The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

On the legitimacy of the AIB elected at Chennai Convention

On the above allegations made by Sh. Ravi Malik to the CBEC and placed on his blog, we have given this reply:

(Representing the Superintendents of C.Ex & CGST)
[Recognised vide CBEC Letter F. No. B 12017/10/2004-Ad IV A dated 21/01/2008]
6/7 A.T.D. Street, Race Course Road, Coimbatore – 641018.
Sanjay Srinivasan

Vice Presidents: 
Prabir Mukhopadhyay
Sanjay Kumar 
H.S. Bajaj 
K.S. Kumar
P.K. Jaishankar Iyer

Secretary General 
R. Manimohan

Asst Secy General 
Shishir Agnihotri

Joint Secretaries:
Kousik Roy
D. S. Thakur
Malkit Singh  Kalugasala Moorthy
Sandip Panvalkar

Core Committee:
R. Chandramouli
Tirthankar Pyne
Ajit Kumar K.G.

Ref. No:CBEC/19/2017                                Date:  22.08.2017

Shri. S. Ramesh,
Member (Admn),
CBIC, North Block, New Delhi.

Sub: Legitimate officer bearers of AIACEGEO – reg.
Kind reference is invited to a letter purported to be issued by Shri. Ravi Malik vide 77/AIB/A/17 dated 19.08.2017 addressed to your good self, wherein he is seen to have reiterated his claim that the Convention held at Gandhidham was the only Constitutional Convention and the All India Body created there alone were the Authorised Officer Bearers of AIACEGEO.
              In this regard, we have already submitted the letter of the former President of the AIACEGEO, Shri. Chandramouli in Ref. No. Pres/Chennai Convention Elections/1/2017 dated 29.05.2017 vide our letter in CBEC/14/2017 dated 20.07.2017. 

We do not want to waste your valuable time by listing out the causes that led the former President to hold a Convention at Chennai in exercise of powers conferred on him by the Constitution of AIACEGEO. However, for the sake of records, certain brief points are submitted:
The latest canard by Shri. Ravi Malik that the new AIB formed at the Chennai Convention has been behind the Court proceedings initiated by Bharathan and others, is only one example of his capacity to lie and expectation to take people for a ride.  Consequently, the members of this Association who saw through his games of spreading misleading stories and conducting the Association in a feudal and divisionary manner have been fed up.  His staunch support for reduction of residency period for Inspectors and opposition to their All India Seniority have been seen as stands only to support the zones which are already ahead in promotions in comparison to the stagnating zones and consequently, against the interest of larger interest of the membership to reduce the regional inequalities at least within the Central Excise, if not to annihilate it all together. It was felt that he was actively indulging in regionalism at the All India level and creating divisions within the Units. He had failed to appreciate the requirement to take up issues regarding the revision of pay scales in a step by step method, which was also resented by a sizable section of the members.

 He had repeatedly failed to consult the other Office bearers on vital decisions and had refused to hold elections on time even in his own unit at Delhi.  The averment in his above referred letter that someone associated with the Confederation of Central Government Employees would be associated with some political outfit also shows his lack of depth on Government employee issues and his sense of exclusiveness on larger issues.  He appears to be not even aware that the Confederation is only a co-ordinating body of recognised Associations of Central Government Employees, including the Income Tax, CAG’s Office and Central Secretariat Staff Associations.  Many of the Units of AIACEGEO are actively participating and co-ordinating with the Confederation of Central Government Employees and/or the Confederation of Gazetted Officers at regional levels on larger issues pertaining to pay and allowances and conditions of service.  Only those units which did not have membership base or proper Association activities and elections as in Delhi wanted to project themselves as exclusive specimen among the Government employees, consequent to which our cadres have suffered on various grounds in comparison with other sections of employees within the Government.
Against the above back drop, large sections of the Superintendents were sceptical regarding the intention of Shri. Ravi Malik to hold on to the post of Secretary General of the AIACEGEO. The reason that he had become Assistant Commissioner and consequently he should not continue as an Office Bearers of the AIACEGEO, was perhaps only a face saver offered, which he refused to take.  This again was only in keeping with a decision at the previous Convention of the AIACEGEO at Daman, wherein it had been decided that ACs could continue as members, but not as Office Bearers. It was only against this back drop that a separate Association was formed by the Promotee IRS Officers, in the process of which Shri. Ravi Malik and the then President Shri. Chandramouli had actively played a supportive role.
The ultimate test of strength lies in submission of DDO Certificates. We have assured vide our letter dated 20.07.2017 referred above, to submit the DDO Certificates to establish our membership support base by 30.09.2017.  The delay in collecting the DDO Certificates has been due to two reasons:
(i)           In many of the Units of AIACEGEO (Including Delhi, Mumbai, Nagpur, etc) elections had not been conducted within the two year tenures as stipulated in the Constitution of the AIACEGEO, and consequently, we had to get elected bodies in these Units and get the DDO certificates through these properly elected Office Bearers.
(ii)          Due to large scale transfer of officers on the eve of the roll out of GST and changes in jurisdictions, formations etc, deduction of membership afresh had got delayed.
          Hence, we request that we may kindly be permitted to submit the DDO Certificates to establish our membership strength and a decision be taken accordingly. 

Yours truly,

(R. Manimohan)
Secretary General
Copy submitted for information to:
(1)  The Chairman, CBIC, North Block, New Delhi.
(2)  The Joint Secretary (Admn), North Bolock, New Delhi.
(3)  The Commissioner, Co-Ordination Cell of CBIC, North Bolck, New Delhi.
(4)    The Under Secretary, Ad-IV A, CBIC, New Delhi.

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