The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Sunday, December 24, 2017


After a very long time, more than 7 years in respect of this cadre, the Delhi Unit of our Association has gone in for elections and a new team lead by Shri. T. Chakrapani Rao and Shri. Pranav Shekar is in place. We welcome this new team and we are sure that these elections in Delhi have become historic. Efforts of Com. H.S.Bajaj to enable this have to be recorded.

On my interactions, it is found that most of the members of the Delhi unit have till date been insulated from the rest of India, by those who have been representing the Unit at the All India level, all along. Hence for their benefit I would like to recount some details very briefly.  Of course, other details they would be able to gather on going through this blog at their convenience.

With the stagnation levels of the Inspector-Superintendent community lesser in Delhi than in most of other parts of India, the issues pertaining to that region have been different. 

This difference has indeed enabled the former leadership of this AIA to take decisions which were not exactly in the interests of our cadre.  The fissures had become open after the COC meeting at Mumbai where the DR IRS    Association and Appraisers Association had been invited by our then SG, without consultation with other Assns in the COC or even his own then President.  It aggravated when he convened an All India Executive Committee Meeting in February 2017 a day after a COC meeting, thus making the decisions of the COC meeting a fiat accompli on the EC of our Association.  Needless to say that the COC decisions were dictated by the IRS DR Association.

Subsequent promotion of Mr. Ravi Malik became another cause to request him to step down and allow the President to conduct the Convention which was overdue.

The Convention convened by the President at Chennai saw very many units through-out India having no elected bodies.

One by one they have been revived and they have all joined this AIA and as on date 22 have joined.


Our immediate concern is regarding the reorganisation of Customs from 1.1.18.
The Board wants to ring-fence Customs.  The reason they have given is that it is done to keep it away from the State GST Officials.  That means that Central GST Officers also will have to be kept away.  Thus it is effectively a bifurcation of the Gr B and C cadres.  But in the interest of the DR IRS they do not want to bifurcate at Gr A level or the Board as such.  They plan to continue filling up the customs posts, “hitherto manned by the Central Excise Officers’, in the words of the Member (Customs) by loan postings from the GST.  That means that we lose our lien or right over those posts. Later, when they are able to fill it up with the Customs officers, we will be eased out.

Against the above move, we have obtained a direction from the CAT Chennai that unless the cadres commonly recruited at the level of Inspectors/Pos/Examiners are integrated, atleast as per the Board’s own decision of 16.1.1996 and seniority fixed accordingly, exercising of options and protection of seniority and service vis-à-vis Customs counterparts would not be possible and hence until these issues are settled, the re-organisation should not be implemented. The AIEC which met at Mumbai has also resolved to demand that until a bifurcation of the Board is done, the existing staffing pattern should continue.

The Board is yet to call us for any discussion on this issue. Hence this week is crucial.

If the Board does not postpone the implementation of the re-organisation, we may have to move the Court once again and simultaneously launch organizational protests to safeguard the interests of the Inspector born community.

All Units are requested to kindly give their feedback on the above issue urgently.


  1. The issue of reorganisation was discussed in length at Mumbai AIEC meet and it was resolved that either status quo is to maintained and if it is not feasible a vertical split of the Board is the ultimate solution and Chhattisgarh unit is in total agreement with the above.

  2. Very true. We always had ill treatment from CBEC and they never bothered about us though they can not survive without us. Now enough is enough. Let us take all possible steps to safeguard our interests.


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Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...