The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Circular No. 1/2017

(Representing the Superintendents of C.Ex & CGST)
[Recognised vide CBEC Letter F. No. B 12017/10/2004-Ad IV A dated 21/01/2008]
6/7 A.T.D. Street, Race Course Road, Coimbatore – 641018.
Sanjay Srinivasan

Vice Presidents: 
Prabir Mukhopadhyay  
Sanjay Kumar 
H.S. Bajaj 
K.S. Kumar
P.K. Jaishankar Iyer

Secretary General 
R. Manimohan

Asst Secy General 
Shishir Agnihotri

Joint Secretaries:
Kousik Roy
D. S. Thakur
Malkit Singh  Kalugasala Moorthy
Sandip Panvalkar

Core Committee:
R. Chandramouli
Tirthankar Pyne
Ajit Kumar K.G.

CIRCULAR 01/2017

                                                       Date:  20.06.2017
Dear friends and Comrades,
             It is almost one month since the 12th Convention at Chennai had elected the new AIB.  I take this opportunity to greet each one of you, be it a unit, an Office bearer or a member of this All India Association.
              This circular has been waiting only for the dust to settle down.  A delegation on behalf of the new AIB had met with the Member (Admn) Shri. S. Ramesh on 08.06.2017 and with the Chairperson Smt. Vanaja N. Sarna on 09.06.2017.  We also met with the ADGHRD, Shri. Balesh Kumar and discussed regarding stagnation and re-organisation related issues.  All the three officials have given us a patient hearing.   The issues in brief and the outcome of the said meetings have been narrated in our blog : ‘Superintendents of CBITC’- under the heading ‘Hello Comrades’.  
           Our new body is born out of two fundamental issues:
1)      When there is a separate Association to cater to the interests of Promotee Gr A Officers in Central Excise being heard by the Govt, and when we are also part of the JAC comprised of that organisation also and when the RSA Rules also do not provide for continuance of Supdts on promotion in this Association, no AC can continue as member or be an office bearer in our Association.
2)      This Association has to be run democratically at the AIB level and at local level on the basis of elections based on subscribed membership strength as per the periodicity fixed by the Constitution.
          Without grass root involvement, simply sending letters to the authorities will not yield results.  There is a great resentment of the cadre at the grass roots which requires to be properly channelized for the betterment of the cadre and department.  Personal and parochial considerations shall not be allowed to defeat these legitimate aspirations of the membership. In the above light, we are in the process of reviving most of the units which have become non-functional due to no elections being conducted in such places for several years now. 
         Towards this consolidation process, we seek the support of all units and members throughout India.  We request that elections may be conducted in all units, if not conducted in the past 2 years and the report of such results may kindly be forwarded to me in the address given at the top.  All Units are requested to collect the DDO certificates and send the same to my address, so that renewal of recognition would be our next immediate necessity. 
Fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan
To All members through the Unit Office bearers


  1. Glad to note that the Assn is taking initiatives to get the Units revived.If the list of units with names of newly elected office bearers are compiled and published,with dates of meeting/election,it will be good.
    All the units may also adopt resolution to the effect that the members of Group B cadres are eligible to be represented in the Assn..
    Wishing all success.
    Ex president ,AIFCEEO,(elected at Kanpur Convention in1991.)


Please leave your Name, email and phone number so that we can get in touch with you for any clarification.

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...