The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Monday, March 7, 2022


The members are well aware of the recent happenings. We have informed the members regarding our communication with CBIC and other authorities.

 We have been patient and have fulfilled all the requirements for recognition, but have come to realize that there will be new requirements and new queries until you are tired, lose focus and wander off from the real issues of our demand for recasting of the Cadre restructuring proposal, Issuance of All India Seniority List of Superintendents which is pending from 2007, Immediate grant of Promotions/Re-designation, Implementation of SC decisions, resolution of pay matters, provision for required infrastructure, etc etc.

Due to the lack of response from CBIC on the core issues of Recognition of the Association  and the issue of victimization of office bearers of Kolkata unit by the administration and also the apathy of the CBIC on various issues plaguing the cadre this association has decided to launch an agitational programme  pressing for action on the demands which is well enumerated several times and is part of the letter dated 03.03.2022. (Please find attached as link below). The issues of our protest and demands are as under:

 WE PROTEST against the deliberate delaying tactics of the CBIC in renewal of recognition of this Association which is the only Association representing the entire cadre of Superintendents of CGST

a)    Even after our submitting credentials to prove membership strength of more than 53.3 % (as against the minimum required 35% as per CCS RSA Rules)

b)    Even after submission of the above strength twice; the first-time being way back in January 2018;

c)    Even after the Zonal CCs have certified to the correctness of the above strength.

d)    Now the CBIC questioning the Zonal CCs whether their earlier report is correct amounts to denigrating and demeaning their own Zonal authorities, just to further postpone the process of the renewal of this Association. 

2.    WE PROTEST against the victimizations in Kolkata Zone :

a)    Wherein the Zonal PCC has failed to enquire into a complaint submitted to him by the Association on 16.11.2021 and instead has victimized the Association office bearers and members for having dared to make the complaint;

b)    By entertaining a complaint by the very ADC against whom the Association has already complained of misbehaviour

c)    And now trying to cook up a story to create an impression as if the tormentor is the victim and as if it is the Association office bearers and members who had misbehaved with the said authority.

3.    WE DEMAND immediate investigation into the entire episode in Kolkata by way of an open enquiry and that until then the Transfer Orders which have been issued as punitive measure be withdrawn and the ADC who has acknowledged his inability to make his own adjudication orders be shifted to a post without adjudicating powers.

4.    WE DEMAND immediate issue of Duty list for all cadres in all formations of CBIC and that CADRE REVIEW PROPOSAL should be RECALLED from the DoPT and recast on the basis of such duty list and other the proposals submitted in our joint memorandum on the issue.

5.    WE DEMAND immediate rectification of all anomalies in the back-end system of CBIC

Ø  which are not only harassing the officials but also the trade and

Ø  has not fetched the desired result of computerization which is to generate any report at any level instead of asking from the field formations 

6.    WE DEMAND that the field Officials of CGST be immediately provided with necessary infrastructure and manpower on par with their SGST counter parts

Ø  by recruitment of MTS as done in the CBDT and

Ø  ensuring that the vehicles and office space are properly made available to the Group B cadres also.

7.     WE DEMAND that the CBIC should ensure that its field formations complete the following tasks within a time line

Ø  There is no delay in payment of retirement and pensionary benefits.

Ø  All disciplinary cases are completed within time lines prescribed

WE DEMAND notification of revision of Recruitment Rules for Group A with effect from the date of Dudeja case judgment, so as to implement the said judgment in such a manner as to have equity and fairness in promotion between the three feeder cadres from Central Excise/CGST and Customs

a)    Because the recently issued regularization orders of ACs wherein out of 269 promotees, not even a single one is from the Central Excise/CGST, in spite of we being in the ratio of 16:1:2 compared to the two other feeder cadres, thus clearly showing the blatant discrimination against the Central Excise/CGST and

b)    The change of ratio on the basis of vacancy-based roster has not had the desired effect of implementing the above said judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. 

9.    WE DEMAND immediate issue of AISL and conducing of DPC on the above basis and that until the above exercise is completed, all Superintendents who have completed 26 years of service (and hence have reached and/or are entitled to be on 5400 PB -3) be immediately re-designated or upgraded as Assistant Commissioners

a)    Because the post of Assistant Commissioners also has only the same basic pay and it will be revenue neutral;

b)    Several vacancies in the cadre of AC/DC are lying unfilled;

c)    It will avoid further demoralization of the seniors who have not got even a second promotion in their career

d)    And could save further demoralization when present day Inspectors could become Superintendents within 2 years and those who have served for more than 25 years from becoming Inspector also have to work as Superintendents only. 

