The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Dear friends and comrades,

          You are all aware that we had a meeting with the representatives of Sh. Ravi Malik at Patna on 6.10.18.  Shri. Pranave Shekar from Delhi and Shri. Sanjay Mishra and Shri. Sailender of Bihar spoke to us on behalf of Sh. Ravi Malik.

          During the said meeting our side had stated that a combined convention could be held under the following conditions:
1)    Elections to the new body be based on DDO Certificate strength and
2)    Only elected representatives of units (elected within the Constitutionally allowed period of 2 years and 3 months prior to the Convention) to exercise the franchise.

The above conditions were insisted because in respect of certain units like Mumbai and Kolkatta a dispute had been raised regarding who were the office bearers of the unit.  Unless the DDO Certificate basis could be adopted, the dispute cannot be solved.  Further if units do not have internal democratic functioning and have an elected body within the stipulated period, then any one could come to the Convention and demand voting rights.

          We had consciously adopted the DDO based voting pattern because only that is in alignment with the CCS (RSA)          Rules and deviating from that principle had ruined the core of the Association at the grass root level.

          After agreeing on these parameters, the representatives of Sh. Ravi Malik left saying that they will intimate the opinion from the other side.  Subsequently they said that the conditions were not acceptable for Sh. Ravi Malik.  Thereafter Sh. Ravi Malik issued minutes of his meeting at Lucknow wherein it was mentioned that the said committee had been formed to annihilate the faction led by R. Manimohan.  So the very initiative of discussion had been dumped by the other side.

          However, after our Surat meeting of the AIEC, I had contacted some of the office bearers of the units yet to join us and requested them to find out modalities for a common convention.

          Subsequent messages from the other side indicated that though everyone on that side wanted a common convention, Sh. Ravi Malik alone was not ready.

          The situation after the issue of letter dated 12.02.2019 by the Board is changed and clear.  It has specified that the ACs cannot continue as office bearers of this Association because no such amendment has been accepted by the GOI.

          In this scenario, since our amendment to make the voting rights linked to DDO certificates also has not been accepted by the GOI, we feel that we also need not insist upon that.

          However, wherever there is more than one claimant to represent any unit, the Convention will have to go by the decision of the majority opinion of the said unit for which alone DDO Certificates may have to be relied upon.

          Otherwise, the elected office bearer/delegate of a unit (within the stipulated period) could be allowed to exercise franchise as per the provisions in vogue before May 2017.

          We hope if this is acceptable to all units, they can come to Kolkatta for the Convention scheduled for 10th and 11th of AUGUST 2019.

          We can honour our former office bearers, Sh. Chandramouli, Sh. Ravi Mali, and Sh. Venkatesh in the inaugural session. The knowledge of Sh. Chandramouli and Sh. Ravi Malik on service matters could be utilized by the Association by making them part of an  Advisiory Committee.

          Units accepting the above proposals for unity to be achieved, may kindly confirm their participation in the Convention by sending us their decision.

Fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan

1 comment:

  1. Feel pity that RS. 900 being deducted from salary every year for all officers with no benefit what so ever. When we were one we could not prove our presence in the cbic for any notable achievement for the cadre, and when we are divided cadres are most sufferers.
    Try to prove to achieve genuine demands from the board otherwise there is no need of association whether United or divided.


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