The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Independence day greetings


Dear Members and Friends,

On the eve of this Iconic day of our 76th Independence day, our Azaadi Ka Amruth Mahothsav we will complete 75 years of Independence. My heart is filled with greetings to all my countrymen in general and my members of AIASCT in specific. The day should mark our tribute to the mammoth amounts of sacrifices for the country by uncountable number of individuals, massive amount of hard work by many for a better nation and the hard core resolve of my countrymen to stay independent and cherish their right to Justice and freedom.  The biggest democracy has come of age and is rearing to go forward steadfastly towards a promising future.

May be, motivated by this solemn occasion the CEC of AIASCT which met on 06.08.2022 took a momentous   decision to pursue Justice for all, rather than short sighted benefits to some. The release of the Draft seniority list of Superintendents of Central tax by CBIC after a delay of 15 long years evoked more sarcasm than praise.  The debate on regional disparity which was pushed to the background from the past 30 years by the CBIC, and may be by the meek acceptance by the Association too probably for lack of conviction was brought to the fore front. When a 1992 batch officer of an advantageous Zone sits 4000 places above a 1990 or 1991 batch officer of a stagnated Zone there is something grossly wrong with how CBIC administers its HR policy.  This issue has been put on the back burner by the CBIC by sheer lack of will to do justice and what is right even against odds. 

The very fact that even Zones which are placed comparatively better supported the call for Base cadre (Inspector) seniority  in the eye of the huge disparities of more than 5 to 6 years between the better placed Zones and stagnated Zones speaks volumes of the sense of injustice and misery heaped on those stagnated Zones.  An officer of 1992 batch Inspector bossing over a 1985 or 86 batch officers of another Zone from the same cadre reeks of disastrous HR management let alone the inter cadre disparities. The historical reasons for the disparity is well known and well documented but is it not the responsibility of the administration to correct something which is unjust?  Well, the CEC of AIASCT decided to stand for justice rather than for short term benefits of promotions among others to forward Zones which would increase the disparities and in turn litigation.

The point that any change of RR would require time and administrative will is well taken and that is the reason why this Association has suggested for Re-designation for officers who have achieved the grade of PB 3 5400 as an interim measure, which is expenditure neutral. This will obviously benefit more people and bring equity is required to be understood by all.  A letter dated 08.08.2022 addressed to the Chairman CBIC was issued by this Association requesting for implementation of base cadre seniority which is historic in itself.  (Click here for the letter) The CEC by a majority decision decided to pursue the demand for Base Cadre Seniority for the reasons well enumerated in the letter.

Various, allegations that this association does not wants DPC, the SG and President is being manipulated, some leaders of AIASCT does not want promotion etc etc are being floated by fringe groups.  This is totally untrue and fabricated,  even to suggest that officers who have put in more than 30 years of service do not aspire for a promotion is outrageous, everyone wants promotion but it would be the duty of the association to get justice for the rightful ones.   One could always say that this AISL is as per the present Recruitment Rules, but as an Association representing officers across the country it is imperative that we should have the guts and gumption to say that the RR itself is skewed and unjust to many. When the three top office bearers out of four belongs to advantageous Zones and still a decision to support the demand for Base cadre seniority is passed by the body, it truly speaks volumes about the vibrant democratic process in this association. It also demonstrates that the stark naked injustice heaped on the stagnated Zones which stares at us and stirs our conscience for a justified decision devoid of parochial interests.  

Yes, I know that the forward Zones are feeling that a Seniority list issued after 15 years is being litigated and may jeopardise their promotions, yes it may for a short period of time, but we will not carry the burden of snatching something which belongs to someone more senior to us. The whole idea is to do what is justified, to bring what is our moto - equity, to go by what is right for the cadre for now and for the future.  Being an advantageous Zone or a forward Zone is only temporary but having the Right RR which would bring justice to all is permanent.

I urge all of you to realise that we are eliminating a plethora of contentious issues which has plagued the cadre and ensured that we stay divided to the benefit of who? Everybody knows.  We are also eliminating the divisive issue which has been all along been taken advantage off by the administration to keep us busy fighting among ourselves.  We have come to a point of now or never, we have huge amount of vacancies which will smoothen out the effect of the change in RR proposed and close to the Cadre restructuring with Branch B service on the anvil which should pave the way for a better future for our young ones. This is something what we have to do for the future for this cadre to be relevant.

Let us chart a new path of Equity and Justice for all on this historic occasion of completion of 75 years of Independence.

My greetings to all.

