The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Ground reality is not a slave to Frustration and Aspersions of some.

Dear Members,

I have seen the comments on my previous blog by some frustrated members, this effort is only to clear their concerns.  Please understand that after almost 31 years of my service I am not oblivious to the fact that they have been waiting for their promotions for a long time and their reactions to the decision of the CEC of AIASCT to pursue for a permanent resolution of a long standing issue of regional disparity is well understood.  However, people fail to understand that every time there is a talk or possibility of a DPC there is also the demon of stay from courts and the fight and the scramble for its resolution. It is this perpetual hurdle  that AIASCT is trying to resolve by bringing in systemic changes so that there are no roadblocks for every future DPC.  We have also made it very clear that the AIB of this Association has not moved any court on the issue of AISL and we have also requested the Seven Units of AIASCT who have filed an OA in  CAT Principle Bench  to withdraw from the case.  Having said that,  left with no other option to resolve the glaring issues of seniority even if we approach any judicial forum for resolution we will be seeking resolution of the issue by alternate methods and certainly not by seeking stay of any process as we are aware that it could be self inflicting for the seniors of this suffering cadre. 

The stay from CAT Hyderabad was a bolt from the blue as nobody expected it.  It is an issue which has seen many twists and turns and finally decided in favor of the promotee officers by the Hon'ble Supreme Court, and any action without considering the said Order would have been a retrograde step which  would have definitely haunted us in the future.  This issue is certainly a setback and may result in a delay of a few weeks but surely not a roadblock.  It is expected to be resolved soon and will definitely not hinder the prospects of the officers.  Board has already issued instructions for its implementation and nobody other than the administration of  Hyderabad Zone is required to act, which is being monitored by the Hyderabad unit of AIASCT. 

Not withstanding the above issues the collection of Data itself is in progress and in fact contrary to your belief the office bearers of this association at each local unit have put in their efforts to ensure that the data is transmitted and this has been done silently without shouting from the squares with a microphone.  Just posting messages in WhatsApp groups will not yield results but ground work done will.  Anybody in Bangalore will know how it was done which was one of the first Zones to complete the task, same is the case in other Zones also. Any allegation on this ground is either motivated or they are blissfully unaware of ground reality.   The letter calling for data was sent on 8th September 2022 and vigilance clearance was sought on 27th September 2022,  in roughly Sixty days both the tasks are herculean but considerable work is completed.   One should understand that there are issues of NRCs not being issued, APARs being misplaced, APARs not communicated etc and we cannot aspire to march forward leaving some of our brethren behind. Cacophony from some distractors is uncalled for until this task is completed. 

Despite the uncharitable comments made by some in the comments to the previous blog which alleges that nothing is being done, it is to communicate that we have met the Chairman/Member more than 4 to 5 times in the last six months and we have had a correspondence galore on all outstanding issues.  Only after our repeated requests and letters that the AISL 2007 to 2011 was issued. I have visited  DOPT thrice on CR issues.  What ever is required to be done is being done but without shouting from the roof tops because that is not my style. I have kept everyone informed about every action.

I am aware of my obligations to my seniors from 1985 to 1991 batch officers who are eagerly waiting for their promotions and will get it,  I am also aware of my obligation and the desperation of some of the 1989 to 1991 batch seniors from some Zones who don't find themselves in the seniority list  they know that we are doing our bit, I am aware of the keenness of my batchmates of 1992 most of whom are covered in this list,  I am aware of the enthusiasm of my juniors to make it to the list, I am also aware of the aspirations of the young just promoted officers who just want a hassle free promotion process put in place which is what we are trying. Casting aspersions is easy but to manage and balance all these conflicting interests is our job I know, but only the day we put behind our shallow sectarian interests and collectively work with unity for the cadre interests will we be able to  force the hands of the Administrators for a permanent solution.  Until such time we are gullible and should be cautious about unwittingly playing into the hands of our persecutors.  

I have consciously stayed away from arguments on the blog just for the reason that I don't want to be part of any mudslinging which will further alienate and divide people.  My effort would be to assuage the feelings of the aggrieved and take everyone along.  Every single comment is being taken note of  and accounted for its worth.  Any positive suggestion is always welcome.    

Jai Hind.

Yours truly

M.A. Jithendra

Secretary General




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