10.  WE DEMAND that the CBIC immediately write to the Department of Expenditure that all similarly placed members of this Association should be given the benefit of any judgment of any Court or Tribunal where the Association is a party in the case

Ø  so that unnecessary harassment of officers, retirees and family pensioners of the department by forcing them to knock at the doors of the judiciary on settled issues is stopped

Ø  and judicial verdicts get uniformly implemented in all fairness

Ø  and administration also need not waste time and energy in avoidable paper work on settled matters.                 

        I urge all the members to actively participate in the following agitational programs and press for our demands:


1.    Wearing black badges showing our protest and demands from 16.03.2022 to 06.04.2022.

2. From 16.03.2022, display of a board on your office table indicating that we are retiring with only one promotion in the entire career of 35 years or more.

3. All Units to conduct a Lunch Hour meeting on 23.3.2022 and pass resolution on the  demands and a delegation of the Unit to meet the Zonal /Regional head of the CBIC in each formation to submit the said resolution for being forwarded to the CBIC.

4. Units to conduct Lunch Hour Demonstration cum gate meetings to press our demands and protest on 30.03.2022

 5. Units will conduct a One Day Dharna before the Headquarters offices of CGST on 06.04.2022 in support of the demands.

You could find numerous reasons for not doing it but find your one reason among so many to convey your dissatisfaction. A chain is as strong as its weakest link and this applies to the Association movement as well . If you need to achieve your demands just know that your board is in no mood to give it to you on a platter. 

 I Would also like to urge that these agitations are the mildest. Members should come up with other methods of showing our dissatisfaction, if these methods do not yield any result. Let us remember that to break a rock, constant knocking is required. One can never know which knock will break it. No one can chose to deliver only THAT last knock. 

              One for all, all for one. Let us rise and fight for our genuine rights.

                                          Together we can make a difference.

 Click Link for the copy of the letter:



Shishir Agnihotri

Secretary General



  1. I hope AIB won't shy away from protest as all are feeling total injustice at the hands of Board. Do or Die...Do or resign

  2. Why can't we launch a mobile down strike during the agitation period atleast. The entire system is riding piggyback on OUR, PRIVATE mobile numbers. Had not IT dept given dedicated mobiles for its officers long back ?

  3. First and foremost, employee mobiles should not be allowed for office work. All officers should refrain from using their mobiles for office work. That should be No. 1 on the protest list.

  4. LDC promotees have become ACs in Examiner line. You may ask all Custom Houses.

  5. If the cause is regularly highlites in print media and electronic media then only it will make a difference as it happen in case of farmer agitation

  6. The demand can be done in one month by CBIC. All they need is an MS EXCEL Sheet and Cabinet clearance. Also, such officers shall not be transferred outside their CCA. All such Supdts may kindly request the association for the same. WE DEMAND immediate issue of AISL and conducing of DPC on the above basis and that until the above exercise is completed, all Superintendents who have completed 26 years of service (and hence have reached and/or are entitled to be on 5400 PB -3) be immediately re-designated or upgraded as Assistant Commissioners.

    1. But CBIC is not interested in the betterment of it's cadres except IRS.

  7. Sir,
    There are lot of grievances for senior Superintendents. Such a designation was available in 1980s for the then Group A officers who joined after clearing UPSC Exams. Now, we ourselves re designate ourselves. Example 1 : The then ACP scheme visualised two upgradations. One in the 12 th and the second in the 24 th year. Thus, the DR Inspector would get AC scale at the 24th year. Today all our colleagues who are DR Inspectors have not got AC scale after the 24th year. Right? Example 2: A new DR Inspector would get AC scale in 17 years. 4600 GP for 3 years as Inspector, then promotion. Then 4800 GP as Supdt. Then 5400 PB2 after 4 years. Thus in 7 years they get 5400 PB2. Further at the 17th year they would get 5400 PB3. That is a good step by DOPT. But we should see that all Senior Supdts get same treatment.


Please leave your Name, email and phone number so that we can get in touch with you for any clarification.

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...