The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cadre Restructuring proposals for comments.

Dear friends and comrades,

Pl see the Cadre Restructuring Proposals sent to us for our comments.  Any comments may be made specific to the paras in the proposals and sent to email ON OR BEFORE 26.11.2019.  The Proposal could be downloaded from the link below:
-R. Manimohan,
Secretary General


  1. There has been no attempt to address stagnation in the cadre of Superintendent. Rather senior Superintendents have been downgraded further by granting level 9 to a new born Inspector. This will further demoralise the cadre. There should have been a recommendation for earmarking 75 percent of vacant posts to be filled up on LDCE to be conducted by UPSC to create buyoancy in the cadre and honour the efficient and hardworking officers.

  2. It appears that our divisive politics have lead to this state of affairs. Atleast now we have to fight for our cause in unison.

  3. The proposal talk volumes about stagnation but do absolutely nothing to address it. To add insult to injury level 8 and 9 have been merged. The reasoning and logic for the same is mind boggling. We should fight for time scale upto JC post on the total length of service in the executive group B cadre. For the functional posts, it should be through a selection process. If base cadre seniority is adopted even the most better off person in the seniority list based on the skewed ratio or otherwise also will have nothing to complain about as the functional post will be through a selection where seniority has no relevance. The monetary implications will also be relatively less, as 3 macp grades are anyway entitled. Any restructuring to address stagnation should benefit the entire cadre and not a miniscule percentage, as has been happening over decades. If the board doesn't accept time scale take up with the issue with union ministry, as it has been clearly mentioned in the restructuring proposal that the exercise to address stagnation has been done based on the direction of the union ministry. Highlight and enlighten them how we we are being taken for ride again with statistics as to who is going to be benefitted by this exercise. The whole exercise is to benefit a section who is already relatively better placed, where as the really stagnated section is left in the lurch. At least this time we shouldn't allow ourselves to be fooled. The present dispensation at the Centre will never allow such nonsense. Just highlight the statistics, and just wait and see how things will happen by itself.

  4. Further time scale upto JC level will even out all inter cadre and intra cadre disparities.

  5. Disastrous. Voluminous. No viable solution. It should be time scale. If ac can be dc in 4 years why this can't be applicable to group b service

  6. Initial Joining date wise batch by batch seniority and pay fixation without post will address our problem but this will not happen due to upper hold of customs examiners and po.

    1. fighting among ourselves has landed us to this stage. divide and rule is the policy of administration. at least we should show a united face now.

  7. Have trust in the present dispensation at Centre. Agitate with statistics.

  8. As per new cadre Re-structuring, there is nothing in respect of the Superintendents who are already promoted in the different CGST & Customs Zone and these zones are not their home state/town. In this regard, some of the proposals are required to taken into consideration please:-
    1. The Superintendents who are already promoted as on date of publication of the cadre notification and completed service of 5 years or more in a zone other than the home zone, such Superintendent may be posted permanently at their home state/town (Zones) as they have already spent more than 15 years (8-10 years as Inspector and 5-7 years as Superintendent) of service away from their Home Town.
    2. After 5 years of services in any CGST & Customs Zone, officer may transferred other Zone, Board may ask first three preferences from such officers, may possibly be accommodated in that preferred zone on the basis of willingness called for from the officers.
    3. Any Superintendent of any CGST & Customs Zone after the completion of 3 years of service may be allowed to seek mutual transfer with the other Superintendent of any CGST & Customs Zone.
    4. Transfer of the officers may be allowed to the place of posting of their spouse. The Board may like to consider to form a transfer policy for those officers whose spouses are working in Private Organization/Educational Institutes etc. in same town from last 6 years so that both husband and wife can lead a normal family life and to ensure better education and welfare for their children as well as look after their ailing old parents.
    5. On placement of Superintendent in Junior time scale pay of Rs.5400/- in PB-2 (Pay level 9), they should be placed in Rs. 5400/- PB-3 Pay level 10 after completion of 2 years of regular service as the officer becomes eligible for next promotion only after completion of minimum tenure of 2 years to the grade Group A IRS (C&CE) but the officer is given Rs.5400/- in PB-2 (Pay level 9) after completion of 4 years of service which is against their eligibility condition of 2 years of service for promotion.
    6. Inter -zonal transfers on Annual General Transfer should be done by DGHRD itself.
    7. A preference should be given to the officers who are willing for transfer to their home state/ home zone. They should be given priority versus officers not willing for their zone of home town/state.
    8. While considering the officer for transfer to their home state /zone, preference should be given by considering their family conditions, financial background, and family medical conditions etc of the officers.

    Jagdish, Superintendent

  9. Let the functional responsibilties of each and every designation and post be finalised and then as proposed in the proposal, let there be zero-based manpower planning as suggested in Ch.8 of the proposals of cadre restructuring. There should also be parity with respect to the state government hierarchy. That can weed out most of the unwarranted hierarchy.

  10. Before implementing cadre restructuring let all the vacant AC posts be filled up .

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  12. I have been watching the whole issue for so many years. Though I retired in 2010, yet I used to watch this neglected aspect of the Department. They have created two separate channels, one for direct IRS and other for Group B thereby created an elite class for them. Please note that an Inspector who directly entered in the department will never go beyond DC in the said proposal. Therefore, stick to the fact that a direct Inspector should be at least promoted upto the post of Additional Commissioner. Further, a Superintendent after being promoted to ClassI post must be promoted to the post of DC not to the post of AC as he would be drawing the pay if DC when he is promoted to the post of Class I. Please note that they have shown this mercy of continuing the posts of AC and further promotions in the proposed restructuring because they need some officers for such grade who can sweep the dirt of the department. Please also note that the said elite class does not recognise this cadre of Class II officers more than a peon. Convey your thanks to GST which has brought the reality to the surface. Now all the promotee will also learn the accounts as posts of AO and CAO have also been proposed to be merged in the posts of Superintendents and ACs.What about Uniform which is the legacy of British Raj and reminds that we are still slaves. If the issues are not resolved at present, never expect that the same will be solved in future. Since GST is not working properly, so the elite class feels the requirement of your cadre.


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...