The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Dear friends,

The Confederation of CG Employees and Workers along with many other Service Associations in the Central Government has given a Notice for One Day Strike on 26.11.2020 on the following Charter of Demands:


  1. Scrap New Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS). Restore old defined benefit Pension Scheme (OPS) to all employees. Guarantee 50% of the last pay drawn as minimum pension.
  2. (a) Scrap the draconian FR 56((j) & (i) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972. Stop terrorizing and victimizing employees.(b) Withdraw the attack against the recognised status of Associations and Federations.(c) Withdraw the anti-worker Wage/Labour codes and other anti-labour reforms.(d) Stop attack on trade union rights.
  3.  (a) Withdraw the orders freezing the DA and DR of employees and Pensioners and impounding of arrears till 30-06-2021.(b) Implement five year wage revision and Pension revision to Central Government employees and Pensioners. Appoint 8th Central Pay Commission and revise the Pay, Allowances and Pensionary benefits of Central Government employees and Pensioners with effect from 01-01-2021.(c) Honour the assurance given by Group of Ministers (GoM) to NJCA leaders on 30-06-2016. Increase minimum pay and fitment formula recommended by 7th CPC. Grant HRA arrears from 01-01-2016.(d) Withdraw “Very Good” bench mark for MACP, grant promotional heirarchy and date of effect of MACP from 01-01-2006.(e) Grant Option-1 parity recommended by 7th CPC to all Central Govt. Pensioners. Grant one notional increment to those who retired on 30th June.(f) Settle all anomalies arising out of 7th CPC implementation.
  4. Stop ban on creation of new posts. Fill up all seven lakhs vacant posts in Central Government departments in a time bound manner. Scrap National Recruitment Agency and introduce Department wise recruitment and Regional recruitment for Group B and C posts. Stop re-engaging retired personnel in Central Govt. services.
  5.  Stop Corporatisation and privatisation of Railways, Defence and Postal Departments. Withdraw closure/merger orders of Govt. of India Printing Presses and Postal Stores depots/Postal Stamp depots. Stop proposed move to close down salt department. Stop outsourcing and closure of Govt. establishments.
  6. (a) Regularisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks and grant of Civil Servants status. Implement remaining positive recommendations of Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report (b) Regularise all casual and contract workers including those joined service on or after 01-09-1993.
  7.  Settle all Covid-9 related issues pertaining to Central Govt. employees and Pensioners on top priority basis. Treat the period of absence during lock down as duty. Grant full wages to casual, part-time, contingent and contract workers during the lock down period. 
  8. Grant equal pay for equal work for all. Remove disparity in pay scales between Central Secretariat staff and similarly placed staff working in field units of various departments.
  9. Implement 7th CPC wage revision and pension revision to remaining Autonomous body employees and pensioners. Ensure payment of full arrears without further delay. Grant Bonus to Autonomous body employees pending from 2016-17 onwards.
  10. Remove arbitrary 5% ceiling imposed on compassionate appointments. Grant appointment in all eligible cases.
  11. Grant five time-bound promotions to all Group B & C employees. Complete cadre review in all departments in a time bound manner.
  12. Ensure prompt functioning of various negotiating forums under the JCM Scheme at all levels.

    We can very well see that most of the above demands directly (or indirectly) affect our cadre also.  Accordingly the CCGGOO (Confederation of Central Government Gazetted Officers Organisation) in which we are also constituents, has sought the opinion of its constituent Organisations regarding the method of participating in the above said programme.  

    As far as our cadre is concerned, we have the following additional and immediate demands (some of them get subsumed in the Charter of the Confederation given above also), which have been raised by us in different forums and is pursued by various methods.  

1. Grant notional pay for Inspectors and Superintendents of Central Excise from 1.1.96 for the revision that took effect from 21.04.2004.

2. Set right the anomaly from the Fifth CPC, erroneously understood by the Seventh CPC, in respect of our demand for parity with Inspectors of CBI etc.

3. Set right the anomaly which arose in Seventh CPC wherein Supdts of Posts have been placed on Level 9 while Supdts of Central Excise are placed in Level 9 only on completion of 4 years on Level 8.

4. Ignore 5400 PB-2 (which is the assigned pay scale for posts of Superintendents) for purposes of MACP and Grant 6600 PB-3 as MACP instead of on 5400 PB-3.

5. Implement decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Ashok Kumar for promotees who are not getting their pay stepped up on par with their juniors.

6. Implement M. Subramaniam decision for all petitioners and in rem.

7. Supply mobile phones, lap tops, data cards, vehicles, etc for office use by Superintendents.

8. Issue All India Seniority List for the cadre of Superintendents of Central Excise from 1.1.2007 and in accordance with various Court orders and judgments and conduct DPC for all vacant posts of Assistant Commissioners immediately.

9. Either amend the ratio of promotions to posts of Assistant Commissioners from Central Excise and Customs in a just and fair manner as directed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of S.P. Dudeja or promote only from the respective feeder cadres in Central Excise or Customs, so that juniors in Customs do not become supervisory officers to Seniors in the Central Excise.

10. Re designate Superintendents of Central Excise as Assistant Commissioners as done in State GSTs and in order to avoid any expenditure implications, re-designate all Superintendents who have reached the pay scale of Assistant Commissioners (and also those who are otherwise eligible for the pay scale but for the bar of MACPS) as Assistant Commissioners immediately.

    Though some of the above are very old and we have been pursuing for a long period, we have to understand that unless we are able to show our solidarity in support of these demands by a mass participation at least on a single day, we cannot expect that the authorities will have any inclination to even understand our demands, let alone attend to them. 

    Most of the benefits that are being enjoyed by us today is due to the hard struggle put in by our earlier generations.  If they have to be at least retained if not bettered, we have to sustain that struggle by being conscious that 'WHICHEVER IS THE HUE OR IDEOLOGY IN POWER, OUR INTERESTS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN UNDER THREAT'. Let us never make any mistake about this fact.  Many among us have a false notion that our rising the flag of demand is against a particular party or dispensation.  That is because, those of us have not learnt the history of Trade Union Movements in India or the World over.  That most of these demands of the Confederation have remained in the Charter even for decades and that some of them have only got added with time only show that we are becoming weak and the Powers that decide our fates are becoming more and more unmindful of our plight.  IT IS A CONTINUING STORY.

    The best way to fight disease is to develop immunity.  Disease and death always lurk around.  It gets into our system only when we become weak.  Temporary and adhoc solutions may give an impression of health regained.  But unless there IS constant alertness, we will be struck again.  Whether it is our own body or  a body of individuals, it is all the same. 

    And another question many intelligent persons keep asking is whether each effort of such collective mobilisation achieves any result.  Every attempt is only a step in that direction.  It is only constant effort that is in our hands.  Fruits shall be available when we have reached.  But to say that we will take only the final step always, is __________.

