The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Monday, February 22, 2021

Red Salute to Com. Venkatakrishnan


The ever smiling face of Com. Venkat shall remain etched to our minds ever.  He left us today morning at around 8.30 am.  

He had developed breathlessness on 4th of January 2021 and was admitted to the GH at Chennai.  He was diagnosed with acute kidney malfunction and also a heart condition.  Though he recovered briefly, he had to be on dialysis twice a week.  After his first bout of hospitalization, he was discharged with advice to go in for dialysis at any other hospital.  Again he had to be hospitalised for dialysis and he was retained in the hospital for four weeks due to his getting COVID infection. After his discharge he started visiting a multi-specialty hospital for dialysis.  But last week he developed loss of sleep and his condition started deteriorating.  He was again admitted to the Private Hospital in the ICU.  He passed away today morning. The COVID had taken its toll due to his comorbid health condition.

His elder son has just now completed his BE and his younger son is to appear for 10th Standard Board Exam this summer.  He has been the sole bread winner in his family, apart from taking care of his aged mother and also his in-laws.

The grief for those who have worked with him is immeasurable.

Coms. Parthiban, Chandramouli, Anbuchelvan, Muralikrishnan, Saravanan are some of whom I know have constantly been in touch with Venkat and his family and provided all possible help.  I might not be knowing some others also who had been of help to him during this crisis.

I know Venkat as a quintessential organisational man.  He never aspired for any post or position in the Association.  Yet, when the situation demanded, he never shied away from taking responsibility.  

He was the Unit Secretary representing a Division in Coimbatore when I was the General Secretary of Coimbatore Inspector Association way back in 1994-95.  

When re-organisation took place in 1997 and Hosur became part of Chennai, he was one of the persons who were transferred to Hosur and then he went to Chennai.  

He served the Chennai Inspector Association in various capacities and thereafter the All India Association of Inspectors also as Liaison Secretary and Working President.  

After being promoted as Superintendent, he worked as the General Secretary of Chennai Unit.  As per my suggestion, he occupied the post of President of the Chennai Unit to enable Mr. Titus to become the GS so that a young generation would come up in the Association.  He was the Secretary of the State Committee until Com. Kumar was elected to that post last year.  

He was a cool person, with an ever smiling face, very knowledgeable on service matters as well as technical matters.  Though a pleasing and soft spoken person, he was very firm in his views, which he took after a completely dispassionate analysis. During negotiations, he could firmly put forth the Cadre perspective whoever might be the authority he was facing. He was unflinching in his position.  The authorities also held him in high esteem.

He was one of the first generation officers who took to computers.  He was one of the first Systems In-charges in Coimbatore.  Many of those who joined that stream with him left the department for good.  But he continued with the department.  He has been serving in Chennai Systems Directorate with great zeal and enthusiasm.

Whether the cadre is going to be aware of the loss or not, it is a great loss for our cadre.

For his personal friends, the grief cannot be measured.

For his family, we can only contribute whatever we can, financially and by providing any support for his children to come up in life, beating the harsh blow that fate has brought on them.

With heartfelt prayers and a Red Salute,

BTW, Com. Mouli had informed me last Saturday when I was discussing with him regarding his health that Com. Venkat had been asking through Whatsapp messages to Com. Mouli in the last week, 'Whether we will get Recognition'.

Good bye Venkat.  You will ever remain in our hearts. The loss is irreplaceable.

R. Manimohan

Thursday, February 11, 2021


Dear friends and comrades,

We have been receiving messages/calls from our colleagues in States like UP and Gujarat stating that their units are not functioning and/or the persons representing the units have not been elected in the past 2 years as required in the Constitution and that the units are not running with membership support.  They however do not know how to revive the units.  

In this regard, the following points are brought to the notice of all such members for guidance:

1) The recognition in the name of AIACEGEO has been withdrawn by the Board vide their letter dated 3.12.2020.

2) The Board stipulated that since there were two contenders for that name,  both should come with different names and prove the membership strength for renewal of recognition.

3) We have accordingly intimated to the Board our new name as ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF CENTRAL TAX (AIASCT) vide our letter dated 4.12.2020.

The above facts and details are available in our previous blog for which link is given below to avoid repetition:

In reply to our letter dated 4.12.2020, the CBIC has issued the following letter wherein certain documents and DDO certificates have been sought for renewal of recognition.

Our units are in the process of changing of the name of the unit and bank account as per the above requirement to produce the DDO Certificates for the renewal process.

Obviously, in the next Convention of this Association, the voting rights will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of this Association which has already been submitted to the Board and the number of votes for each unit will depend upon the membership strength proved by the DDO Certificates in the name of 'this' Association which are to be submitted to the Board in the above process. Any unit desirous of joining us have to therefore take a quick call so that they will be able to participate in the Convention. 

In such places like U.P and Gujarat where the units are not functional, the members are free to fill up the membership forms in the format given below and after filling up the particulars, scan it and send it to the email of this Association in the id: with subject mentioned as 'MEMBERSHIP FORM'.  The signed membership forms after scanning may be uploaded and sent to the above email id from your personal email id only.


Upon receiving the same, we will submit it to the concerned DDO with our covering letter and thereafter give the modalities of forming a Unit in that place.  In this regard, it is for the knowledge of ordinary members who are not aware of this that, Recognition as per the CCS (RSA) Rules is granted ONLY TO THE ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION based on the membership strength of the cadre (category of members) that it represents.  No local unit can have a recognition on its' own.  The concept of Units within the Association is only for functional requirements and necessities.  As on date, the Units within our Association are functioning on the basis of concept of Commissionerate wise or Zone wise or for certain number of Commissionerates, as per the decision at the regional level according to the aspirations of the members.

Therefore on receipt of the membership forms, as per the aspirations of the members of the regions, we can form units in these places, after a decision is taken in our Central Executive Committee in this regard.

Hence members desirous of sending the membership forms may do so and those who would like to get them from other colleagues also may do so and send them to us in the email id give above.  

with regards,

R. Manimohan,
Secretary General

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Resolution to start agitations if no solution in sight before second session of Budget Session

 Dear friends and comrades,

The Central Executive Committee had been waiting for the CBIC's work with the Budget to get over before pressing our demands for immediate resolution.

We are getting feed back from the field that the Cadre is being put to extreme pressures.  Along with the acute stagnation, the ill-treatment is crushing our souls.

Therefore the CEC has passed a resolution and communicated it to the Board today.  Copy of our communication could be accessed by clicking here.

The last promotion orders deliberately did not mention the AISL Nos or Zones etc of the persons promoted.  Hence, we have prepared the promotion orders along with the said details as available in the CBIC site itself. Click here for the detailed work sheet.

It will now be clear as to who were struggling for the really seniors.  Those who wanted parity in promotional avenues for all and thus to avoid the degrading stagnation faced by those who joined as Inspectors more than 35 years, and discrimination as compared to their 17 year juniors or those who enabled the Administration to carry out this process without making any changes to the system, so that those who joined in 2002 as Examiners are promoted while those who joined as Inspectors in our own ranks even from 1985 onwards remain only Superintendents. 

The CEC hopes that the CBIC will come up with some solution, if they are not able to take our solutions offered thus far.

Otherwise it is for the cadre to decide on the next course of action.

with fraternal greetings,

R. Manimohan,
Secretary General

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...