The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Brushing up and some clarifications

Some Superintendents from Hyderabad and UP have been contacting me and asking me certain points for their personal knowledge. I am giving a clarification in general:

1) Which is the real association?

a. We represent all of India, except the states of Andhrapradesh & Telengana, UP and Gujarat (which are supporting Mr. Ravi Malik) and Shillong which has not decided.

b. All our units are elected as per the constitution and they are having membership deductions from salary.

c. The Units on the other side (all of them) cannot state so.

d. The Constitution of this Association was NOT amended to allow ACs as members. If so the then SG and President of this Association would not have themselves participated in the official launch of the IRS (IDT) OA representing the promotee ACs/DCs at Kolkatta and thereafter formed a JAC with them.

e. No such amendment has been approved by the Board in terms of the CCS (RSA) Rules, as is mandatory for its operation, EVEN IF SUCH AN AMENDMENT HAD BEEN MADE. This has been repeatedly stressed and accepted by the Board itself.

f. That in ITGOA continuance of promotee Officers is allowed is not a factor to decide whether our Constitution permits it, whether it was amended and whether the amendment was approved.

g. Mr. Ravi Malik has till date not dared to reveal the membership strength he really enjoys by way of DDO certificates obtained after May 2017 when the split took place.

h. The reason why he is still entertained/pampered/patronised by the Board is that Mr. Ravi Malik has been doing WHAT THEY WANT HIM TO DO, instead of actually what the Cadre wants.

i. That is why in January/February 2018, they brought him back with file noting with an intent to make him intervene in the SLP filed in the Bharathan Case. That attempt however failed. But without realising that it would fail, they had prepared a reply-Counter, giving in impression he was an Association. THE FUNNY PART IS THAT THE REPLY COUNTER ITSELF WAS FILED IN REPLY TO OUR COUNTER.

2) Whether we are opposed to DPC/Promotions :

a. We are not opposed to DPC or Promotions. We are rather desperate for Promotions.

b. We are concerned about that category of Superintendents who are retiring without even a second promotion in their career.

c. We only expect that the legitimate claims of the Central Excise side should get its due in the process.

d. We only desire that there should be uniformity in interpretation of Seniority related matters in all zones but for which the All India Seniority List will be distorted.

e. In case the above anomalies regarding the AISL and ratio between Central Excise and Customs could not be sorted out by the Board before the DPC, we have also given an alternative solution which is only an administrative decision to be taken and could be done to the benefit of all stagnating Superintends all Over India – Redisgnating all those who reach 5400 PB3 by MACP or those who would have received it but for the cap by the MACP rules of only 3 MACPs, as ACs and allowing them to operate the vacancies in each zone.

f. When our Executive Committee has already given this proposal to the Board, it itself shows how far this Association is concerned about the seniors retiring without getting even a second promotion in their career.

g. On the other side we have Mr. Ravi Malik and his few friends asking for a method of promotion to ensure that their Customs colleagues so that they could retire as JCs and ADCs.

h. We also see that suddenly now they have woken up to what we were saying earlier, that there should be uniformity in all zones. But saying that yesterday only is intriguing.

3) Whether DPC will happen?

a. The Chairman is taking earnest efforts for the same.

b. However, our experience says that such things could not be done by consensus and that only a firm administrative resolve to go by the rule of law can enable it.

c. Yesterday’s letter in the name of Mr. Harpal Singh (seen on their blog) has put so many conditions that it may become an impediment in the process.

d. However, legally they need not be taken into consideration at all, but only if the Board under the present Chairman, is prepared to undo the corrupt act committed by his predecessors in January/February 2018 by resurrecting a spent force, to suit their designs.

e. Even otherwise, we have requested the Chairman to process our request for re-designation as ACs, either alongside the DPC or separately, if the DPC cannot happen for whatever reasons.

f. By any method, we want our members to retire as ACs AT THE LEAST.

4) What we will do if the promotions do not happen?

a. It is a hypothetical question I cannot answer.

b. All decisions communicated by me are as per the decision of the All India Executive Committee.

c. Every single letter to the Board is as per concurrence of the AIEC, by way of circulation online.

d. But, the entire cadre is demoralised as never before. On one hand we have Inspectors who have put in 35 years and above of service retiring only as Superintends. Now those who have completed only 2 years as Inspectors are also simultaneously in the same cadre which makes it a mockery of ‘respect to service’.

e. If having taken the benefit of the service of these senior officers, from their Inspector days, the IRS who got all credits and promotions only because of the hard work of these Inspectors who are currently Superintendents, will not have the heart to give them their due by ensuring the retirement of each one of them atleast as an AC, then it is for the cadre to decide, how they should react.

Foot Note: In the last three years, I have observed that whatever might be the machinations of certain vested interests, however power full they might have been, God’s hand has been guiding our course. Otherwise, with explicit messages from Smr. Vanaja Sarana and Shri. S. Ramesh that they prefer the Association to be represented by Mr. Ravi Malik, the members of more and more units would not have decided to support our side solidly. Everywhere there would be one or two people to take a stand contrary to the popular stand, just for the heck of it, if not for their personal gains. But the Cadre, by and large has understood the designs of the administration when it was being run all along. The present Chairman has earned the name of being a fair Officer and a Gentleman wherever he has worked. That he has become the Chairman and has a reasonably long stint to see through the Cadre Restructuring also gives me a feeling that this is also God’s hand at work. Therefore things are not as bleak as perceived. Hope is the best medicine to survive.

With fraternal regards,

R. Manimohan

SG, AIACEGOE (Membership supported)


  1. The arguments and justifications you put forward are so much more lucid and clear compared to what the other party puts on their blog. That reads like rants from some lunatic, where I can't make head or tail. And having completed 25 years in the department, getting that rare promotion at nearly 20 years, and seeing the way we are treated by the IRS officers makes me very sad and despondent and I personally don't see any hope, even in the distant future for those joining as inspectors. The person who was a ldc when I was an inspector is also a superintendent like me, and the person who was my AC then is my Chief Commissioner now, if these don't dishearten me, what will.

    1. Exactly. You have reflected the feelings of thousands of people like you in the dept. Therefore, my earnest request to our office bearers to do something to get the promotions or at least change of designation.


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...