    Before I part, I would like to state what one of our great poets, Subramania Bharathi of Tamil Nadu said about collective bargaining:  'Even in begging, there is dignity when done as a group'.

    Yes, we are beggars, not choosers.  The person who first said that the Capitalists work in cartels and therefore the workers have to organise to get their dues, was NOT Karl Marx.  It WAS Adam Smith.

    This appeal is therefore directly given to the members of this Association so that the Unit Office Bearers will be able to give me a feed back regarding the method of participation and showing solidarity with the Strike on 26.11.2020.  With this feed back we will be able to inform our CCGGOO regarding our preparedness.

Fraternally yours,

R. Manimohan,

Secretary General.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Issues related to Pay which are affecting the morale of the cadre

Ref. No: CBIC/49/2020 Date : 27.10.2020



Shri. M. Ajit Kumar,

Chairman, CBIC, New Delhi.


Sub: Pay scale issues affecting the morale of the staff and dignity of the department – reg.

    Kind reference is invited to our letter in Ref. No. FS/ES/CBIC/48/2020 dated 27.10.2020 addressed to your Good self as well as the Finance Secretary, Expenditure Secretary and the Secretary, DOPT, in the matter of grant of 6600 as 3rd MACP in our department as per the interpretation to MACPS by the C&AG in the case of IA&AD Officials.

2.      In this regard we would like to bring to your personal attention, certain matters pending before the CBIC in relation to the pay scales for the cadres of Inspectors and Superintendents in this department, pending before the CBIC:

i.      Parity of pay scale at least with effect from 1.1.96 and at least notionally as granted to the IA&AD Officials. This issue has been sponsored by us as Point No. 4 of Annexure in Ref. No. CBEC/18/2017 dated 09.08.2017 and discussed with the Member (Admn) in the meeting held on 18.08.2017. Our issue is that though the Pay scale of Inspectors, Superintendents, etc in Revenue was revised based on the findings of the 5th CPC, it was done only prospectively with effect from 21.04.2004. The pay of Inspectors of Central Excise was revised from 1640 to 2000 with effect from 21.04.2004. On the other hand, the Section Officers in the IA&AD who were also on the scale of 1640 upto 1995, got their pay fixed in the replacement scale of 2000 (Rs. 6500) with notional effect from 1.1.96 when the 5th CPC recommendations were given effect to. In our case, even the notional effect has not yet been given for the Inspectors and Superintendents. Hence we have requested the CBIC to recommend to the Finance Ministry/Department of Expenditure to grant the Inspectors and Superintendents of Central Excise, notional effect at least from 1.1.96, since there was no apparent reason or justification to change the pay scale only on 21.04.2004.

ii.    Placing of Superintendents on the Grade Pay of 5400 PB-2 to undo the anomaly created by the 7th CPC and also on the matter of parity with CBI. This issue has been sponsored by us for Anomaly Committee vide our Ref. No: 01/2018/CBEC dated 17.01.2018 and Ref. No: 04/2018/CBEC dated 18.01.2018 also discussed with the Member (Admn) in the meeting conducted on 17.01.2018. The disparities that have been caused in respect of pay scales between comparable cadres in other departments is tabulated below :

Name of post

Pay scales after each stage

4th CPC (w.e.f 1986)

5Tth CPC (w.e.f 1996)

6th CPC (w.e.f 2006)

7th CPC (w.e.f 2016)

Supdt of C.Ex

2000 - 3500

6500 - 10500 (7500 w.e.f 21.4.2004)

5400 PB-2 after 4 years in 4800 PB-2

Level 9 after 4 years in L 8


2000 - 3500 (2200 as per order dated 8.2.96)

8000 - 13500

5400 PB-3

Level 10

Supdt of Posts

2000 - 3500

6500 - 10500

5400 PB-2 after 4 years in 4800 PB-2

Level 9

Section Officer CSS

2000 - 3500

6500 - 10500 (7500 w.e.f 15.9.2006)

5400 PB-3 on completion of 4 years in 4800 PB-2

Level 9

It may please be noted that our point has been that there is an anomaly created by the Seventh CPC by distorting the horizontal relativities with that of the equivalent cadres in the other departments like CBI, Department of Posts and Section Officers of CSS with whom the Superintendents of Central Excise were having a parity till 2015 (Till implementation of the Seventh CPC recommendations). Hence we had requested for recommendation of this issue to the Anomaly Committee so that Superintendents of Central Excise are also placed on Level 10 on par with the CBI DySP and recommend to the Expenditure to place our cadre on Level 9 with effect from 1.1.2016 as done in 'Posts'.

iii. The third issue connected to pay of our officers pertains to the implementation of the Ashok Kumar judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, in rem. On this issue, we have made representations vide Ref. No. CBIC/33/2018 dated 27.07.2018 and 11/CBIC/2019 dated 25.04.2019. The issue in brief is that the Hon’ble Supreme Court has in the case of Ashok Kumar, upheld the judgment of the Hon’ble High Court of Rajasthan wherein it was held that though the ACP scheme makes the benefit personnel to those who are granted the same, the juniors cannot get a higher pay than the seniors and therefore the pay of the seniors who are not getting the ACP should be stepped up to that of the pay of their juniors who got a pay scale revision consequent on getting the benefit of ACP. Even after the Asok Kumar judgment has become final, the department is fighting cases of similarly placed employees. This is creating a great mental distress to the promotee officers in the department who are also stagnating in the cadre of Superintendent. Hence, it is requested that considering that it will not require a great expenditure to implement the Ashok Kumar judgment in rem, or at least for any other similarly placed applicants, like done in the case of M. Subramainam, the CBIC may get necessary approval from the Department of Expenditure.

3. We may kindly be intimated if any of the above issues have already been referred to concerned authorities so that we can pursue them from our end. If any further inputs are required to enable the CBIC to take favourable stands on any of the above issues, we request that a meeting may kindly be held with us by video conferencing or in person, along with the concerned officials of the Board and DGHRM, since most of the Officials with whom we have discussed the said issues are no longer in the Board’s Office/ DGHRM.

With regards,

Yours truly,


(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

Copy for information and necessary action to:

1) The Member (Admn & Vig), CBIC, New Delhi.

2) The DG, DGHRM, CBIC, New Delhi.

3) The Commissioner (Co-Ordination), CBIC, New Delhi

4) The Joint Secretary (Admn), CBIC, New Delhi.


(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

For 6600 PB-3 as MACP based on interpretation of C&AG

 Ref. No: FS/ES/CBIC/48/2020                        Date: 27.10.2020




1)    The Finance Secretary to the Government of India, North Block, New Delhi.

