The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Hello Comrades

On behalf of the AIB of the AIACEGEO, elected in the Convention held as per the Notice issued by the President Com. R. Chandramouli, at Chennai on 27th and 28th of May 2017, I greet all the Superintendents of Central Excise, working all over India.  

We assure that the issues pertaining to our cadre would be represented in a truthful manner.

The Organisation will be run democratically.

We will have good relations with all other sister organisations in the CBEC(to be renamed as CBITC) and other CG Employee Associations.

Our former Office bearers have done good work to the best of their ability.  Let us not waste time on discussing regarding what could have been done in the past.

Let us concentrate on the present.

For that task, the following Comrades have been mandated by the Convention:

President   - Sanjay Srinivasan

 Secretary General - R. Manimohan
Asst Secy General - Shishir Agnihotri
Vice Presidents: Prabir Mukhopadhyay, Sanjay Kumar,H.S. Bajaj, K.S. Kumar,
P.K. Jaishankar Iyer.
Joint Secretaries: Kousik Roy, D. S. Thakur, Malkit Singh, Kalugasala Moorthy
Sandip Panvalkar
Core Committee: R. Chandramouli, Tirthankar Pyne, Ajit Kumar K.G.

A delegation on behalf of the newly elected AIB met with the Chairperson, CBEC, Member (Admn), CBEC and ADGHRD, at New Delhi on 8th and 9th of June 2017.

The Board was receptive to the issues raised by us.

The following were the main issues raised:
1) Declaring the duties and responsibilities of all cadres on roll out of GST
2) Infrastructure for formations 
3) Avoiding transfers for the sake of transfers and locating the offices in J&K and NE in places where other Govt Offices are located, for security reasons
4) Having a re-look at the restructuring for GST, particularly, Pune, Nagpur, Tirunelveli, Chennai and Kolkatta
5) Keeping Customs with the Union Government.

We have been assured by the Chairperson that another meeting will be arranged, after getting a report from all the CCs regarding the meetings they have been required to hold with the staff associations. All unit office bearers are required to send the points from their units, which has not been resolved locally and which has to be taken up with the Board.  We can then prioritise them and take up in the next meeting.

The Member (Admn) stated that if there is a demand from the field formations to enhance the 5 lakhs and 10 lakhs ceiling as a one time measure to hire buildings for office, an enhancement would be considered.  He also assured to make necessary budgetary allocation for infrastructure.  All units may pursue this with their local administration.

The Member has asked us to propose a draft-duty list which could be considered to be issued by the Board.  The ADGHRD appreciated it as a very positive demand and also stated that on our giving the inputs, such a manual could be issued.  All members and office bearers could contribute to this duty list in respect of Superintendents, by sending their inputs to our mail id: 

The Chairperson also stated in the course of the meeting that Office bearers who have been promoted as ACs cannot represent the Superintendents and they could at best be in some advisory role, considering their vast experience.  She underlined the principle that any organisation would benefit only with the infusion of new blood and that all units also should run democratically.

Efforts are under way to expedite a decision regarding the implementation of the judgement in the case of N.R.Parmar, so that further promotions could be obtained.

It is also learnt that the recommendations of the Stagnation Committee constituted at the behest of the IRS IDTOA is to be finalised early.

We will be in touch with all our members through this blog.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you sir. Looking forward to your guidance.

  2. Congratulations to the new team. Hope the issues discussed are materialized to the satisfaction of the members, more particularly the N.R.Parmar based issue and infrastructural issues. Yes it is just and fair that the promoted officers can no longer hold main role. All the very best new team.

  3. It was a meaningful start.Let all us contribute their best under the leadership of Shri Manimohan.

  4. Congratulations. It is a good beginning. Looking forward to work with both Superintendent s and Inspectors Association s. B.A.Chakravarthi.

  5. We are thank full for your support and assure to work hand in hand.

  6. Atleast now the birds should identify their feathers...A tufted bird even with similar feather is different..Shouldn't flock together...Anyways...A good start sir...

    1. Thank you. Apart from that the organisation also required to be democratised to conduct elections based on paid up membership. They were not ready for that also. The attempts of Karnataka unit towards that failed. The proposals were not even discussed.

  7. Congratulations and my best wishes to the entire team and its members.
    As a Superintendent from Pune, who got promoted after over 21 years of service as Inspector, I hope that this team will work towards attaining self respect, pride and equity in the cadre. Stagnation in our zone should not deprive us of our seniority at the all India level. The senior officers should get their dues and should not be placed in the seniority list below any officer who is junior, for whatever reasons.
    Let us all ensure that in the new GST regime, we will not allow ourselves and the cadre to be used as door mats.
    I extend my full support to the association.

    1. Thank you. An army marches on its stomach and an organisation on the strength of its' members.


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...