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General



  1. This letter and the AIB Leaders leading this Association deserves Many Salutes. This will raise bar for showing Administrative efficiency for the Administrative Department viz: CBIC The letter is a spark & it should turn into wild fire, so that evil practices in administration burn out. Congratulations to the AIB Team.

  2. The Zonal Disparity issue has definitely gained the attention of all after issue of AISL. Hope we get Justice.A Big Salute to all Office Bearers of AIB to have pointed out a step forward to bring equality through a much feasible solution.Jai Hind.🙏🏻🙏🏻

  3. We will definitely achieve our goal of equity for all under the leadership of present SG.

    1. Phil se Court case kia hai kya association ne?

  4. Has the association opted for litigation again

    1. The OA is filed by some of the stagnated units led by Pune unit.

  5. Good step.. Regular DPC along with re designation of the left out officers is the best option for our cadre

  6. Respected leaders, As we all know about 6000 plus Superintendents are already drawing 5400 PB 3( AC scale) under MACPS. There is no chance that all 6000 will be promoted as ACs before they retire. Thus, instead of getting clubbed with a junior Supdt who has put a total of 3 years or so, it is better to redesignate all 5400 PB3 Supdts in Central Excise, Customs as Additional Assistant Commissioner without any further delay. Let the retiring people instead of being known as Superintendents be known as Additional Assistant Commissioner. There is nothing much to debate on this issue, as such a redesignation will not incur any one rupee extra expenditure to the Government. The usual terms of revenue implication of such a proposal is non existent and absent. Whoever wants to pursue further promotion as AC can pursue, whoever is likely to retire will retire but as Additional Assistant Commissioner. It is true that a redesignation will be a positive move to work better in office.

    1. If the department recast seniority based on date of joining in the grade of Inspector all officers who joined as Inspector up to 1991-92 can easily be promoted as Assistant Commissioner against the existing vacancy. Further all these officers are due for retirement within 2 year so in 2 year again approx 2000 vacancies will be arise and all officers who joined as Inspector can be promoted as Assistant Commissioner. Demand of redesignation is not only for name shake it is for real promotion with higher responsibility on the basis of combined length of Service as Inspector and Superintendent

    2. Department will never recast any seniority of Inspectors. Anything in promotion will be in piecemeal. That would be so because, then every now and then Senior Superintendents will hope...hope...hope....hope... Also, this would be the only service in the World where a three year service person and 30 year service person would work as Supdt.....

    3. Jain sahab kyu mazak krte ho. Ye case karna aap logo ka hampe ulta padne wala hai.Pehle verdict aayega 2 sal bad phir review hoga ar jab tak finalise hoga tb tk iss AISL ke sab supdt retire ho chuke honge. Lekin han tab aap log ante date promotions ke lie case kariyega.

  7. Worst association ever…again this litigation will result in no DPC for 2-3 years…if manimohan n co would not have started this litigation game regular DPC would have been there….I dnt know what the problem is with these people …last DPC also these ppl tried to halt it….congrats maninohan n co for halting this process again which started after ages …
    May u b successful in ur goal of not letting anyone get promotion

    1. The OA filed by Association is not for halting DPC but to ensure that who joined as Inspector early should be promoted to the post of AC early.

    2. सर आपकी बात ठीक है लेकिन ये कोर्ट केस का कितना नुक़सान या फ़ायदा है हम सब जानते है. इस सीन्यॉरिटी लिस्ट में मेरा नम्बर बी बोहत पीछे है, लेकिन मेरा कन्सर्न ये है की अगर असोसीएशन फिरसे Dpc या stay के लिए लड़ा तो पूरे cadre का नुक़सान है हम जैसेलोग रेटायअर्मेंट टक बी ac नहीं बन पाएँगे…इन सब का नतीजा से लोग ar vrs lenge जिससे हमपे काम का और प्रेशर बदेगा…मेरी हाथ जोड़के आप लोगों से अपील है कृपया stay मत आने दीजिए… आप केस लड़ना चाहते तो ज़रूर करें लेकिन कृपया stay से दूर rhe

  8. And by the time this court case result will come almost 80% supdts would be on verge of retirement …congrats manimohan n jitender

  9. I do not understand the hue & cry over zonal disparity. All affected persons have the right to give en masse in writing to cbic that they will not work under their juniors, which is their right & put it into practice .That will be jolt enough for cbic to put things right in a single day.

  10. Courts interprets the law and pass the judgment, applicable to the situation. Is/Was there any Rule which allows counting of seniority in the grade of Superintendent from the date of joining as Inspector?

