The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Thursday, May 10, 2018

COC calls for intensification of agitations in two phases.

Coordination Committee of Associations in the

Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC)

Constituent Associations


Secretary General


IRS (Indirect Taxes) Officers’ Association

Varsha Kolhatkar

B.A. Chakravarthi


All India Assn of CExGazetted Executive Officers

Sanjay Srinivasan

R. Manimohan


All India Customs Appraising Association


Pritam Dhaiya


All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Assn

Rananjay Pratap Singh

Anubuti Chatterjee


All India CX&ST Ministerial Officers Assn

Ram Lalit

Shankar Kumar Saha


All India Customs Ministerial Officers Assn

Nalini Balaji

Abhijit Bandyopadhyay


All India Customs Ministerial Employees Fdn

S. Kaliamurthy

Saugata Chakraborty


All India Customs&CExGrC Officers Fdn

Vijay J. Gaikwad

S. K. Jamal


All India Customs GrC Officers Federation

B. D. Surve

Ashis Chakraborty


All India CEx& Customs Allied Drivers Fdn

J. M. Patel

Sanjay Kumar
Joint Convenors:        R.Manimohan   (09443063989)     &      Saugata Chakraborty (09433402024)

Address for correspondence:       6/7 A.T.D Street, Race Course Road, Coimbatore - 641018
Ref. No. INT/02/2018                                                                 Date: 09.05.2018
CIRCULAR 03/2018
Dear friends and Comrades,
           The COC met at Kolkata on 05.05.2018.  It took note of the fact that inspite of wide spread participation by members from Group C to Promotee Group A Officers in the CBIC all over India in the Black badge wearing and lunch hour protests on 28.02.2018, the CBIC has not initiated any steps towards mitigating the issues raised in the Charter of Demands or to even call the COC for talks.  It was therefore unanimously resolved to intensify the agitations in two phases.
          The first phase would be a letter campaign (in 4 Steps) addressed to the Hon’ble Finance Minister and Respected Revenue Secretary seeking their intervention in the matter and to direct the CBIC to take necessary steps.
          Step 1: The COC is to send the letter by 09.05.2018.  This has been done and the copy of the letter sent by the COC is attached to this Circular.
           Step 2: The next step is for each of the All India Bodies of the Constituent Organisations in the COC to address similar letters to the Hon’ble Finance Minister and Respected Revenue Secretary, with copy marked to the CBIC, highlighting the issues pertaining to their cadres in particular and requesting that the COC be called for discussions urgently and also intimating that a DHARNA would be required to be organized before all Headquarters offices, if no tangible action is forth coming from the CBIC. This has to be done by the evening of 14.05.2018. The Constituent Organisations also should send Circulars to their Units regarding the next two steps and DHARNA. Copy of the communication sent and Circular issued by each constituent should be sent by email to the COC.
           Step 3: The Units of each of the Constituent Organisations of the COC will write to the Hon’ble Finance Minister and Respected Revenue Secretary REFERING TO THE CALL OF THE COC AND THE LETTER OF THEIR ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION/FEDERATION.  Copy of the same should be sent to their respective All India bodies. The Constituent Organisations should put on the WhatsApp group confirmation regarding the number of units which have sent the representations.  This step is to be completed by 21.05.2018.
          Step 4: All members of all the Constituent Organisations shall send letters to the Hon’ble Finance Minister and Respected Revenue Secretary through proper channel with ADVANCE COPY directly sent by email or post or from fax to be arranged by themselves, in support of the demand of the COC and their Association/Federation. The format for the same would be circulated in due course.  Copy of the signed letter should be handed over or sent by email to the respective Associations.  All India bodies and the Constituent Organisations will put on the WhatsApp group confirmation regarding the number of members who have sent the representations.  This step is to be completed by 11.06.2018.
DHARNA ON 20.06.2018:
          A day long Dharnamay be organized before all Headquarters Offices of CBIC, all over India, as per the call of the COC, on 20.06.2018 to highlight the long pending demands of the cadres and the apathy of the CBIC. 
           All constituent organizations are requested to kindly issue circulars and letters from their end as per the above decisions.
           Any new organization willing to join the COC may be asked to send letter accordingly to this COC.
          With fraternal greetings,
Yours truly,
Encl : As above
R. Manimohan
Joint Convenor
All Constituent Organisations be email.

