The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Saturday, March 24, 2018


               The CBEC appears to have understood the legal reality that without getting a permission from the Hon’ble Supreme Court, DPC cannot be conducted for the post of ACs, when the seniority list stands quashed by a CAT Order, upheld by the Hon’ble High Court. Accordingly an application is understood to have been filed by the UOI in the Hon’ble Supreme Court seeking to conduct DPC on an adhoc basis and to regularize it on the basis of the outcome of the Appeal.

              People who have pushed the previous Member (Admn) into a position of inviting contempt notice, once again had been crowing that a stay over the contempt proceedings alone is enough to go ahead with DPC even when the SLP was pending before the Hon'ble Supreme Court, without any stay of the order of the lower court.

We are happy that atleast now, our repeated pleas have been heard (last made on 19.03.2018) posted previously in this blog. Thus, CBEC have taken a proper step towards conducting DPC. 
            The larger interests of the cadre, however demand that the CBEC also should get the matter heard and disposed off quickly and recast the seniority list accordingly so that by getting the SLP converted into  a Civil Appeal and putting it in cold storage, it does not become a case of ‘Operation success, but patient dead’.

The other development, at Jabalpur CAT, where a stay of DPC has been ordered upto 13.4.2018 also requires to be handled by the CBEC with equanimity and equality.  The CCO Bhopal have correctly pointed out in one of their letters that there is no uniformity in following the procedures or law regarding catch up principle or own merit concept in various zones in the CBEC and have requested the DGHRD to convene a meeting of the Zonal Chiefs to arrive at a consensus.
            Immediate action on that front also, in a legal manner, without giving in to emotions of pressure groups, is the need of the hour.
R. Manimohan


  1. Sir, That's really an achievement....Contextually said...The operation has begun and with success let the patient also die...Provided let the patient be the 'psychotic reasoning of the upper echelon' ..When the opportune time comes...akin to the US operation to capture Laden, which was months in the planning but took just a few minutes to complete...Operation was successful and Laden was dead....We wish such "Ladenised" (??) reasoning that led to severe heartburn for quite many should die with this struggle..Praying things come out well..God bless you all Sir(s)...


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