  11. It’s quite laughable when the SG says that only forward zone promotions will get jeopardised…Even SG will know the result of court cases and its effect…let me tell u clearly that by these cases nobody will get any promotions..The association leaders are just ignoring the majority and taking decisions on their own. I regret being a member of this association which instead of looking for promotions want to try to halt the process at any cost. thanks

  12. Is it fruitful and logical to go against the RR prevalent at the recruitment of the officers of 1985 or 86 batch. At that time selection was on Zonal basis and promotion to the rank of Supdt. Was on the basis of vacancies available. Now what is the use of hue and cry now. And wasting the opportunity of others who are retiring with one promotion only. I think the issue is being raised with some vested interest using these officers.

    1. You are absolutely right sir. One can clearly see that the leadership is not taking the harm of litigations into consideration.This will deny promotions not only to the officers who rank higher in the list but also to the officer who are lower in the list. This association will only cause divide in between zones and this cadre is never going to forgive these people who want to take a very rare promotion which was nearing

  13. I would like to mention that RR can not be changed retrospectively. This exercise is nothing but wastage of time and opportunity of others who could have it.

    1. One could always say that this AISL is as per the present Recruitment Rules, but as an Association representing officers across the country it is imperative that we should have the guts and gumption to say that the RR itself is skewed and unjust to many. When the three top office bearers out of four belongs to advantageous Zones and still a decision to support the demand for Base cadre seniority is passed by the body, it truly speaks volumes about the vibrant democratic process in this association. It also demonstrates that the stark naked injustice heaped on the stagnated Zones which stares at us and stirs our conscience for a justified decision devoid of parochial interests.

    2. Were you sleeping from last two years. Just when some process had started you want to jump in n stop it, nd then these leaders will do black badge drama n all and cry that dept doesnt want promotion

  14. Where is president and SG?. Why are not they responding to the above messeges and the mess they are creating in the cadre.just delaying the process which started after much wait

  15. Association is working against the officers, whom they are representing totally negative attitude by the association

  16. Only those who have got promotion being in forward zones will complain if any delay is there, for others who lag behind for no fault of theirs, nothing really matters. And it's heartbreaking when someone from a forward zone who joined the department a decade later comes and bosses over as AC over someone who had the misfortune of being from a deprived zone.

    1. So delaying the process will make you to reach AC level? We were recruited at the zonal level with same RR as now. Will delaying promotions to others help you I dnt know. And secondly junior bossing over senior is not acceptable as u rightly said but is the court cases going to help u , well i think you know it better. By this attitude people are not only harming others but hampering their chances also. This association fought for Parmar what we got?
      A similar situation is being created now. I regret trusting this association more than the other one.

    2. I don't know the grounds of the case that has purportedly been filed and whether any stay on DPC has been sought. Nobody grudges anyone a promotion but there should also be justice. How to find that fine balance is the question. CBIC is not going to change by itself so it's very important for the cadre to come together, put aside their differences, both at personal level and zonal level, and try for justice for all. When I see the same batch SSC recruited person in CBDT becoming Commissioner and the person in CBIC still languishing as Inspector, it rankles. In CBDT even promotee Inspectors aspire to become ACs even though they have the same zonal seniorities. My current AC is from Customs side and cleared SSC quite after me, that is also saddening. The CBIC mess is beyond comprehension and it needs to be sorted out very soon for the welfare of all, one way or the other.

    3. I know what u r taking about even my AC is 4 yrs junior to me , and that is why the idea of re designation was these cases will not only hamper the promotions but also the re designation proposal . The association should have fought for re designation instead of choosing for court cases which will in turn give no results. This is going to affect all of us that is what Im saying. Thanks

  17. Can u go against RR and DOPT instructions. Why it is being taken now.Were these officers sleeping earlier.

  18. Kindly dissolve this associated as soon as possible

  19. Crab mentality, also known as crab theory, crabs in a bucket , or the crab-bucket effect, is a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you". The present attitude of our esteemed big fat sleepy leaders are derived from a pattern of behavior noted in crabs when they are trapped in a bucket for last 20 years. This crab mentality shares some features in common with a similar phenomenon of human behavior called file a case / stay syndrome.

    1. Absolutely right...

    2. We can seen 90% of the members against this filing of case and getting stay to halt the promotion which is rare for this stagnating cadre. Still these office bearers are adamant… really sad affair… nobody will be getting benefit.. ridiculous situation

    3. "if I can’t have it then you can’t either” is probably not the right approach but then we don't see “We rise by lifting others” approach from our colleagues who are in beneficial positions. If you see it from the point of view who is close to promotion and someone who will never get a second promotion due to faulty HR policy of CBIC, you'll find that their thought processes will be different. Some sacrifice will be required if equality and justice is to prevail.

