The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Friday, December 14, 2018

On decision to join General Strike on 8th and 9th of January 2019

Dear friends and comrades,
          We are at a crucial point where we have to decide whether we are with the main stream Central Government Employees movement or still will continue to nurture the feeling that we are a different class and will get all our dreams fulfilled by only wishful thinking, paying a monthly subscription and giving our views on the social media.  Some persons additionally also feel that things will move by 'lobbying'. But empirical evidence suggests that nothing of that sort helps achievement of our demands, but could have helped some individuals or a few of their immediate friends.
          The entire Central Government Employees movement has come to a point where it finds no way out other than going in for a Strike.  The Confederation of CG Employees & Workers as well as the Railways have given a call for General Strike for two days – on 8th and 9th of January 2019.  Two days is to show the dissatisfaction of the Central Government Employees as a whole.
          This call has become necessary because of the procrastinating attitude of the Government in most of the fundamental issues pertaining to pay, allowances, pension and working conditions of its employees.
          We know that most of the anomalies that arose due to the 6th CPC are yet to set right.  We also know that further anomalies have been created by the 7th CPC and the JCM facility is not working to get them rectified.
          In our own case, we know that the JCM does not function at the Departmental level, as a consequence of which the Board is permitted to do or not do anything, in defiance of logic or law.  Consequence of this degeneration is only a plethora of court cases by various class of employees, for various issues.  Earlier court cases had to be indulged in only in respect of personal issues.  Now, even for general issues and for service conditions, one has to approach the judicial forum.  This degeneration is due to the breakdown of the consultative mechanism.
          At the regional levels also this mechanism is not working.  Even where it is working, it is only on paper and fulfilment of demands is left to the discretion of the Zonal chiefs.
          In the matter of the New Pension Scheme, many of our members may be thinking that it is only pertaining to those who joined after 2004 and that they themselves are in a safe zone.  If any such dreams still exist, it means that we do not understand the direction that politico-economic-discourse is taking place in this country.  Even if that is not taken into account, plain common sense should tell us that in another 5-10 years, the Government employees will consist of only those under the NPS scheme and there will be no necessity for any Government to continue with the old pension scheme even for the pensioners.  A simple legislation could make us on par with the NPS category with some sop in the name of a one-time compensation.  No soul can be expected to cry for us then. 
          In respect of misuse of 56 J, it is our cadre which faces the gravest risk and pressure.
          Due to non-filling of vacancies it is our cadre which is the worst affected due to heavy work load. (The sorry state of affairs of the present day Superintendents could be felt by seeing the video shared in this blog) 
          Time bound promotion is the crying need for our cadre, if not for anyone else.
          Every member should therefore carefully go through the above charter of demands and take a call.
          In the department of Revenue itself, the ITEF and ITGOA have decided to join this strike. 
Within our own department, the AICEIA has already served the notice.  Ministerial Officers of Customs are also going on strike.
          Some of us may also argue that the strike may after all not happen and that it may be deferred or withdrawn based on some assurances given by the Government.
          In this context, two things have to be noted.  The first one is that already it was deferred based on the assurance given by the Ministers earlier.  The present call is because those assurances have not been kept.  Therefore there is no possibility that just based on such assurances it could be deferred.  The second point is that if still it is to be withdrawn or deferred, there should be concrete developments to enable such a decision.  For, ultimately a call for strike is given to get the block move, not just for getting two holidays at our own salary’s expense.
          Along with the general charter of the demands (which is reproduced above) we are also permitted to make our supplementary charter.  In this we can include all those pressing issues for which the Board has been turning a blind eye so far.
          So it is for us to take a call on this issue IMMEDIATELY.  The CCGGOO National Executive is to meet at Delhi to take a decision in the matter, on 17.12.18.  We will be able to convey our decision only on getting a feedback from our Units.
          It is up to the members to give sufficient confidence to their unit office bearers to support the call by informing them that they are ready.
          Otherwise, we are missing this bus.  We do not know whether we will deserve another ride another day.

With fraternal greetings,
R. Manimohan,
Secretary General, AIACEGEO

1 comment:

  1. I do not recommend regional appointment. It create divide within the country and a hurdle to fair and transparent appointment s.


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