The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Saturday, September 19, 2020



         We salute our members who have filed an IA before the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Jarnail Singh against an IA filed by the vested interests with false claims in the name of this Association. 

        The Jarnail Singh case pertains to the reservation issue and is currently slated to be heard on 25.09.2020.  The Board has been taking a stand that the promotion from Group B to A in CBIC has been pending because of that case.  We do not understand how that case has a bearing on our promotions alone, since  reservation is a matter affecting all cadres in all departments.  While the case has been there from 2011, several DPCs were held subsequent to that itself, in our department also and continues to be held in respect of all other cadres till date.  

         Certain vested interests, desperate to get their promotions alone, by hook or crook, because they are benefited by the present position of theirs in the present All India Seniority List, have planed this IA.  This IA has two objectives:

(a)        To claim the legitimacy to be the AIACEGEO by fest Court that they represent the Superintendents and the promotee Group A Officers.

(b)        To overcome the litigations in various lower legal forums in the matter of (i) catch up rule (ii) own merit AND (iii) uniform implementation of N R Parmar.


Will anyone have the guts to go and make a claim before the Apex Court contradicting the findings of the Board without at least a tacit approval by the Board or someone very senior in the Board?  IF THERE WAS NO SUCH UNDERSTANDING, THE BOARD SHOULD FILE A REJOINDER/COUNTER BEFORE THE APEX COURT CALLING THE BLUF OF THAT IA WHEREIN THEY HAVE DARED TO STATE SOMETHING CONTRARY TO WHAT THE BOARD HAS REPEATED IN THREE OF ITS OWN LETTERS.  That is why we brought the matter to the attention of the Board in our letter dated 11.09.2020 published in this blog:

 Our letter on the subject

Now regarding the other issues in their IA, they want to thwart the legal process of other members of this Association in different parts of India.  We have repeatedly stated that the Association should not come in the way of the exercising of the legal rights by the individual members.  If it is against the general interests of the department and cadre, the department has the mechanism to bring it before the relevant judicial forum and get remedy.  As an Association, we have to urge on the Administration to do just that.  If the department is not able to get any stay over any order of the lower judicial forums, they should implement the order subject to outcome of any appeal.  That is the proper judicial administrative method.  We all know that.  Instead of that, the administration instigating the Association to fight its own members in the court, to spread canards against any one going to the court etc are all leading the way to administrative anarchy.  Some persons claiming to be Office Bearers of the Association, succumbing to such designs of the administration, are stabbing their own members in the back.  It is evident that only for this purpose the Board prefers to keep this bunch of vested interests and for that reason wants to keep the matter of renewal of recognition hanging - even after our submission of DDOs evidencing the strength of around 60% membership while they have not been able to produce even for 10%; for that matter even for the previous renewal the then SG, who still wants to be called so and is a patron and is patronised, has not been able to produce even the mandatorily required 35%, as per the Board’s file noting itself.


In this scenario, it is heartening that some of our members, from various parts of India have come together to file a counter IA in the same case to expose the lies in the IA filed by the vested interests, in the name of this Association.  We salute the spirit of these members who have kept the flag of this Association and the self-respect of the members and cadre flying high.  Long live this spirit.


It is only due to this spirit, shown by 11 out of the 15 zones and some more members from the other zones, even where units are not democratically and properly run through elections/ check –off etc, that we are sustaining.  That these units and members have stood strongly in-spite of the Board repeatedly showing preference for the bunch of vested interests, is a strong sign on the wall of time, which the administration shall not afford to ignore, for its own good.


We are reproducing the IA filed by the vested interest group as well as our comrades, below.  All of us are capable of reading and understanding and therefore no pains are taken to explain the implications.

Filed by Mr. Harpal, C.S Sharma and others

Filed by our Comrades

With fraternal greetings,

R. Manimohan,



  1. Sir I don't understand what is the context of "After all, reservation is a matter affecting all cadres in all departments."... I request you to please explain which is otherwise appears to have against reservation which I hope may not be your point.

    1. It just means that if pending SLP promotions can be effected in other cadre like Inspector to Superintendent, AC to DC, DC to JC, JC to ADC, ADC to Commissioner, Commissioner to PC, PC to CC, CC to PCC why only for promotion of Superintendent to AC can be delayed in the name of pending SLP After all, reservation is not a matter exclusively related to Superintendent only it affecting all cadres in all departments

    2. I saw the comment only today. However I find that a reply has already been given by another member. I confirm on my part that it is not a statement against reservation at all. I have said that it is not a cadre specific or department specific issue. I could understand an IA in Bharathan case. But how in such a larger issue covering all depts and caders an IA pertaining to our DPC alone was thought of was my point.

    3. Sir, is any update from SC in this matter ?

      Whether is intervention application filed by our comarades accepted by the Court ?

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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

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