    4. Can’t u see officers from 1985/86 batch in Bhopal and Mumbai were finally near to their promotions one year before retirement.. what was their fault ? Did it help them for whom actually you are fighting ? And moreover why Everytime people opt for legal cases just before their is hope of some DPC?

    5. I definitely want my colleaguea to get their promotion. They certainly deserve it. What I wanted to say that at some point some equanimity should come in.

    6. U want that equanimity by asking for stay as interim relief rather than fighting the case on merits. You cannot get what you want by this rather it will create more stagnation

  20. Really shameful how these so called office bearers are playing with the promotional aspects of everyone including petitioners. You people have not learnt from your previous mistakes of going into litigation. I just saw the OA which has been filed clearly asking for STAY on DPC as interim relief. Mr. SG n PRESIDENT this cadre will never forgive how u ignored majority and tried to halt the ongoing process. God bless u all

  21. Have gone through the seniority list .. In next 4 years 99 percent of the Suptd. Up to 2011 will retire.. Any litigation will result in denial of any chance left for them to get the well deserved second Promotion..
    This is a sorry state of affairs.. where as I almost agree with every step taken by this association, this time I differ..
    SG should have thought holistically..

  22. Wow, I didn't knew we were having so many jaichand's as our office bearers. Kudos to you for plotting against the people who elected you and believed in this association.


  24. We had so many vacancies in bulk this was such a great opportunity. Almost 70% officers in the AISL would have been covered and the rest would have promoted in the subsequent DPC. U People are cheaters of this cadre , fooled everyone

  25. Tragic situation being created

  26. Generosity is the act of being kind, selfless, and the art of giving. This act of our great leaders paradoxically increases our well-being and bright future after retirement. Most of us would hang Boards in front of our gates/gates (AC in bold letters) either post retirement or posthumously. So we should pledge to contribute generously for the success of the stay case filed before CAT and praise the Lords of the Association for such a precarious state of affairs. May God bless them and wish success for the stay . Last but not the we really need to fight with each other for the least expected promotion after 30-35years of service. Give a thought. Cadre review still in DOPT!! and a heavenly stay ..Yep

    1. I would double my monthly contribution for the association in the coming months for the success of stay/OA and I humbly request others to follow me please. The office bearers /SG..P..VP..and other dignitaries are happy and smiling..and will comment later pl. keep your fingers on your lips. Now SG/dignitaries in hiding..sssshhhh..planning for a bright retirement ahead....Haahaaha..why can't they simply resign from this association and create a new association in the name..All India Association for Stay in CAT/ Tribunals ( AIASCT) .

  27. After going through the OA the clear intentions of applicants is to get stay on DPC at any cost. Yes you have every right to fight legal battle but it should be fought on merits rather than being cowards and asking for stay. Grow up from your childish mentality.

  28. Lord once taught his followers to be “beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, be aware of the sleeping prophets who fought for us during this last 20 years with a intricately designed lifting others policy..smileys and thanks once again for stay/OA..solely oriented for lifting others post retirement policy or mandate...(Lift policy).Haahaahaa

  29. Really sad State of affairs. People think that by pressing for stay against DPC will help them achieve equity. One could never imagine that we had so many black sheeps in our cadre

  30. This is nothing but an attempt to stall the proceeding initiated for promotion. Everybody has right to enter into legal battle, but that should not be at the cost of others. Here maximum officers of the Seniority list are going to retire within 2-3 years. If the petitioner is succeeded in obtaining Stay, he will succeed to cause them retire without promotion. Now the big question who will be benefited from the Stay? We should introspect

  31. In all these years/last several decades..this present Association/the old / any other ...failed to achieve/accomplish even a single more promotion in the entire carreer...for thousands of our comrades.. .and now presents and collaborates a stay as a means for a plausible solution!! is it..!!'s too much for ourselves to bear/tolerate..and at least in this juncture/crossroads.. we can silently protest by submitting our resignation.. stopping monthly contribution ..and not being part of any central association activities that simply cannot perform but rather complicate the matters and derive sadistic unrealistic gains. ..Pray better things happen next. A better HR policy could have been fought decades earlier and not at this present juncture.
    Good day.