2)    The Expenditure Secretary to the Government of India, North Block, New Delhi.

3)    The Secretary, DOPT, North Block, New Delhi.

4)    The Chairman, CBIC, North Block, New Delhi.


Sub: Grant of MACP for the Inspectors and Superintendents in CBIC - reg


We wish to bring to your kind attention an anomalous situation persisting in the CBIC with regard to the MACP for the Inspectors and Superintendents of the Department, which is also leading to a lot of litigation around the Country.


2.1.      Inspectors of Central Excise are in the pay scale of 4600 PB-2 and the scale of pay adopted for the Superintendents is 5400 PB-2 after initially placing them on 4800 PB-2 for a period of 4 years.  However, instead of granting the MACP of 5400 PB-3 from the stage of Superintendent’s scale, only 5400 PB-2 is being adopted and hence the Third MACP is granted only in 5400 PB-3 instead of 6600 PB-3.  This has been done with a notion that the pay scale pertaining to the cadre of Superintendents is only 4800 PB-2 and that the subsequent 5400 PB-2 is to be treated as a promotion based on an erroneous interpretation of the para 2 of the Annexure I to MACPS issued in DoPT’s OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) dated 19.05.2009 wherein it is stated that, ‘The MACPS envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the  recommended revised pay bands and grade pay as given in Section 1 , Part-A of the first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.’  The misinterpretation has occurred because, it has not been observed that 5400 PB-2 is itself a pay scale prescribed for the post of Superintendent of Central Excise, etc and hence cannot be treated as ‘next higher grade pay’ as per MACPS.


2.2.      Further, we would like to bring to your kind attention the  Circular No. 42-Staff Wing-2020 of the C&AG issued in Letter No. 1027-Staff (Entt.I)/78-2020 dated 15.10.2020, wherein 3rd MACP has been ordered to be given in 6600 PB-3 to the Officers of IA & AD.  The said decision refers to Para 5 of Annexure 1 to DoPT’s O.M. No. 35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 22.10.2019 issued after the Seventh CPCwherein it has been stipulated that promotion/upgradation granted under MACP scheme to those grades which are in the same level of the pay matrix due to merger of the pay scales or upgradation of the posts shall be ignored for the purpose of granting unpgradation under MACPS.  By the above decision, it has been ordered that the promotion from AO to Sr. AO may not be taken as a promotion for MACPS.


2.3.      The above interpretation of the C&AG clearly shows that even in the face of para 2 of the Annexure 1 of the MACP Scheme, para 5 of the same Annexure to the said OM gives the exception to para 2.  Thus, when a pay scale or pay band has been granted to a particular post by virtue of upgradation/merger of scales, then the said effect has to be ignored for the purpose of granting MACPS.


3.1.    It is pertinent that the pay scale of the Superintendent of Central Excise was also by merger of scales/upgradation by the Sixth Pay Commission.


3.2.      Under the Revised Pay Rules, 2008, in accordance with para 1 (x) (e) of Resolution No: 1/1/2008-IC dated 29.08.2008 and notified in Section II, Part C, First Schedule of the Notification No: GSR (E) dated 29.08.2008 against Sl. No. 9 under Ministry of Finance, for Department of Revenue, the following replacement scale was prescribed for the posts mentioned therein:

Sl. No


Present Pay Scale

Revised Pay scale

Corresponding Pay Band and Grade Pay

Para No of Report

Pay Band

Grade pay

Department of Revenue


Income Tax Officers, Superintendents, Appraisers, etc (Customs & Central Excise)







(on completion of four years)

PB – 2




PB - 2








3.3. Para 7.15.17 of the CPC mentioned in the above Table reads as below:

7.15.17: Higher scale of Rs.8000-13500 has been sought for the posts of Appraiser /Superintendents/Income Tax Officer/equivalent in CBEC and CBDT. The higher scale has been demanded on the ground that these posts are comparable with Deputy Superintendents of Police in CBI who are already in the scale of Rs.8000-13500. It is observed that the Fifth Central Pay Commission had specifically noted that no relativity could be established between executive posts in Income Tax and Customs vis-à-vis those existing in CBI. Although the recommendation was made with reference to the post of Inspector, the same cannot but hold true for the next higher posts in the hierarchy of these organizations. 439 Further, the pay scale of Rs.8000-13500 is the entry pay scale for Group A posts of Assistant Commissioner/equivalent. The post of Assistant Commissioner is a promotion post for Superintendents/Appraisers/ITOs, etc. Therefore, even otherwise, this scale cannot be granted.”

3.4.     From the above recommendation of the Sixth CPC, it is evident that the above said ‘twin pay scale’ of 4800 PB-2 plus 5400 PB-2 on completion of 4 years in 4800 PB-2 was adopted for the Superintendents of Central Excise, etc, only because they could not be granted the pay scale of 5400 PB-3 which was a Group A Scale.  Thus, it becomes evident that for this post, 5400 PB-2 is a prescribed pay scale and is not the next pay scale. In other words, the Superintendents of Central Excise, etc have been granted 5400 PB-2 on completion of 4 years in 4800 PB-2, instead of 5400 PB-3. 

3.5.          It may also kindly be note that in the case of M.Subramainiam, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has dismissed an SLP (and subsequently a Review Petition) by the UOI against a judgment of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras, wherein it had been held that 5400 PB-2 flows out on completion of 4 years in 4800 PB-2.  This decision has been accepted by the UOI and is being implemented in the department. Thus, it is clear that 5400 PB-2 is an extension of the pay scale of 4800 PB-2 in so far as the Superintendents of Central Excise, Appraisers, Income Tax Officers, etc are concerned as per the Resolution of the Government of India cited in para 3.2 above.

4.1.       The basis of such a restructuring of the scales for these category of Officers could be found in the Sixth Pay Commission Recommendations in Chapter 3 also. 

4.2.     The Sixth CPC stated in para 3.1.3 as below:

3.1.3: Higher pay scales in the Secretariat offices may have been justified in the past when formulation of proper policies was of paramount importance. The present position is different. Today, the weakest link in respect of any Government policy is at the delivery stage. This phenomenon is not endemic to India. Internationally also, there is an increasing emphasis on strengthening the delivery lines and decentralization with greater Chapter 3.1 159 role being assigned at delivery points which actually determines the benefit that the common citizen is going to derive out of any policy initiative of the Government. The field offices are at the cutting edge of administration and may, in most cases, determine whether a particular policy turns out to be a success or a failure in terms of actual benefit to the consumer. Accordingly, the time has come to grant parity between similarly placed personnel employed in field offices and in the Secretariat. This parity will need to be absolute till the grade of Assistant. Beyond this, it may not be possible or even justified to grant complete parity because the hierarchy and career progression will need to be different taking in view the functional considerations and relativities across the board.”

