(Formerly known as AIACEGEO) Blog to disseminate information on cadre related issues to the Superintendents of Central Excise & GST all over India (Members of AIASCT)
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Action Taken Report as approved by the Central Excutive Committee
Friday, August 6, 2021
Dear friends and comrades,
By now most of you would have come across through social media the copy of the Joint Memorandum being submitted by the AICEIA and AIASCT to the Hon’ble Prime Minister and the Hon’ble Finance Minister through Hon'ble MPs.
For the sake of record and ease of reference at any point in time, it is reproduced here. PL CLICK HERE FOR THE JOINT MEMORANDUM
Already a couple of copies have been forwarded. More require to be forwarded from all parts of the Country. The need for it as felt by the Central Executive Committee of the AICEIA and AIASCT is explained below for the knowledge of all our members.
Yes, this is not a mere memorandum. It is the first step in our organisational movement. Conducting Dharnas, demonstrations, strkes, etc are not necessarily the only methods to draw the attention of the Government. This is one such alternate method provided for in a democracy. Our concerns about the mis-management of affairs in the department and the ill-treatment meted out to our cadres can be brought to the knowledge of the highest Political Head of this Country and our Ministry, through our elected representatives in the Parliament.
In this process, first, every one of us has to become aware of the quantum and magnitude of the injustice that has been heaped upon us for decades and is sought to be perpetuated by the current exercise of Cadre Review or Cadre Restructuring. For that, each one of us has to become aware of what efforts we as an Association have been taking in the past more than 4 years to make the CBIC understand our plight and how many suggestions have been given by us to overcome the pathetic condition that our cadres have been placed in.
The very persons who told us, speak only about your own cadres and do not bother about others, did not pay heed when we made a very simple revenue neutral demand of re-designating all those who have completed 26 years from Inspector grade as Assistant Commissioner, because all of them have already drawn more than the minimum of the basic pay of the AC post. Then they said that it was not acceptable because all other departments also would make similar demands. WHICH OTHER DEPARTMENT HAS SUCH A STINKING STAGNATION AT THE LEVEL OF GROUP B GAZETTED OFFICERS WHERE PERSONS EVEN AFTER COMPLETING 35 TO 37 YEARS COULD NOT GET EVEN A SECOND PROMOTION IN THEIR CAREER. And if at all there was such another department with the same plight then what is the harm in extending the same scheme to them too? NO ANSWERS.
In order to muzzle our collective voice, they have played in the name of recognition all along, for the past 4 and a half years. Earlier to that they did not bother about it because, the then elected representatives of our cadre (then undisputed) had been dancing to the tunes of the administration, taking whatever crumbs were thrown at them as gratis and barking day and night, which members thought as their expression of anger and frustration and method of raising demands, but in fact were only expression of gratitude to their masters.
When some of the units woke up and found that the watch dogs had become lap dogs, the new dispensation took over in May 2017. After watching for a few months, determining that the new dispensation was not ‘amenable’, the administration started the game of pretending to doubt the credentials of the new born.
First they made the worn out loyalist come up with a counter claim. Then without even bothering to verify the veracity of the claim, took it on record with such speed and eagerness and made it a counter claim with equal strength to that of our claim based on DDOs collected from the field. When questioned how DDO certificates for the periods even prior to the point of division of the Association could be allowed by the counter claimant to be produced in his support, though they agreed that it was not correct, did nothing to remedy. Though they agreed that the counter claim consisted of duplicates and triplicates, by submission of DDOs of the same persons and units multiple times for different periods, they said that they did not have the man power to verify these. When we obtained them under RTI and gave them the break–up, they did not refuse or accept. Even when they admitted that as per the approved Constitution a person after promotion as AC cannot continue as a member of this Association or let alone be its SG, they still considered a claim made by such a person as a counter claim and persisted upon the theory of two associations. At last, they took the opportunity to de-recognise the Association and asked both to come under different names and submit credentials in the new names.
Immediately we renamed our Association, changed name in bank accounts and obtained DDO certificates in the new name. We have submitted DDOs to evidence 41% strength out of the current working strength of 14,000. (When the minimum requirement for the purpose of grant of recognition under the CCS (RSA) Rules, is only 35%) This has been done by great strain by our Unit Office bearers within 6 months and inspite of the pandemic raging all over the country.
