The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Independence day greetings


Dear Members and Friends,

On the eve of this Iconic day of our 76th Independence day, our Azaadi Ka Amruth Mahothsav we will complete 75 years of Independence. My heart is filled with greetings to all my countrymen in general and my members of AIASCT in specific. The day should mark our tribute to the mammoth amounts of sacrifices for the country by uncountable number of individuals, massive amount of hard work by many for a better nation and the hard core resolve of my countrymen to stay independent and cherish their right to Justice and freedom.  The biggest democracy has come of age and is rearing to go forward steadfastly towards a promising future.

May be, motivated by this solemn occasion the CEC of AIASCT which met on 06.08.2022 took a momentous   decision to pursue Justice for all, rather than short sighted benefits to some. The release of the Draft seniority list of Superintendents of Central tax by CBIC after a delay of 15 long years evoked more sarcasm than praise.  The debate on regional disparity which was pushed to the background from the past 30 years by the CBIC, and may be by the meek acceptance by the Association too probably for lack of conviction was brought to the fore front. When a 1992 batch officer of an advantageous Zone sits 4000 places above a 1990 or 1991 batch officer of a stagnated Zone there is something grossly wrong with how CBIC administers its HR policy.  This issue has been put on the back burner by the CBIC by sheer lack of will to do justice and what is right even against odds. 

The very fact that even Zones which are placed comparatively better supported the call for Base cadre (Inspector) seniority  in the eye of the huge disparities of more than 5 to 6 years between the better placed Zones and stagnated Zones speaks volumes of the sense of injustice and misery heaped on those stagnated Zones.  An officer of 1992 batch Inspector bossing over a 1985 or 86 batch officers of another Zone from the same cadre reeks of disastrous HR management let alone the inter cadre disparities. The historical reasons for the disparity is well known and well documented but is it not the responsibility of the administration to correct something which is unjust?  Well, the CEC of AIASCT decided to stand for justice rather than for short term benefits of promotions among others to forward Zones which would increase the disparities and in turn litigation.

The point that any change of RR would require time and administrative will is well taken and that is the reason why this Association has suggested for Re-designation for officers who have achieved the grade of PB 3 5400 as an interim measure, which is expenditure neutral. This will obviously benefit more people and bring equity is required to be understood by all.  A letter dated 08.08.2022 addressed to the Chairman CBIC was issued by this Association requesting for implementation of base cadre seniority which is historic in itself.  (Click here for the letter) The CEC by a majority decision decided to pursue the demand for Base Cadre Seniority for the reasons well enumerated in the letter.

Various, allegations that this association does not wants DPC, the SG and President is being manipulated, some leaders of AIASCT does not want promotion etc etc are being floated by fringe groups.  This is totally untrue and fabricated,  even to suggest that officers who have put in more than 30 years of service do not aspire for a promotion is outrageous, everyone wants promotion but it would be the duty of the association to get justice for the rightful ones.   One could always say that this AISL is as per the present Recruitment Rules, but as an Association representing officers across the country it is imperative that we should have the guts and gumption to say that the RR itself is skewed and unjust to many. When the three top office bearers out of four belongs to advantageous Zones and still a decision to support the demand for Base cadre seniority is passed by the body, it truly speaks volumes about the vibrant democratic process in this association. It also demonstrates that the stark naked injustice heaped on the stagnated Zones which stares at us and stirs our conscience for a justified decision devoid of parochial interests.  

Yes, I know that the forward Zones are feeling that a Seniority list issued after 15 years is being litigated and may jeopardise their promotions, yes it may for a short period of time, but we will not carry the burden of snatching something which belongs to someone more senior to us. The whole idea is to do what is justified, to bring what is our moto - equity, to go by what is right for the cadre for now and for the future.  Being an advantageous Zone or a forward Zone is only temporary but having the Right RR which would bring justice to all is permanent.

I urge all of you to realise that we are eliminating a plethora of contentious issues which has plagued the cadre and ensured that we stay divided to the benefit of who? Everybody knows.  We are also eliminating the divisive issue which has been all along been taken advantage off by the administration to keep us busy fighting among ourselves.  We have come to a point of now or never, we have huge amount of vacancies which will smoothen out the effect of the change in RR proposed and close to the Cadre restructuring with Branch B service on the anvil which should pave the way for a better future for our young ones. This is something what we have to do for the future for this cadre to be relevant.

Let us chart a new path of Equity and Justice for all on this historic occasion of completion of 75 years of Independence.

My greetings to all.

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General


Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

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