The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Dear friends and comrades,

I have come to Delhi today for attending a meeting of the Delhi Association tomorrow during lunch hour, as per the request of Com. Bajaj, the newly elected GS of Delhi.

I and Com. Bajaj, along with Com. Chandraprakash, JS of Delhi Unit, called on the Chairman, CBIC Dr. John Joseph and Member (Admn) Shri. M. Ajit Kumar today.

Both of them received us with utmost courtesy and were very positive to the issues raised by us.  The main issues raised by us and their response are as below:

1) DPC for the Post of ACs: We explained that all the major cases have come to some conclusion and if the Department has not been able to get any order against decisions given by the legal forums in the petitions at Jabalpur, Chennai and Barathan case, then they will have to be followed.  We pointed out that all these cases have had their genesis in the essential fact that there was no uniformity among different seniority zones in maintaining or fixing seniority.  The Member informed us that he has already sent letters to all zonal authorities asking them the parameters used in the zones for fixing seniority and after they are received, within a week, he will take stock of the situation and try to find out a solution.  The Member and Chairman agreed that this cadre alone could not be given any benefit in terms of promotions and assured to do so within two months, with co-operation from all of us.  We also raised the need for AISL after 1.1.2007 with the Member, which he said he was aware of and will be prepared after deciding on the above issues.

2) CR: When sought to know whether the 31st January deadline for submission of CR proposals was there, the Member stated that it has been extended.  We brought to his notice that the Branch B Service was our demand to get the issue of stagnation at the level of Superintendents settled because Group A posts could not be created as many as are actually required.  But, though, the Branch B Service concept was accepted, no posts have been created at the level of ACs and DCs for immediately catering to the requirement of more than 7200 Superintendents who have completed 25 years from the date of becoming Inspectors alone.  Considering that there are more who have completed 20 years, at least 3000 additional posts will have to be created at the level of AC/DC so that in the next 4 to 5 years they will also be able to get accommodated consequent on retirement vacancies.  We also stated that we have submitted the functional justifications for the said creation and it will be expenditure neutral considering the pay drawn by these seniors.  We also pointed out to the Member the divergent methods adopted in the CR Proposals in dealing with the work load in Customs vis-à-vis GST.  Both Chairman and Member assured to consider the issues.  We have stated that after our EC at Nagpur and after the Budget, we will come as a delegation from AIACEGEO and NFCGSTEO on CR issues. Both Chairman and Member have given their consent for detailed meetings.

3) We have handed over copy of our earlier two letters on the matter of Renewal of Recognition to both Chairman and Member.  They have given full attention to our prayers and assured to look into the matter quite earnestly.

4) We raised with the Member the requirement for issue of Mobile phones to Superintendents and Inspectors for discharging office works and pointed out that in Income Tax up to the level of Inspectors mobiles with attached facilities had been provided almost 10 years ago.  The Member assured that he was aware of the issue and will act on the issue. 

Both the Chairman and Member (Admn) have given a patient hearing and were very positive in their approach and response.

Hoping for the best,

With fraternal greetings,

R. Manimohan,

Secretary General


  1. Requirement of mobile phones may be left out.. focus should always be on speedy implementation of CR .. along with All INdia seniority.. and parity with State counterparts and also.. Other government departments..
    And also pay parity with CBI..


  3. Sir no fun of going with C R without any concrete proposal for superintendent promotion from Board and without giving adequate staff at lower level. With next C
    R more vacancies are going to be created for IRS on the expense of cutting staff at lower level. Already department is unable to process it's work due to acute shortage of staff at cutting edge level. It's functioning is going like state Department which is popularly known as Murli manohar departments. Presently no proper staff at ground to maintain and keep service records of its employees and sanction genuine ta,tta, medical bill etc and for investigation in field, but the board is hell bent to create more vacancy at Delhi for their quick promotions and stay at delhi. We should oppose this C R vehemently until it fails to provide solution of staff shortage at ground level and confirm quick promotion s for superintendents.

  4. Sir, indeed very good efforts by you and team. But are we sure that they are serious enough to resolve all the issues Gorup B officers of this department are facing? I think they never had nor will take us seriously, just a simple question why in income tax everything is so streamlined??
    It's been a long history of them giving only lollypops to us to make us feel happy.
    Sorry but it's the reality.

  5. Nothing will happen. This type of meeting is useless and wastage of time and money. Office bearers may feel that they are doing great job for us but entire exercise shall turn out to be futile. Be practical.In CBIC one should be happy to receive salary on the last working day of every month.

  6. Never seen anything concrete done by our association.. don't think they serve any purpose other than just appeasement.

  7. we are listening such assurance since long.No hope at all from these officers who are good for nothing

  8. Pessimistic approach will not carry us to anywhere. If the Board is not considering our just demands but catering only for IRS, Association has to opt for other methods including protests and legal options.

  9. So DPC to AC successfully stalled this time . Kudos

  10. Sir, we should stick to only one demand right now, that is, batchwise, yearwise promotion to AC cadre. All other demands are irrelevant or not important right now. We have to try hard to achieve this goal by all means including an indefinite strike call.

  11. Sir if possible try to ask for sufficient staffs atleast as prescribed by service quality manual.The Divisions and Ranges are severly understaffed.No scope to fall sick even !!. Comparing to state counterparts for almost similar work we have 2 personnels against their 30 personnels, mibimal resources at our hand. And then our board dares to compare our performance with theirs. Also pleade try to minimise the reports sought. Earlier there were 1-2 reports monthly. Today almost daily they require some sort of report. In this electronic and AI era, please make the system efficient enough so as to generate reports from top level itself.

  12. In comparison to all previous submissions, this time submission of Association is more precise and specific.We have no option but to make all out efforts to achieve our goal regarding CR and DPC.

  13. Sir,
    Kindly pray for equal pay with Income tax staff. Batch wise. Because both are in same Department. Promotions later. Most of our staff will get DC pay now. Some may get JC salary also.

  14. We are not discussing the dignity of the post. Our association has been proven themselves as mere puppet of IRS officers. As association we raise the issue only for name sake and only those issues which may not hurt the sentiments of senior officers. As a association we need to more responsible towards superintendent fraternity and not to IRS. We have to fight for ourselves or we may perish or demean to any downward level in fact we are.

  15. This association is not working like puppet of IRS. You may meant other association.


Please leave your Name, email and phone number so that we can get in touch with you for any clarification.

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...