Coordination Committee of Associations in the CBIC
Constituent Associations
Secretary General
IRS (Indirect Taxes) Officers’ Association
Varsha Kolhatkar
B.A. Chakravarthi
All India Assn of CExGazetted Executive Officers
Sanjay Srinivasan
R. Manimohan
All India Customs Appraising Association
Pritam Dhaiya
All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Assn
Rananjay Pratap Singh
Anubuti Chatterjee
All India CX&ST Ministerial Officers Assn
Ram Lalit
Shankar Kumar Saha
All India Customs Ministerial Officers Assn
Nalini Balaji
Abhijit Bandyopadhyay
All India Customs Ministerial Employees Fdn
S. Kaliamurthy
Saugata Chakraborty
All India Customs&CExGrC Officers Fdn
Vijay J. Gaikwad
S. K. Jamal
All India Customs GrC Officers Federation
B. D. Surve
Ashis Chakraborty
All India CEx& Customs Allied Drivers Fdn
J. M. Patel
Sanjay Kumar
Joint Convenors:        R.Manimohan   (09443063989)     &      Saugata Chakraborty (09433402024)
Address for correspondence:       6/7 A.T.D Street, Race Course Road, Coimbatore - 641018
Ref. No. FM/01/2018                                                                       Date: 09.05.2018
Shri. Arun Jaitley,
Hon’ble Minister of Finance,
Government of India,
North Block, New Delhi - 110001
Dr. Hasmukh Adhia, I.A.S,
Secretary for Revenue and Finance,
Government of India,
North Block, New Delhi - 110001
Respected sirs,
                    Sub:- Long pending demands of Staff in CBIC – Reg.
          At the outset, we thank you and the GST Council, for having favourably considered our demand put forth in our letter dated 23.09.2016 (copy enclosed for ease of reference) that the Government should take over the GSTN.  This decision has substantially protected the interests of the nation in a major way.
2.       We would also invite your kind attention to the resolution which was also communicated vide the above said letter dated 23.09.2016, passed in the meeting of ‘All Staff Associations in Central Board of Excise and Customs’ on 17.09.2016, indicating the indifferent attitude of the CBEC (presently CBIC) in dealing with the issues pertaining to the Staff of the Department. Subsequently, the Direct Recruit IRS Officers’ Association had also joined us in a meeting held at Mumbai on 01.10.2016 and again at New Delhi on 03.02.2017.
3.       Consequent to the demands raised in the above meetings, the Hon’ble Finance Minister was gracious enough to have a meeting with our representatives on 10.02.2017.  Though the Hon’ble Finance Minister had observed during the said meeting that the acute stagnation of staff at various levels in the department was deplorable, no tangible action had been initiated by the Board to tackle the same till date. 
4.       At the same time, the CBEC (now CBIC) has exhibited alacrity and urgency in addressing the grievances of Direct Recruit IRS Officers alone, disregarding the fact that while they have been getting quick promotions with substantial monetary hikes in their careers, the other staff in the department did not get even 2 to 3 promotions in their career and even the paltry number of promotions got by them did not fetch any financial benefits.  On the CGST side as well as on the Customs side of the CBIC, Drivers have been left to rot; Non-ministerial staff have not been provided with any scope for progression; Promotional avenues of the ministerial staff have been blocked; Inspector based cadres from Group B to Group A promotees have been left stunted and stumped with only one promotion or at best 2 in their entire career. Even the recommendations of the Stagnation Committee vide CBEC F. No. C-50/58/2017-Ad II dated 01.08.2017 constituted as per the remarks of the Hon’ble Finance Minister and directions given by the Respected Revenue Secretary have not been taken to its logical conclusion.
5.       The Board which required and sought the support and assistance of all the staff of the CBEC for the successful roll out of the GST, now conveniently, do not even acknowledge the existence of other cadres in the department, let alone their grievances. The contribution of the nearly 60,000 strong workforces from Group C to Group A Promotees of the CBIC have got a raw deal.  The weekly letters issued by the Chairman, CBEC (now CBIC) would vouch for this DR-IRS Centric attitude of the Board.
6.       Against the above back drop, the Staff Associations of CBEC (now CBIC) decided to collectively put forth the issues pertaining to all cadres from Group C to promotee Group A in the CBEC and gave a call to organize lunch hour meetings all over India to list out the long pending demands. Accordingly, on 01.02.2018, all members of the Constituent Organisations in this Co-Ordination Committee, in separate meetings held at the Headquarters Offices and important stations all over India, passed resolutions on the long pending demands of the cadres.  The same was communicated to the Chairman, CBEC, vide our letter in Ref. No CBEC/01/2018 dated 26.02.2018. A copy of the same with the charter of demands is enclosed for kind reference and records.
7.       Subsequently as notified to the CBEC vide letter dated 26.02.2018 cited above, members of all the constituent organizations in this COC observed ‘DEMANDS DAY’ on 28.02.2018 by wearing black badges and conducting lunch hour meetings/demonstrations in front of all Headquarters Offices in the CBEC.  However, till date, even after more than two months from the date of observance of the above ‘DEMANDS DAY’, the CBEC (the present CBIC) has neither invited the COC for a discussion on these long pending demands nor initiated/communicated any action towards mitigating them.
8.       In these circumstances, the COC met at Kolkata on 05.05.2018 and resolved to bring the above apathy of the CBIC to your personal attention and seek your kind intervention.  It was also resolved in the meeting of the COC on 05.05.2018 that if no action is initiated by the CBIC to discuss with the COC and settle the demands in the charter, a daylong DHARNA will have to be conducted in front of all Head Quarters Offices of the CBIC on 20.06.2018, to call attention to the long pending demands.
9.       We therefore request your good self to kindly intervene in the matter urgently and issue necessary directions to the CBIC so that they shed their partisan approach on staff matters and treat all staff issues with equal empathy and settle them at the earliest.
10.     We will also be highly obliged if an appointment could be accorded by the Respected Revenue Secretary to us at an early and convenient date, to enable us to elaborate on the issues in the Charter of Demands.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Encl:   (1) Our letter dated 23.09.2016
          (2) Our letter dated 26.02.2018 with Charter of Demands                
(R. Manimohan)
Copy submitted for information to:
(1)   Shri. Shiv Pratap Shukla, Hon’ble MOS for Finance, New Delhi
(2)   Shri. Pon. Radhakrishnan, Hon’ble MOS for Finance, New Delhi.
(3)   Smt. Vanaja N. Sarna, Chairman, CBIC, New Delhi.
(4)   Shri. S. Ramesh, Member (Admn), CBIC, New Delhi.
(R. Manimohan)


  1. First thing should be to hire a good advocate to get the DPC stalled, because the current one has failed miserably.

  2. Get GST registration in multiple states of India


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