4.3.     Accordingly the CPC recommended as below in para 3.1.9:

3.1.9 Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation of the entry scale of Section Officers in all Secretariat Services (including CSS as well as non participating ministries/ departments/organizations) to Rs.7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB 2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800. Further, on par with the dispensation already available in CSS, the Section Officers in other Secretariat 161 Offices, which have always had an established parity with CSS/CSSS, shall be extended the scale of Rs.8000-13500 in Group B corresponding to the revised pay band PB 2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800 on completion of four years service in the lower grade. This will ensure full parity between all Secretariat Offices. It is clarified that the pay band PB 2 of Rs.8700- 34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800 is being recommended for the post of Section Officer in these services solely to maintain the existing relativities which were disturbed when the scale was extended only to the Section Officers in CSS. The grade carrying grade pay of Rs.4800 in pay band PB-2 is, otherwise, not to be treated as a regular grade and should not be extended to any other category of employees. These recommendations shall apply mutatis-mutandis to post of Private Secretary/equivalent in these services as well. The structure of posts in Secretariat Offices would now be as under:-


Pre revised pay scale

Corresponding revised pay band and grade pay

Section Officer





(on completion of four years)

PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800.


PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.5400*

(on completion of four years)

                            (The entire table is not reproduced for brevity)


4.4.     Thus it is evident that as in the case of the Section Officers of the Central Secretariat Services, the scale of pay adopted for the Superintendents of Central Excise, etc include 5400 PB-2, by virtue of merger of pay scales/upgradation.

5.1.    Under Section I of Part C of the above Pay Rules (2008), in Sl. No. (ii) the rationale for merger of Pay Scales has been explained and in in Sl. No. (v) it has been stated that ‘Upgradation as in (ii) may be done in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance’.

5.2.     Para 5 of Annexure 1 to DoPT’s OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) dated 19.05.2009 for MACPS for the Central Government civilian employees states as below:

5. Promotions earned/upgradations granted under the ACP Scheme in the past to those grades which now carry the same grade pay due to merger of pay scales/upgradations of posts recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission shall be ignored for the purpose of granting upgradations under Modified ACPS.”          

6.     Thus, from the pay scale of 5400 PB-2 on completion of 4 years in 4800 PB-2 prescribed for the Superintendents of Central Excise, they are entitled for the scale of 5400 PB-3 as the next MACP and after that they are entitled for 6600 PB-3 as the next MACP in terms of the MACPS.  In other words, 5400 PB-2 cannot be taken as a promotion for the purpose of MACPS because it is only the pay scale prescribed for the post of Superintendent of Central Excise as a consequence of a merger of scales/upgradation.

7.      Thus, the interpretation of para 5 of the MACPS in respect of the Officers of the IA&AD, whose case has been referred herein becomes squarely applicable in the case of Inspectors and Superintendents of our department also. Hence, considering that 5400 PB-2 being the pay scale prescribed for the post of Superintendents cannot be given as MACP, considering it as promotion and that even otherwise, when it has been granted based on upgradation/merger of scales by the Sixth Pay Commission, in terms of para 5 of the Annexure 1 of the MACPS, it cannot be considered as a promotion, it is requested that necessary orders may kindly be issued immediately that from the grade of Inspector (4600 PB-2), First MACP is on 4800 PB-2 (+5400 PB-2 on completion of 4 years in 4800 PB-2)  and the Second MACP should be granted in the pay scale of 5400 PB-3 and the Third MACP should be granted in the pay scale of 6600 PB-3 in the Department of Revenue, as per the MACPS.

With regards,

Yours truly,

Encl: Copy of C&AG’s Letter dt. 15.10.2020

(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Request for instructions not to transfer to outstations due to COVID


Ref. No: CBIC/44/2020 Date: 15.10.2020


1) Shri. M. Ajit Kumar, Chairman, CBIC, New Delhi.

2) Smt. Sungita Sharma, Member (And & Vig), CBIC, New Delhi.


Sub: Posting and Transfers during COVID- reg.

Kind attention is invited to this Association’s letter in Ref. No. CBIC/23/2020 dated 30.06.2020 with regard to AGT wherein we had BEEN requested that due to the COVID pandemic, instructions may be issued to all zones that the Annual General Transfers this year may be done in consultation with the Associations of the respective zones, only according to the requirements of the staff of each region and Zone, to enable them to take proper care of themselves and their families.

2. In this regard, it has been brought to our notice that while most of the Zonal authorities have avoided unnecessary transfer for the sake of transfer, out of stations, certain Zonal Authorities have issued AGT shifting persons to stations several Kilometers away from their current stations, ‘without their willingness’. During the pandemic situation, moving away from the family is a matter of very great mental stress and agony, not only for the Officers themselves, but all members of their family. Most of the Superintendents are of the age group of 50 and above and a majority of them have comorbid conditions for themselves or for members of their family. Further, due to certain areas being containment zones and the pandemic spreading more in certain areas, movement between places, staying away from home, taking food from outside, etc, increase the risks of contacting the contagion. Hence, it is requested that a general instruction may kindly be given to all Zonal authorities to avoid such transfers, without the request of the individuals to move out of their current stations.

3. We hope such a general instruction will ensure that we would not have to bring specific instances of certain Zones for the intervention of the Board.

With regards,

Yours truly,

(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

Copy for kind information and necessary action to:

1) The Commissioner (Co-ordination), CBIC, New Delhi.

2) The Joint Secretary (Admn), CBIC, New Delhi.


(R. Manimohan) 
Secretary General

Stop the humiliation of Seniors made to report to Juniors

Ref. No: CBIC/43/2020 Date: 15.10.2020 [CLICK HERE FOR THE PDF VERSION]


1) Shri. M. Ajit Kumar, Chairman, CBIC, New Delhi.

2) Smt. Sungita Sharma, Member (And & Vig), CBIC, New Delhi.


Sub: Request to stop Seniors being forced to report to their natural Juniors by faulty HR policies - reg.

Instances of posting of very Junior Officers from Customs, on promotion as Assistant Commissioners to GST formations are increasing. As detailed in our letter dated 22.06.2020, there are several Superintendents in GST who have completed more than 30 years and are even running their 36th or 37th year of service, from the grade of Inspector. On the other hand, the Assistant Commissioners posted to GST from the Customs side have completed hardly 20 to 25 years. This is because of the faulty ratio being followed in respect of promotions between the three streams in Customs and Central Excise, not regulated till date in a fair and equitable manner as laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgment dated 03.08.2011 in the case of S.P. Dudeja and ors (Civil Appeal No. 11958 of 2005) directing to amend/revise the RRs including by altering the ratio between the three feeder cadres in such a manner that the representation in the promotional post will be just and fair. The very fact that the Appraiser and Examiner promotees are overflowing and have therefore to be accommodated in the GST formations itself is ample proof that the ratio being adopted is neither just, nor fair.