  32. It's very unfortunate that few of the members are blaming our own Secretary General only because they are supposed to get the promotion without going through the pros and cons of the policy of the cbic.
    With the present policy a three year superintendent and a 20 year experience superintendent may get promoted to AC. While senior Supdt. will retire within a short span of time with no benefit of promotion but buy virtue of zonal superiority the junior superintendent will not only supersede thousands of senior supdts but also reap the benefits thereafter.
    We tolerated an Examiner much junior to us as our Boss as AC.
    Then we again tolerated Preventive Officer much junior as Boss as AC.
    Now we are ready to serve under Inspector 15 to 20 years Junior to us.
    So where is the lapse in the part of our association to demand for batch wise seniority.
    Don't be selfish for your own stuff. Association is demanding this issue prior to release of seniority list.
    What is harm in demanding promotion or redesignation to all PB 3 5400 Superintendents when they have already reached the scale.
    There is no short cut to success. Think and act. For the poor HR policy struggle is required and not the blame game !!!!

    1. Who doesn't want equality in promotion? Who is stopping you from fighting any legal battle? But then why you want a stay on DPC. This will indirectly cause stagnation again for 2-3 years and officers like me of 1985/86 batch for whom u are fighting will be rather harmed by this. If you want to fight disparity, fight on merits rather than playing this blackmailing game of stay

    2. and regarding examiners and PO as our bosses we could have given mass representation/resignation..and some alternative could have been proposed.. but what does it mean clearly asking for stay on DPC.. ask yourself whether I will remove stagnation or was agreat opportunity for us with so many vacancies and CR on verge of approval god bless our CR as well as cadre

  33. The said stay seems to be the actions ...symbolic of an Amul baby with a feeding bottle.. Simply cannot blame a Baby..And to remind all comrades ..we are all in the same boat..irrespective of age and younger colleagues got promoted after 2years and I after 17 years..still happy for my younger brothers..yep that's should the spirit and feeling.. Association got to plan for younger generation and provide reprieve for the older retiring ones..hope we understand

  34. Let us pursue a separate and independent agenda and request for immediate redesignation before October 2022. All 5400 PB3 Supdts to be redesignated as Group B Additional Assistant Commissioner. Hope at least after such redesignation, senior officers will offer a seat during discussions and not to remain standing for 20 minutes with pain in knee as Supdts only follow protocol with Inspectors. I leave it to your judgement if you are 50 to 55 years and and you get a new designation after 18 years...

  35. Some of us have already been designated as Additional Assistant Commissioner and working in Directorates..and do not seem to be smiling through all these years...

  36. When an IRS reads this timeline.. He will say.. " Teen Guna Lagan Bharna Padega.."
    .. petty thinking
    And we are still waiting for a Bhuvan ..
    Who will say
    " Manjoor Hai "

    The point that any change of RR would require time and administrative will is well taken and that is the reason why this Association has suggested for Re-designation for officers who have achieved the grade of PB 3 5400 as an interim measure, which is expenditure neutral. This will obviously benefit more people and bring equity is required to be understood by all

  38. Would OA filing and seeking stay on publication of AISL and conduct of DPC can have a link for amendment in RRs for Superintendents ? Those Zones to which SG is claiming as "When the three top office bearers out of four belongs to advantageous Zones and still a decision to support the demand for Base cadre seniority is passed by the body," are including VADODARA ZONE, I suppose and those Gaddar appointees are doing a great harm to the VADODARA ZONE whose officers have just started reaping promotional benefits and were in past legging behind so much that Officer belonging to 1980 batch ST category were retired without any second promotion wherever as officers of JAIPUR ZONE of same batch reached upto Joint Commissioner post. What is the justification in supporting this current move by VADODARA ZONE self appointed stooges ?

    1. Exactly, some zones have started to get promotions benifits now and we're lagging earlier..majority of .the office bearers of the so called forward zone either don't figure in the list or don't have chance of getting promoted this time...and that's why saying to us indirectly that if I can't have it u also can't ..

    2. 1985 batch officers from Vadodara zone became AC in Feb. 2017.

    3. Unless the base cadre parity is ensured, such variations among the CCA zones bound to happen. The advantageous zones today will lag behind tommorow. These cycles will go on, unless the vicious cycle is broken with just and proper Cadre management.

    4. Sir, that’s why In upcoming CR board has proposed merging all the three branches into single with all India posting liability. This will definitely end disparities. but u cannot change rules of the game Everytime there is upcoming DPC

  39. Please do not break your heart over the withering of a dream you once held, that never became yours! We have all seen our seniors retire with a single promotion..with a beautiful dream that one day he/she could be an adhoc AC. Now it's our turn...maybe the next is yours...!Never did an adhoc AC with solid eight years seniority attained adhoc DC..relishing this reality on the day of their retirement...chalo AC to ban gaye.. bhagwan ki dein he...and lived happily ever after.....!

  40. Let's pray that our younger generation/brothers have a better future...and their dream becomes a reality.


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...