The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Successful Black Badge protest and Lunch hour demonstration

 Dear Friends,

The agitational program which was started on 16th march 2022 with wearing of Black badges and placing of a tent card on their desk has been going on extremely well with huge participation. On 23rd March 2022 as per the program  lunch hour meetings have been held  by all units of AIASCT with maximum participation from members. All the units have passed resolutions on the demands and have sent it to the Chairman, CBIC.

Further, on 30.03.2022 a hugely successful lunch hour demonstration was held across the country at all the units, huge gatherings were there at all units and the frustration of officers was palpable.  Reports have been received from all over the country and the support given by the officers for the lunch hour demonstration is unprecedented. 

I urge you to keep up the momentum for the upcoming One day dharna on 06.04.2022.  This is a litmus test for the cadre and there is no option other than succeeding in this agitational program. This is do or die for us as our senior comrades are retiring by the dozens with one promotion in their entire career  and it would be our bounden duty to earnestly attempt for achievement of our demands.

I request the Unit office bearers to step up the reach out and visit as many offices as possible and meet our fellow officers so that the program on 06.04.2022 is 100% successful. 

The photos of the lunch hour meetings held on 23.3.2022 may be found in the following link:

The Photos of the lunch hour demonstration held on 30.03.2022 may be found in the following link:


Shishir Agnihotri

Secretary General



  1. First and foremost the dichotomy in the cadre's togetherness needs to be addressed. All Superintendents across the nation should put a united front. Since I joined service, there have been agitations galore but has the status of our cadres improved. I feel rather that it has diminished. Probably legal recourse is the only way, which may, and I repeat, may lead to any betterment in pay matters and promotional aspects.

  2. Yes, thanks brother for ur observations, this association has no teeth

  3. Redesignation of 24 years DR service officers as Senior Supdts. 10 years and above as Inspector, 14 years and above as Superintendents. A total of 24 years. Classify it as a Group A post with no all India transfer liability. Why at 57 age someone should be transferred? Let two posts have same pay like Sr. Supdt. and AC. What is the issue? Anyway whoever is having PB3 5400 has no gain in promotion. Thus the redesignation will be like giving two plain bread pieces for the hungry person. But at least he got two plain bread pieces and not the cakes being promised.

    1. It really hurts when someone who joined as a LDC when I joined as a DR Inspector, also becomes a Superintendent while I too remain a Superintendent. Then new Inspectors who joined a few years back also have become Superintendents while I remain one too. I don't grudge other's promotions but it really rankles when I know I may have to retire with just one. Then morale goes for a toss and I do work just to get by, no initiative, no josh. And to add salt to the injuries is the attitude of the IRS officers. Really dismal situation and I really doubt if any change will come. But we have to live with hope, and I surely do hope that the situation improves.

  4. As suggested above, redesignation to Senior Superintendents appears to be a great solution.

  5. It is not a solution , but a solace


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...