2. The above situation would not have arisen if the combined length of service from the common feeder cadre of Inspectors of Central Excise, Preventive Officers and Examiners of Customs, who are recruited through the same exam, was adopted as the criteria for promotion to Group A and the Recruitment Rules had been amended as per the above judgment of the Hon’ble Apex Court. It would not have happened also if the Board’s own decision of 1996 to merge these three feeder cadres had been implemented.

3. The failure of our HR policy on the above score had also had a further cascading effect by increasing the distortions and inequalities between the Zones in Central Excise itself. In certain zones those who joined as Inspectors in 1992 could expect to become ACs in the nextround of DPC and become supervisory officers of persons in another Zone of Central Excise itself, who has joined in the Inspector cadre in 1985 or 1986. There cannot be a more pathetic and disgraceful situation for a cadre which is the main stay of this department.

4. Hence, the All India Executive Committee of this Association in its virtual meet held on 11.10.2020 unanimously resolved to bring the above anomalous and degrading situation to your immediate attention and appeal that ‘until the above distortions within CBIC, in respect of ratio of promotions between the officers recruited through the same exam are corrected, no officer promoted from a junior batch shall be posted to supervise a Superintendent of Central Excise/GST, who has been selected by an earlier process of selection/recruitment’.

5. Hence it is requested that urgent orders may kindly be issued in this regard, so that, no Senior has to face the humiliation of reporting to a Junior, for none of their fault.

6. Wherever immediate transfers or shifting of such juniors is not immediately possible, orders may kindly be issued that the said Seniors would directly report ONLY to the next Higher Authority who is not their natural junior from the same exam and the Juniors WILL NOT BE REPORTING OFFICERS FOR THESE SENIORS IN THE APAR.

With regards,

Yours truly,

(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

Copy for information and necessary action to:

1) The DG, DGHRM, CBIC, New Delhi.

2) The Joint Secretary (Admn), CBIC, New Delhi.


(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General   

Request for immediate DPC since there are no stays in operation



Ref. No: CBIC/45/2020 Date: 15.10.2020


1) Shri. M. Ajit Kumar,Chairman, CBIC, New Delhi.

2) Smt. Sungita Sharma, Member (And & Vig), CBIC, New Delhi.


Sub: Promotions – DPC for promotion from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ – issue of AISL from 1.1.2007 - re-designation as Assistant Commissioners - reg.

Ref: Letters of this Association dated 01.06.2020, 11.06.2020 and 22.06.2020 on the above subject.

The All India Executive Committee Meeting of this Association held through video conferencing on 11.10.2020 discussed the regrettable situation of around 2000 posts lying vacant in the Grade of Assistant Commissioners on one hand, while on the other hand there are around 2000 Superintendents of Central Excise who have completed more than 30 years of service from joining as Inspector itself. Every month, Superintendents are retiring without getting even a second promotion in their entire career.

2.1. It is learnt that there is a doubt regarding the implications of the Interim Orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Jarnail Singh, in respect of promotions from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ in our department, as a result of which the DPC is being delayed. In this regard, we would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that, the matter in Jarnail Singh which is related to reservations, has not affected any other promotions, in any other cadre in our department itself and therefore cannot have a bearing on the Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ promotions also. Promotions from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ have been ordered several times even after the Jarnail Singh Case, which is pending since 2011. Hence we do not understand how this could be a reason for delay in conducting of DPC for Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ in our department.

2.2. Apart from that, as on date there are no stay orders known to be in operation on DPC from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ in any Courts or Tribunals.

2.3. Further, even if any appeal is pending or is to be preferred by theepartment, but no stay has been obtained in the appeal stage, the existing order of the Tribunal or Court could be implemented subject to the outcome of the appeal.

2.4. Hence, the AIEC of this Association resolved unanimously to urge on the CBIC to order promotions from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ at the earliest.

3. The AIEC meeting also resolved to urge upon the CBIC and the DGHRM to immediately release the All India Seniority List of Superintendents from 1.1.2007 so that there would be sufficient number of persons in the consideration zone for any DPC, considering the number of vacancies lying in the cadre of Assistant Commissioners.

4. The AIEC also resolved to urge on the CBIC to simultaneously pursue the proposal submitted by this Association for re-designation of Superintendents as Assistant Commissioners so that:

(i) All those who are seniors and have put in more number of years of service from the grade of Inspectors but are not in the Consideration zone or even in the AISL as on date due to regional imbalances and/or faulty/non-uniform implementation of circulars related to seniority and promotions in different zones, also get covered and could retire at least as Assistant Commissioners and

(ii) When the Branch B Service proposed in the Cadre Restructuring gets through, we will have more number of posts to cater to the category of those officers in this department who are at the cutting edge, but are otherwise doomed to retire without even a second promotion in their entire career of almost 4 decades.

5. Therefore this Association requests your good selves to give immediate directions to the DGHRM on the above issues so that our members do not retire without even getting a second promotion in their career.

With earnest hopes,

Yours truly,

(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

Copy for necessary action to:

1) The DG, DGHRM, CBIC, New Delhi.

2) The Commissioner (Co-ordination), CBIC, New Delhi.

(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

Letter for implementing Subramaniam case in rem


Ref. No: CBIC/46/2020 Date: 15.10.2020   [CLICK HERE FOR PDF VERSION]


1) Shri. M. Ajit Kumar, Chairman, CBIC, New Delhi.

2) Smt. Sungita Sharma, Member (And & Vig), CBIC, New Delhi.


Sub: Implementation of judgment in M. Subramaniam case in rem and until then at least to all the petitioners without discrimination- reg.

Kind reference is invited to the several OAs filed before various Benches of the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal by the Superintendents of Central Excise and the Units of this Association and the orders of the said Tribunals directing to grant the benefit of the M. Subramaniam case in respect of granting the Grade Pay of 5400 in PB – 2 on completion of 4 years in the Grade Pay of 4800 PB-2, in which matter the SLP filed by the department converted as Civil Appeal No. 8883 of 2011 had been dismissed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on 10.10.2017 and Review Petition was also dismissed on 23.08.2018.

