumour mills came to a halt at last - after almost 2 years.  Though these promotion orders were expected in January 2021, after the orders for the higher posts were over by this month end, sudden developments ensured that it was issued on the night of 24th.

We have immediately conveyed the message of the Chairman and Member (Admn) to our members through our previous blog.

In return, we have received abuses over phone and also a lot of messages through whats app. In response to that blog also several members have expressed dissatisfaction over the orders.

Not that any of them had any quarrel over the presently promoted.  Only many felt that they were also eligible, equally, if not more, to have been considered and promoted.

This fall out has been anticipated by this Association all along and hence only for that matter we have been pursuing court cases and the alternate proposal for re-designation.

All of you will be aware that the Hon'ble High Court of Madras had issued notice in our contempt petition regarding non-uniformity in implementation of N R Parmar across all zones.  The notice was issued on 17.12.2020.  The CCO, Chennai is understood to have conveyed this to the Board on 23.12.2020.  But the DPC had been completed by then.  All these are understandable only.  We are all officers of this department and we can know how and why things happen or don't.

We have put in our letter to the Chairman the strong sentiments of the cadre and reiterated that the zonal imbalance has to be set right and NOW.  We have emphatically stated that if the ratio between the Inspector and Superintendent posts are better in some zones or not and that there had been more Superintendents posts in some zones than others, it is not the fault or merit of the officers of those zones.  We expect that the Board also like the Association itself, stands for equity, fairness and justice. 

Our letter could be accessed by clicking here

We strongly advocate that only organisational methods and negotiations are a practical way to solve our problems.  Litigation will not take us anywhere because the bureaucracy has an entrenched habit of negating any court order which is not to its liking.  The Executive shows that it is superior because ultimately implementation of any order lies in it's hands.  

We are forced into litigation only to continue with whatever the Association has got into earlier.  Further, on matters of pay etc where the CBIC has hardly anything to do, we have no option but to take it to Court when the Government fails to negotiate and settle.  

Hence, members are requested to kindly organise at their unit levels STRONGLY and show their resentment in an organised manner instead of wasting money in Court cases.

It has been brought to our notice that using this promotion order again, some people are begging for funds.  While Mr. Jagannathan deserves to be applauded for toiling for his Association and his comrades in spite of his health condition, members who got promotions have to be cautioned against some others trying to take credit for it and capitalizing it.

Let us hope that the new year will also see a new dawn in the approach by the Board.

with fraternal greetings,
R. Manimohan,
Secretary General


  1. Sir, a lot has been written, a lot has been discussed all along throughout our career, but nothing has happened except few petty things. Therefore, it is my humble opinion that unless we brought to the notice of PM or PMO, we will not get our rightful demands. Secondly, we may explore any political means available, thirdly, we may give a notice for hunger strike and sit with minimum 100 members at Delhi with wide publicity through media so that it will reach the highest echelon of the government.

  2. A good gesture and good ideal suggestion

  3. In CBI , no association .But promotion and seniority allIndia, when u demand parity with CBI.U should also raise the issue .Transfer is also all India.

  4. Deaf silence. It seems everybody is happy with what they have now. That's why no comments, no views, no opinions etc., in the blog

  5. Deaf silence. It seems everybody is happy with what they have now. That's why no comments, no views, no opinions etc., in the blog

  6. Thanks for the love bestowed upon me. I am highly grateful to you Sir for including my name in your letter, while ignoring a lot of juniors. Once again, thanks a lot.


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...