The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

For DPC to the posts of ACs

I have been getting calls from various parts of the country enquiring about the present status of implementation of the N.R.Parmar judgement and the DPC for the posts of ACs lying vacant.

While some have insisted that Parmar judgement should be got implemented, some others have pleaded that they may be promoted because they may not get a promotion at all.

This dichotomy within the cadre is understandable.

Unlike some others who try to bring pressure on those who have gone to Court, we have tried to make the Board take some concrete steps to avoid forcing members to go to courts to get a settled law implemented and also to ensure that the promotional posts are not allowed to lie vacant when people are totally demoralised by stagnation.

We said this on 18.08.2017 during our meeting with the Member (Admn) and reitereated it on 15.09.17 to him.

In the light of the dismissal of the Review petition of the department in the case before the Madras High Court, we have urged the Board once again to issue instructions to the field like done in the case of CBDT and in the meanwhile seek the permission of the Court to conduct adhoc DPC with an undertaking that the revision of seniority list will be completed within a specific time frame and DPCs will be reviewed accordingly.

The latest letter to CBEC is given above.

Let us hope, the larger interests of the cadre are neither compromised nor be held to ransom.


  1. Good initiative..
    After all,dispute or delay in finalisation of seniority list is one of the main reason for which ad hoc promotion is envisaged.
    Further, all promotion s up to commissioner level affecting 1000s of officers are on ad hoc basis only...
    So no justification in delay of dpc on this score..
    Best wishes.

  2. Sorry to state here, but no such issue was raised by the Hon'ble during the said meeting with the Member (Admin). I know that for my this post I may be debarrrd from making any further post on the blog, but that shall not dilutr the truth.


Please leave your Name, email and phone number so that we can get in touch with you for any clarification.

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...