Then the Commissioner Co-ordination wanted to verify these DDO certificates. Remember, earlier when fabricated and farcical claims were made as a counter, they did not have man power to verify them and even when we verified and submitted it they did not deem it fit to verify that. Now, again they have sought reports from the CCAs regarding our strength. There is no mention about a common date for such verification. The intent is obvious. It is to drag on with this process thereby telling the story to every authority who may question them regarding our demands that ‘they are divided or they are not recognised’. The million dollar question which begs answering is whether the CBIC has ever undertaken such a verification of membership and in the case of other Associations? Answer is NO. In fact there is even a precedent that renewal of recognition was granted even without requisite percentage of DDOs presented on grounds that ‘there was no other claimant’. Here, we alone have submitted the DDOs and there is no other claim in the name of this Association. Then what is the problem. CR is the problem sir. The vested interests revolving around the CR are the problem.
Now what respect or regard they have given to the recognised associations, is another point to be considered. Whether AICEIA or all other Associations in the CBIC, have they been taken into confidence regarding what proposals have been finalised by the CBIC in the CR? A BIG NO.
When the proposals were sought under the RTI they said that it was a part of the Cabinet papers since it has to go to the Cabinet for approval and hence could not be revealed. First, whether it is eligible to become part of Cabinet papers is yet to be decided by the DoPT. Then how come the denial. Then, how do they simultaneously claim that the Associations have been taken into confidence in the exercise, if it is claimed to be so secret?
When we have repeatedly asked for the Duty list and the draft RRs for the proposed Branch B Service, they have remained silent. Remember, we produced a duty list of the CBDT as a model. We also submitted Draft RRs for the Branch B Service.
Though they claim that the CR is based on the duties and responsibilities, when the AICEIA sought the copy of the same, they said that they cannot make it a part of the CR because, the CR is to be approved by the Cabinet and if made a part of the CR, the department cannot go to the cabinet each time it wants to change the duties and responsibilities. What great spin masters? As if we do not understand the difference between something that is the basis of a CR and something that is a part of the CR.
Old time head-clerks would give better excuses than this.
The idea is only to continue with a morally corrupt HR. A HR which will take care of the IRS and their immediate needs alone. Those cadres which fall under the category of the above alone may stand to gain something. And as we all know, the Customs fall under that category. Any number of Supreme Court judgments will not alter this vested interest. Defining duties and responsibilities will clearly show the higher posts which have neither duties nor responsibilities and in fact only add to the woes of the working field officers, by throwing their weight around. So they have continued to evade it.
And the working cadres will once again get a raw deal. After all they are working only for the department no? Not for the IRS.
What other mind set could have given only a 1% increase in the number of AC/DC posts when the stagnation is the heaviest from Superintendent to AC and when the percentage of promotion is only 23% from the Superintendent cadre as against the feeder percentage of 67%. Out of that 23% also a major chunk, illegally and immorally goes to the Customs side. The memorandum explains these details.
The IRS claims to be the brain of the CBIC. They are indeed expected to be so.
The fundamental quality and greatness of the brain in a body is that it is the only organ in the body which does not know its own pain – but more importantly knows the pain of all other parts and organs. This is ordained so because, if the brain knows its own pain, it will hardly have time to take care of other organs. A selfish, self serving and narcissist cluster is not entitled to make such tall claims then.
The brain has another quality. Whatever food is taken by the system, whatever energy is gained by the intake, it will immediately be drawn by the brain first. This quality is again ‘endowed’ to ensure that the brain will thereafter take care of and set right other organs and parts of the body. But this is fulfilled only in drawing all energy. The other part is also ‘swaha’.
We have thus landed up in a position where we are at the mercy of a Kabandhaka like structure. Two long hands and one big insatiable stomach greedily roaming around for more and more food. The lives under threat have to cry to Lord Sri Rama to come to their rescue.
It is for this that we have to primarily become aware of our precarious and pitiable condition and the causes thereof and bring them to the notice of as many number of elected representatives of the Parliament in all parts of the Country so that they will collectively be able to bring to the knowledge of the Ministry and Government the HR hara-kiri being committed in the CBIC, which will have a very adverse implication for the future of the Department and the Government.
This is not the work only of the Office Bearers of the Association. Every member has a responsibility to contribute their mite. Each one of us will be knowing someone who can get an appointment with our local MP. After all when our higher ups want anything, is it not our cadres which have been arranging all that? Let us do this for ourselves then.
Each one has to make that attempt and they themselves can take this memorandum to that MP or take their Unit Office Bearer along to the MP and request their support for our genuine cause. If the MP is convinced about it, we should request them to forward the Memorandum to the Hon’ble PM and FM.
Every Superintendent and Inspector has to do this, if they should continue to think that this department belongs to them also and that their future in the department has to be with some dignity.
Chalo. Let us march together with the AICEIA.
With fraternal regards,
R. Manimohan,SG, AIASCT
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