The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Friday, December 25, 2020


AIASCT congratulates all its members who have been promoted as Assistant Commissioners in yesterday's order.

The Chairman and Member (Admn) have conveyed their best wishes to the promoted Superintendents.  

It has been brought to the notice of the Member that the gap between the year of recruitment of those promoted and those not promoted but have put in a longer service should be bridged by re-designation if the feel good factor of the promotion order is not lost.  The Member has indicated sympathy to our view.  

Let us now hope to start working on that, now that the ball has started rolling.  

We will be analysing the order in detail and will send our proposals for filling up of the remaining vacancies and re-designation.


  1. Mumbai is worst hit by this cyclone of 770.Maximum revenue, least share

  2. I think Secretary Genreal will listen.Redesignation is only option.

  3. Regional disparity is only widening with this order.
    Further, it is the question before the Association that whether without implementing the judgement of Madras High Court in P Bharathan case, conducting DPC is contempt or not.

    1. As the NR Parmar case is overruled by Supreme court of India in the case of Meghachanda, the question will not arise implementation of Bharatan Case.

  4. This only happens in this Department

  5. Earlier, we use to say about disparity between Customs and our formation (Excise/CGST). Now, the disparity within zones (intra-cadre of our own formation) is also widening like that of Customs.
    Measures suggested in the past have yielded no results but widened the gap prevailing earlier. Mumbai Zone being the worst affected, as always. Measures/Suggestions remain only on paper without implementation. To Whom and where shall we plead our grievances remains a big question as our own organisation doesn't listen to us. Really pitiable situation.

  6. Yes Manohar jee.We must march to Delhi Jantar Mantar and CC office for protest.This association is meaningless for us as we work like Insprs under DC with no assistance

  7. Supdt of 95000-100000 b pay working under novices of 56000-60000 BP. What a pitiable situation.... experience is a bane here. Situation worse than 28-30 years when we joined as insp

  8. Supdt of 95000-100000 b pay working under novices of 56000-60000 BP. What a pitiable situation.... experience is a bane here. Situation worse than 28-30 years when we joined as insp

  9. Yes, my dear.The situation is pathetic and many have taken VRS and are taking also.This is more than apartheid in department including regional disparity in promotion and highhande attitude of higher ups and many more.

  10. Like Income Tax , ITOs do not work under DC/ AC.same should be within GST

  11. Only remedy no appears to be separate group B organized service with specific time bound promotion right up to Commr level. Perhaps future generation may reap it's benefits of not we people

  12. Es Blog par kafi sare message 'Unknown' vyakti ki side se aate hai esse ye malum nahi chalta ki ye sabhi messages ek hi 'Unknown' vyakti dwara kiye gaye hai ya alag-alag 'Unknown' vyakti dwara.

  13. Sab known byakti hein

  14. एक लंबी कानूनी लड़ाई के बाद आखिरकार P Bharathan केस के 3 ऍप्लिकेन्ट्स को ये फायदा हो गया कि जिस ऑर्डर में उन लोगों का नाम सबसे आखिर में आने वाला था उस ऑर्डर में उनका नाम प्रारम्भ में आ गया।

    इस ऑर्डर के साथ भोपाल से आलोक दीक्षित जी भी प्रोमोट हो गए और एक और कैट का जजमेंट बिना इम्पलीमेंटेशन के ही infructuous हो गया।

  15. Can the Association clarify their stand on Regional disparity in this promotion Order.

    What is the plan for future action plan of association in getting Justice for Mumbai Superintendents who are the worst sufferers.

    1985 batch of Inspectors from Mumbai still waiting for their promotion to AC.

    Whereas 1992 batch Inspectors are promoted as AC from other Zones.

    1. कोई प्लानिंग हो ऐसा दिखता तो नहीं है। पहले तो लोग प्रोमोशन का इंतजार करते करते बिना प्रमोशन रिटायर हो रहे थे, अब तो लगता है कि प्रोमोशन को छोड़ो रिटायरमेंट से पहले AISL में नाम आ जाये वही बहुत है। जहाँ कस्टम्स के सुपरिंटेंडेंट की 2015 तक कि सीनियोरिटी लिस्ट (AISL) बनी हुई है, CGST के सुपरिंटेंडेंट की 2007 की भी सीनियोरिटी लिस्ट अभी तक नहीं बन पाई लोगों को सुपरिंटेंडेंट बने 13 साल हो गए आज रिटायरमेंट जे कगार पर हैं और सीनियोरिटी लिस्ट में नाम तक नहीं हैं।

  16. क्या हाई कोर्ट के ऑर्डर की डिपार्टमेंट सिर्फ इस लिए अवमानना कर सकता है कि उसने एक डिफेक्टेड SLP filed कर दी है भले ही डिपार्टमेंट ने उस SLP के डिफेक्ट तक रिमूव नहीं किये हैं।
    क्या सिर्फ ये लिख देना की This order is subject to SLP Dy. No. 27850/2020 पर्याप्त है हाई कोर्ट के ऑर्डर की अवमानना के लिए।

    क्या ये न्याय प्रशासन का मख़ौल नहीं हैं।

  17. Unless we raise demand for the abolition of IRS service .. nothing good is going to come ...
    Let's make our separate way.. let's talk directly to Senior leaders.. it's already enough that association has been talking to board since like eternity.. when Inspectors and Superintendents can manage the entire implementation of law till adjudication ..what management is..
    Fact is that entire IRS cadre is nothing but a white elephant, maintained at the cost of resources allocated for work..

  18. Can you imagine sir, Guwahati zone (erstwhile Shillong zone ) got only one name among the long list and heard She is also not going to accept the promotion on other ground. The great one Nation one tax system is running with such a pathetic condition of staffing structure.

  19. All1985 batch inspectors of Mumbai will be AC after retirement I.e after career is over.

  20. DISPARITY DESPAIR, one nation one tax but seniority is not one


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...