2. It has been the consistent stand of this Association that all matters related to interpretation of rules/circulars etc whether in relation to pay and allowances or to seniority matters, have to be implemented in rem, as long as the judgment does not specifically state that it is applicable ONLY in personam. We have also been pointing out that in our own sphere of activity in official work, we do not grudge to a Tax Payer the benefit of a particular Court order or ruling, in similar cases, just because the decision was only in the case of another party. If in departmental adjudication such a stand is taken, it would definitely be indiscipline leading to contempt proceedings. No administration based on jurisprudence and Rule of Law can support it either. Hence, it is regrettable that the Government uses one yardstick in respect of implementation of Court judgments for the trade but another yardstick for its own staff. While the Government has a dedicated machinery to conduct cases in any legal forum, in any part of the Country, the Government Servants have very limited resources at their command. Hence the Hon’ble Supreme Court itself has repeatedly stressed that Government staff should not be forced to seek legal remedy on already decided issues. This was once again reiterated by the Apex court in the matter of Somvir Rana.

3. However, in spite of the above, our members and Units of this Association, along with and on behalf of the members, have been forced to approach the Tribunals again for getting the benefit of an already decided and settled matter of getting the benefit of the M. Subramaniam judgment.

4.1. It is still worse that the decisions of the Tribunal are not being fully honoured even when granted. For example, numerous cases have been reported where the Units of this Association in various zones have approached the Hon’ble Tribunals and the Hon’ble Tribunals have ordered that the benefits be given to the petitioners (which includes the petitioner Association). However, it is learnt that the department is refusing to give the benefit even to the petitioner Association in the said cases, by not extending the benefit to all similarly placed members of the petitioner Association. This situation would again lead to another round of litigation in the form of Contempt before the very same forum.

4.2. It is also reported that there are certain doubts raised from certain zones whether the above benefit is available for officers promoted from the ministerial side. It is clear that there cannot be any discrimination on such grounds since the law is clearly laid down that on completion of 4 years in the Grade pay of 4800 PB-2, such officers have to be placed on the GP of 5400 PB-2.
5. Hence, it is requested that:

a) the M. Subramaniam case benefit may kindly be ordered to be applied to all similarly placed officers in the CBIC;

b) and until such orders are issued, direct all zones to grant the benefit to all petitioners at least uniformly and without discrimination by granting it to all similarly placed members of the petitioner Associations also so that unnecessary litigations are avoided and officers can work with peace and contentment.

This will also avoid a lot of unnecessary work for the Officials of the Boards’ Office.

With regards,

Yours truly,

(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

Copy for information and necessary action to:

1) The Finance Secretary, North Block, New Delhi.

2) The Secretary (Expenditure), North Block, New Delhi.

3) The Commissioner (Co-ordination), CBIC, New Delhi.

4) The Deputy Secretary, Ad. II, CBIC, New Delhi.

5) The Under Secretary, E III, Expenditure Dept, North Block, New Delhi.

Yours truly,

(R. Manimohan)

Secretary General

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 Dear friends and comrades,

A message from the Association sent to the Office Bearers of all Units on 20.08.2020 after an AIEC meeting through video conference held on 12.08.2020 is reproduced below for the benefit of all members. 

Dear friends and comrades,

The AIEC meeting that was conducted online on 12.08.2020 has considered the advice of our Counsel in the Hon'ble Supreme Court and move the Judiciary again for implementation of P. Bharathan case for all zones and Officers uniformly. It was decided to go ahead with the Legal advice since the Board has not yet responded to our letters on the subject nor even to the alternate suggestion made by us for re-designation.

Necessary papers have already been sent to the Advocate and we are already on the job.

It is being reported that our members in various zones are attempting to file separate cases in various fora for implementation of the above case in their zones also.

In this regard it is advisable that we pool our resources to fight it at a single point and do not increase the number of litigations and get stay orders etc.  Since AIACEGEO is already involved in the litigation it is requested that contributions may be made to the account details provided below because as per the AIEC decision, this case will be fought ONLY WITH THE LITIGATION FUND AS WAS DONE EARLIER ALSO and therefore donations may be done to this account specifying it as LITIGATION FUND.

Account No: 6241464840
Indian Bank, Sowripalayam

The above message may kindly be circulated to all members.

fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan

Foot Note:  The Contempt Petition has already been filed and numbered in the Hon'ble High Court.  Members of Chandigarh and Tamil Nadu have already started sending donations to the above account and donations collected by some Units have also been sent to this Association Account.

With fraternal greetings,
R. Manimohan,

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Dear Friends and Comrades,

As per the decision in the AIEC conducted online on 11.10.2020, a letter has been served on the CBIC requiring separate arrangements to be made for PV at the Division level, with proper infrastructure, so that Range Officers and Range Work does not suffer.  The letter is given below:

 Letter regarding Physical Verification of Units for GST Registration

The AIEC also decided that the ROs may also give a letter to their controlling officers, enclosing a copy of the Association letter to the Board, requesting for relief from the work and to keep the already allotted PVs in abeyance.  

Any further call will be given by the Association depending upon the response of the Board.  Hence all members are requested to give the letters in the following draft format and watch this space for any further developments.

With fraternal greetings,

R. Manimohan
Secretary General



Superintendent of CEX/GST,




The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner,



                Sub: Physical Verification not being part of Range work, request to exempt – reg

                I am being asked to undertake Physical Verification of units which have sought Registration under GST. In this regard, it is brought to your kind attention that the present manpower and infrastructure for Rages in the CBIC have been decided upon without factoring in the work load, infrastructure requirements, etc involved in this work.  Further, Superintendents alone cannot undertake this work and AIO is not equipped to delegate this to Inspectors.

                Hence, it is requested that separate arrangements may please be made for the Physicial Verification of the units seeking verification.  In this regard a copy of the letter addressed by our Association to the CBIC is enclosed for kind information.

                If still PV is insisted upon to be performed by me, it is placed on record that I may kindly be provided with vehicle,  mobile and assistance of Inspector and Havildar and further, that I may not be held responsible for any deficiencies on that front in respect of time line or other Range works which may suffer due to this additional burden of work.

                It is also submitted that until the above infrastructure is provided, Physical Verification allotted to me may kindly be kept in abeyance.

                Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Encl: Copy of Association letter





Copy to:

The General Secretary,

________Unit of AIACEGEO

Monday, October 12, 2020


 Dear friends and comrades,

The Action Taken Report placed before the All India Executive Committee Meeting of this Association online yesterday (11.10.2020) is posted here, as approved by the house.

It is to be specially mentioned that 

(i) the President Com. Shishir Agnihothri who had been hospitalised the day before yesterday for a small procedure to be conducted, had attended the online meeting from his Hospital bed and

(ii) Com. Jithendra from Bangalore, who is recovering from COVID, in spite of his discomfort, attended the meeting online.

The above points are specifically stated here so that members understand the seriousness and dedication with which the Office Bearers undertake this work.  This is apart from the normal office work. Hence, the members are requested to keenly follow the blogs, communications, etc and give their cooperation to the Association to their maximum.  As a saying goes, 'we cannot expect Office bearers to become Hanumanjis and bring Ramrajya'. We, all of us have to be prepared to do our bit towards that.  

