The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, February 19, 2019



Dear friends and comrades,

It is evident from the letter of Ad IV A dated 12.02.2019 published in the blog in the earlier post that promotee ACs cannot continue in this Association as per the existing CCS (RSA) Rules.  In fact, the Board had taken this view after verification of records, even before the meetings held with both factions in July 2018.  However, they tried to see the actual strength of both sides.

In the meeting with the Board's committee on 27.7.18 we have clarified regarding the constitutional position as well as strength of membership supporting us and emphasised that we alone should be given the renewal of recognition.

We need not repeat regarding the strength actually established on both sides.

The Committee also came to the inescapable conclusion that promotee ACs cannot continue in this Association as per the Constitution of this Association as it stands on date and no amendment has been got approved for the same on this issue from the GOI as required under the RSA Rules.

In spite of this clear understanding of the position, when some units wanted to hold discussions with us to try for unity, we have met with their representatives at Patna on 6.10.2018.  We have also given our proposals for modalities for arriving at a common point for conducting a joint Convention to solve the issue.

The representatives went back stating that they will get back within a day or two.  Till date, they have not been able to make Shri. Ravi Malik agree for any such proposal for unification.

On the contrary,  Shri. Ravi Malik has issued a minutes for his meeting at Lucknow, as per which, no committee was authorised to discuss with us the modalities for a unification, but a committee was constituted only to destroy us (in essence).  This is what is recorded therein :

"40. Secretary General and President decided after due consultation to form a committee to chalk out a programme how to unify the cadre due to disassociating and dividing activities of Sh. Manimohan and associates. A proposal is to be prepared by the committee to proceed on the matter of the unification of the cadre. The members of the Unification Committee will be S/Sh. Sanjay Mishra, Pranave Shekhar, Dilip Pandya, Ashutosh Nivsarkar, Apurba Roy, Vikas Asthana, T. Dass, Thandi Lal Meena and V. Jegannathan. The committee will submit its report to the Secretary General and President for further action.".  How the representatives of this group could have talked to us, if they considered us a divisive group can be answered only by them. 

Now the Board has categorically stated that promotee ACs cannot be members of our Association.  That clearly means that all that Shri. Ravi Mallik did after his promotion as AC, in respect of this association is null and void.  We are all officers in the department interpreting law.  Hence, this legal position is not difficult for us to understand.  We have communicated this view to the Board in our letter issued on 18.02.2019, reproduced above for your perusal.

In spite of this conclusion, if the Board wants us to either amicably settle with a legally non existent faction or to come up for recognition with a different name and Constitution, it is as clear as day light that the administration is only trying to divide us.  It is also now clear what forces were behind this division.

Hence, once again we request the units and its members who are yet to join us to join us for the AIEC to be held at Surat on 23rd and 24th of this month.  If time does not permit them to reach there due paucity of time, at least they can send out a message of support so that unity of the cadre is restored.

If at such a crucial juncture, we still remain indecisive, we cannot blame the administration, but only ourselves, for a divided cadre.

Hope all units and its members will respond positively.

Long live Association.

with fraternal greetings,
R. Manimohan,
Secretary General,

1 comment:

  1. Keep going. We are with u and are committed for the cause of our cadre.


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