The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Friday, September 18, 2020



Dear friends and comrades,

An IA has been filed in Jarnail Singh Case in the Hon'ble Supreme Court, misusing the name of this Association by the non-entity group (as declared by the Board itself) but widely giving an impression that it has been done with the blessings of the Board.  In our view, this is only another attempt by that group to once again collect funds.  We find that apart from trying to get a sanction from the highest Court of this land by deceit that they are THE Association 'representing the Superintendents and promotee Group A Officers in the CBIC', they are also trying to overcome the cases NOT EVEN RELATED TO RESERVATION MATTER WHICH IS THE ISSUE IN JARNAIL SINGH. 

Hence, we have sent the letter given below to all concerned.

We are hopeful that the Board, this time atleast, will try to be neutral and put forth the actual facts before the Hon'ble Supreme Court.  

yours fraternally,
R. Manimohan
Secretary General, AIACEGEO.


Ref. No:CBIC/31/2020                       Date: 11th September 2020




1)   The Secretary for Finance and Revenue, GOI, New Delhi.

2)   The Chairman, CBIC, New Delhi,

3)   The Member (Admn&Vig), CBIC, New Delhi.




Sub: Perjury/mis-statementmisleading the Hon’ble Supreme Court – request for urgent intervention – reg.


     We hereby bring to your kind urgent notice that IA No. 89073 of 2020, IA No. 89075 of 2020 and IA No. 89078 of 2020 are learnt to have been filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Jarnail Singh and others, in the name of this Association and others wherein it has been falsely claimed that this Association represents the Superintendents and promotee Group A Officers of C.Ex/GST. 


2.     The above claim is contrary to the letters dated 12.02.2019, 08.08.2019 and 16.01.2020 issued by the CBIC in F. No. 12017/07/2017-Ad.IV.A, clearly holding that promotee Assistant Commissioners cannot be members of this Association,as per the existing CCS (RSA) Rules, since the Constitution of the said Association as approved by the Government, in terms of the said Rules, did not permit it and any amendment to the said Constitution to the contrary has also not been approved by the Government.  


3.     Thus those who have filed the above IAs before the Hon’ble Supreme Court are indulging in perjury/mis-statement with an intent to defeat or overcome the stipulation in the CBIC’s letters cited above.  It is evident that they have been emboldened to mislead even the highest Court of the land, only because of the leverage gained by them, due to the delay in renewal of recognition to this Association, for reasons best known only to the CBIC, in spite of our complying with all the requirements necessary for such renewal.


4.     Apart from the above, we also see that the above said IAs are trying to short circuit the due legal process pending in lower forums, by falsely tagging even matters not related to reservations which is the actual matter in the Jarnail Singh case.  This will (a) distort the proceedings before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, and also (b) interfere with the rights of the litigants in the lower courtswherevarious litigations on different matters are pending in relation to the All India Seniority of Superintendents of Central Excise and GST, wherein the CBIC is also a party.

    Hence, it is urged that the CBIC should immediately take necessary steps to bring the true facts before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, regarding the misleading and distorted claims placed in the above IAs to ensure that the UOI does not, by acquiescence, become a party to misleading of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, by perjury/mis-statement by vested interests.


Yours truly,


(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

Copy submitted for kind information and necessary action  to:

1)   The Hon’ble Minister for Law and Justice, Government of India, New Delhi.

2)   The Hon’ble Minister for Personnel Public Grievances and Pension, GOI, New Delhi.

3)   The Hon’bleUnion Minster for Finance, GOI, New Delhi.

4)   The Hon’ble Minister of State for Revenue, GOI, North Block, New Delhi.

5)   The Cabinet Secretary, GOI, RashtrapathyBhavan, New Delhi.

6)   The Secretary, DOPT, New Delhi. (with reference to OM in DOP F.No.2/1/2019- JCA-I(Pt) dt18.12.2019)

7)   The Commissioner (Co-ordination), CBIC, New Delhi. 

1 comment:

  1. It is unfortunate. There appears to be no recognized Association for group A Promotee Officers for the obvious reasons that they may or may not get promotions at the fag end of their career.


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 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...