Kindly go through the ATR and the communications pertaining to the decisions of the AIEC meeting to be put out in the coming days.

with fraternal regards,

R. Manimohan,

Secretary General




Dear friends and comrades,

          Welcome you all for this AIEC meeting being conducted online due to COVID.  Let us begin by observing two minutes silence in memory of all our freedom fighters, martyrs for the cause of Trade Union and Government employees movements, the public servants in various departments who have died on duty fighting the pandemic, all our colleagues who passed away, either due to COVID or due to other reasons, and their family members who have succumbed to the pandemic in various parts of the country.

2.       When we met at Nagpur for the previous AIEC meeting, we had some hope that due to the change of guard in the Board, the cadre could expect some improvements in the promotional avenues.  The then Member (Admn) very shortly assumed charge as our Chairman and started off his very first weekly letter laying emphasis on the priority to hold the Group ‘B’ to ‘A’ promotions. 

3.       In the meanwhile the pandemic struck and the entire country went into lock down.  Our members have risen to the occasion, both in respect of executing their official functions as well as contributing to the social cause.  During the discussion as to whether we will ask for a one day’s salary or three days salary as contribution to PMRF, some units felt that one days’ salary could be contributed to the PMRF and the remaining could be done to the respective CMRF since the need to take care of health issues was predominantly with the state Governments.  Accordingly, we wrote to the Chairman, CBIC, requesting him to give a call to contribute to the PMRF so that we could ask our members to immediately contribute. While as members of this Association we contributed to the PM’s Fund as per the call of the Chairman, individual members as well as units of this Association have contributed to the CM’s Relief Fund of their respective states and also have contributed to other social organisations in their locality involved in pandemic relief works.  Many of our members have also been involved in relief work in the field itself.  We salute the spirit of our members and congratulate them for the efforts.  We wanted to carry the stories of the involvement of our members in such voluntary welfare activities all around the country on our blog.  But later on, a predominant feeling emerged that though such information could enthuse more to join such work, it could look like seeking publicity in the face of such an unprecedented pandemic.  So we have dropped that idea.

4.       We were one of the first Associations to write to the Hon’ble Prime Minister seeking facilities like work from home and working on rotation basis, when the lock down was announced. We also requested for relaxation of dates for payment of taxes, relaxation in leave rules,cancellation of exams for school children other than public exams, giving incentives for health workers, etc. Many of our suggestions came to be effected.  We were also the first to protest when the RS issued a circular for compulsory deduction from our salary, with negative willingness alone to be expressed.  Subsequently, the said circular was withdrawn.

5.       Though we whole heartedly contributed to the PM’s fund, we have registered our protest regarding the freezing of DA.  We have even suggested that alternatively, it may be credited to our GPF accounts with a moratorium period and that retiring employees and pensioners should be exempt from this.  The government is yet to take a positive view on this issue.  We hope that at least the arrears would be credited to the GPF and pension calculations would be altered accordingly. 

6.       During the lock down, we were working from home. Though the department has not given us any facility like computer/lap top, internet, mobiles and data cards, we have used our personal resources and equipped ourselves to work from home. It is a matter of record that in spite of the lock down and work from home, the activities of the department were carried out smoothly and on all fronts our targets in various areas of work had been accomplished.  During that period, we had repeatedly requested the Board to supply our members with laptops, mobiles, etc along with data card, internet etc so that the work from home efficiency is increased.  Though the Chairman had promised to do so, it is yet to be accomplished. Recently, the new Member (Admn) has assured to get these done at the earliest. 

7.       In the Nagpur AIEC we had passed a resolution demanding supply of smart phones for office work and had according to the resolution also given a call to the members to withdraw their personal mobiles from office work.  Units are requested to intimate to this AIEC regarding what percentage of their members had adhered to this call.

8.       However, due to the lock down and work from home, we had suspended the call for withdrawing mobiles.  We have not yet restored the call since in many parts of the country work from home still continues.  The DOPT has issued an OM on 07.10.2020 reiterating only partial attendance below the rank of Under Secretary.  This meeting shall take a call regarding the future approach in the issue.

9.       On the lines of demand of mobiles and lap tops, we had also rejected the proposal of the Board to purchase two wheelers for our field formations and instead insisted that four wheelers should be supplied.   It is learnt that the proposal for supply of lap tops is in its final stages awaiting formal concurrence from the Ministry.  Regarding the supply of four wheelers, the Department of Logistics is understood to be reconsidering their earlier decision regarding supply of two wheelers, based on our demand. In respect of supply of Mobile phones, the Member (Admn) has assured to pursue it favourably and get it done at the earliest.

10.     Since on the front of DPC nothing was seen to be happening, we passed a resolution on line and submitted it to the Board on 01.06.2020.  The same is reproduced below for records:






The All India Executive Committee of the All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers (AIACEGEO) takes note of the fact that several Superintendents of Central Excise are retiring every month, after putting in a service of more than 35 years and yet without being able to get even a second promotion in their careers. 

On the other hand there are more than 2000 posts of Assistant/Deputy Commissioners lying vacant as on date.

During the same time, the Recruitment Rules for the grade of Superintendent has been amended to envisage Inspectors with 2 or even lesser years of service to be promoted as Superintendents.  Thus the post of Inspector has become effectively only a probation for becoming Superintendents. In effect it would mean that all those who are in the present grade of Superintendents and retire only as Superintendents get no promotion at all. 

Presently Inspectors with 3 years of experience or less have already been promoted as Superintendents in various parts of the Country.  But those who joined as Inspectors in 1984 and 1985 are retiring only as Superintendents. This state of affairs is causing severe anguish and pain in the cadre, due to the reason that there appears to be no respect or regard for service rendered by these Senior Officers to the department.

While DPCs and promotions have been ordered in all other cadres in the CBIC, the Group ‘B’ to ‘A’ Promotions alone could not be done.

It is this cadre which has been the backbone of the entire department, helping it change with times, augmenting revenue by onerous field work, bringing laurels in implementation of ever changing legislations and systems and yet has been the most neglected cadre in the CBIC.

The litigations and disputes over the All India Seniority List (AISL) in the grade of Superintendents of Central Excise could be one major reason for this impasse.

The Chennai Bench of the CAT has in the case of Bharathan and Others quashed the seniority list published by the department without applying the N.R. Parmar ratio and the department was directed to draft a seniority list following the N.R. Parmar case and also the order in OA 741 and 692/2013 of Mumbai Bench of this Tribunal which was confirmed by Mumbai High Court, by giving seniority to the applicants from the date of initiation of recruitment process’.  This has been upheld by the Hon’ble High Court of Madras in appeal as well as in review.  In the SLPs filed by the department in this case on the main ground whether Parmar would have effect for those who joined prior to 1986 also, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has dismissed the SLP stating that they found no reason to interfere with the order of the High Court.  The decision in Bharathan and Others has also become final.

