The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Friday, May 1, 2020

Relaxation sought from DOPT on leave rules and for LTC issues

Ref. No: DOPT/02/2020                                  Date: 01.05.2020

The Secretary,
DOPT, North Block, New Delhi.


           Sub: Certain instructions pertaining to leave and LTC – reg.

     The DOPT had issued a circular relaxing the CCS Leave Rules to enable those who are above 50 years of age and have certain medical issues, to apply for commuted leave, without producing Medical Certificate, against the back ground of COVID 19.  It is requested that the said relaxation may please be extended up to July 30th of 2020 for persons with life threatening diseases like Cancer without age limit, pregnant ladies without age limit and for persons above 50 years with Blood Pressure, Diabetes, bronchial infections, liver or kidney issues, anaemia, etc, considering that we are not yet sure about the asymptomatic cases around and these vulnerable cases should be kept safe. 
     There are a few cases in all departments where different types of leave had been availed and sanctioned by the competent authorities prior to the lock down.  However, due to the lock down the persons could not re-join duty, either due to the offices being closed or their having been caught up in other stations.  In order to overcome such difficulties, it is requested that instructions be issued to enable ‘considering them to have joined on expiry of leave’,  as is done by considering to have been relieved and superannuated (during this lock down).  There could also be cases of persons having obtained leave but could not avail it, but could not submit any written letter regarding the same, due to lock down.  In such cases, such leave may be ordered to be considered cancelled against a written letter submitted on resumption of working of the office.
     Similar orders are also solicited for cases of LTC planned and any advance availed, but either the journey could not be commenced or completed due to the lock down, so that difficulties for submission of claims and interest for delayed remittance of any un utilised advance could be avoided.
     We request that necessary instructions may kindly be issued in the above.
Yours truly,
(R. Manimohan)
Copy submitted to The Chairman, CIBC, for information.

(R. Manimohan

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