The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Monday, September 13, 2021

AISL with effect from 1.1.2007 and implementation of NR Parmar in rem

Dear friends and comrades,

We are all well aware that the All India Seniority List for the post of Superintendents of Central Excise is not issued with effect from 1.1.2007. At every given opportunity, we have been insisting upon the Board and DGHRD that the draft of this AISL has to be issued and finalised at the earliest if the DPC for the vacant posts of ACs is to be done.

But, till date the AISL has not been issued.

Hence, we have issued another letter to the Board on this requirement. Click here for the copy of the said letter

With the issue of promotion of 8 petitioners in the P. Bharathan Case, vide Order No. 105/2021 and 106/2021, on 1st September 2021, the fact that N.R. Parmar is applicable even for those appointed before 1986 has been established. 

Thus, not only for all others in the PB CAT, New Delhi, in Harsh Kakkar case, but also for every one else covered by the said interpretation, the revision of seniority is due in terms of N.R.Parmar. We have in fact already filed a Contempt petition before the Hon'ble High Court of Madras in the matter. In the meanwhile, since the DoPT has clarified that the effect of the Meghachandra Singh case overruling N.R.Parmar would take effect only from 19.11.2019, all members who are entitled for a revision of Seniority in terms of N.R.Parmar may make a representation, as advised by our Advocate. Please down load the draft letter for getting the seniority revised as per NR Parmar and submit it to the administration with necessary additions and modifications.

The fact that the seniority of these 8 persons had to be revised and that they had to be granted retrospective effect promotion with effect from 2017, clearly shows how the members had been mislead all along saying that the case was baseless. That our Association had been used to fight against these individuals itself is a tragedy. The administration has not been trying to settle issues on the merits, rather taking them as a question of ego or prestige.

But for members of our cadre, more than ego or prestige, it is the question of living over the disgrace of serving under juniors.

Until the Board is able to settle this primary anomaly in cadre management, the discontentment and litigation on such issues cannot be contained.

Hence, we hope that the Board will be compelled to take a proper view of the issue, if all members file their requests in the format provided above.

With fraternal greetings,

Secretary General


  1. In Mumbai approx 1300 Superintendent are working on ad-hoc basis. Hence there name is not included in the seniority list. Revision of seniority is no use for such officers whose name is not even appears in the Seniority list

  2. Sir, it is really need of hour . We should follow it religiously.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well why not fight for implementation of Meghachandra case wherever seniority lists are not finalized

  5. No where in India, seniority list are not fixed ...all are draft only... So a big question again, whether NR Parmar or Meghachandra... But by going through their judgments, Meghachandra case gives more justice in terms of long term apart from benefits of our own. We have never seen any final seniority list in CCO Guwahati erstwhile CCO Shillong, all are just draft only and even CCO Guwahati replied to CAT,seniority are just draft only, this is the situation.


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...