While certain zones like Chandigarh and Delhi have revised the Zonal Seniority Lists of Inspectors as per Parmar, it is yet to be carried over to the AISL of Superintendents.  In other Zones, this work is pending at various stages due to the SLPs filed by the Department.  The Board has issued a letter in this regard on 05.05.2020 intimating to the zones that the issue has reached finality with the dismissal of the SLPs filed by the department.  However, the process of recasting of seniority would take some time.

The previous DPC in April 2018 had been conducted on an adhoc basis with the permission of the Hon’ble Supreme Court by obtaining an Interim Order in the SLPs filed in Bharathan Case, specifically stating that the DPCs are subject to the outcome of the decisions in the SLPs. That DPC will also, therefore, now have to be reviewed after recasting the AISL before proceeding for DPC for the present vacancies.

AISL for the period from 01.01.2007 also has not yet been issued.  To notify the same, give time for objections and corrections and then issue the final list also some time will be taken.

In the meanwhile, the other cases pertaining to Reservation/Catch-up etc are also pending before the Hon’ble HC of Jabalpur, where the Department has sought a stay over orders of the CAT Jabalpur.

In the above scenario, this Association feels that there is an urgent necessity calling for an administrative decision by the Board to fill up the posts of the AC/DCs lying vacant as on date because the very purpose of getting 2118 temporary posts of ACs, for reducing stagnation and for functional requirements is getting defeated and the cadre is also extremely demoralised.

Hence this AIEC would like to suggest to the CBIC to re-designate all Superintendents of Central Excise who are on the pay scale of 5400 PB-3 (present Level 10) as Assistant Commissioners, since they are already on the pay scale of the said post, and to fill up the vacant posts in each zone, by giving the charge to these re-designated officers as per the seniority in reaching that scale in the respective zones.  For others who do not have charge, functional arrangements could be made within the respective zones based on revenue, level of responsibility, etc, like in the Income Tax Department, whereby they would report  directly to JC/ADC.

Those who could not get the third MACP due to being promotees, but are seniors to those covered by the above scheme also could be re-designated as in the senior junior clause in the Superintendents RRs.

This will ensure that all those officers who have completed 14 years of service as Superintendents and/or 26 years from becoming Inspectors will at least become Assistant Commissioners.  [Scenario in respect of those who joined prior to 1996: Inspectors are placed in 4600 PB-2. First ACP granted after 12 years or promotion as Superintendent will place them on 4800 PB-2.  On completion of 4 years in 4800-PB-2 they will be granted 5400 PB-2 (As per Subramaniam case).  In the third MACP on completion of 10 years from reaching 5400 PB-2 they reach 5400 PB-3.  Before implementation of Subramaniam case, those who completed 30 years of service from Inspector Grade would reach 5400 PB-3, where they had not been promoted within 12 years from date of joining as Inspector.]

Compared to the fact that in Customs those who have put in lesser periods of service from the cadre of Examiners and Preventive Officers (recruited through the same SSC Exam along with the Inspectors of Central Excise) have become Assistant Commissioners long back, and some of them have even reached the level of Joint Commissioners, the above proposal would be a fair one, without incurring any extra expenditure on the re-designation.   This will also put to rest to a very great extent, the in-equalities in promotional avenues of Officers of same process of recruitment within the CBIC itself but in the different zones, which has been one of the major reasons for several litigations in the department and yet could not be solved till date due to various pressure groups working in different directions.

This proposal has the following justifications and benefits:

(1)         The stalemate due to dispute over AISL could be overcome immediately.

(2)         Since the benefit of the pay scale has accrued by MACP there cannot be any dispute for the eligibility.

(3)         Since these officers are already on the pay scale meant for ACs, it is expenditure neutral.

(4)         The department is benefitted because their services could be utilised at the higher post which is lying vacant.

(5)         Already many State GST Departments have upgraded/re-designated their CTOs as ACs.

(6)         This is in keeping with the stagnation removal and functional requirement concepts for which the temporary posts of ACs were created in 2014.

(7)         This will also ensure a smooth transition into the Branch B Service as recommended by the DGHRM for the ensuing Cadre Restructuring.

The AIEC of AIACEGEO sincerely feels that if the CBIC could order this re-designation, it will be a milestone achievement in the personnel management history of the Board. It can bring to an end most of the litigations in the cadre. For the Inspector born cadre of Central Excise which has hitherto been neglected, this will give a great solace by paving way for alleviating the painfully long stagnation and its consequent demoralisation and depression.  Hence it is unanimously resolved to request the CBIC to consider the above proposal favourably and implement it at the earliest.”


11.     Immediately, the Chairman announced a video conference with the Staff Associations representing Group B officers in CEX/GST and Customs on 10.06.2020.

12.     We conducted a video conference of our AIEC on 09.06.2020 regarding our stand to be taken in the said meeting.  Accordingly this Association was represented by the President and Secretary General and we reiterated our demand for immediate promotions whether by DPC or by re-designation as suggested by us, if the court cases are seen as impediments. The Chairman sought a letter from the Associations on the subject so that DPC could be conducted.

13.     We conducted another AIEC meeting on 10.06.2020 itself to inform about the proceedings in the meeting with the Chairman and also to decide on the letter to be submitted.  Accordingly we submitted our letter on 11.06.2020 after online approval, stating as below:

    Resolution passed by the AIEC of AIACEGEO on 11.06.2020 by online consultation

“The All India Executive Committee of the AIACEGEO welcomes the initiative of the Chairman, CBIC and his team in opening discussions on the issue of Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ Promotions in the CBIC.

As sought for by the Chairman, CBIC, this Association hereby resolves to extend its formal consent to the CBIC and urges CBIC to hold the DPC for promotion from Superintendent to Assistant Commissioner in the month of June 2020 itself without any further delay as per Rules, regulations and Court decisions, and also in a similar manner to issue the AISL from 1.1.2007 and conduct further DPCs for all vacant posts in the cadre of Assistant Commissioner within December 2020.

This Association reiterates its stand that the 2118 temporary posts of ACs which are not covered by the Group ‘A’ Recruitment Rules, are to be filled up only from Central Excise/CGST on grounds of Stagnation and functional requirements for which purposes they were actually created.  If there is any counter claim on this score from the Customs side, the combined length of service from the Inspector or equivalent grade could be taken into consideration for promotion to these temporary posts.

The ratio between the Central Excise and Customs in promotion to Group A for regular posts of ACs also as per the Recruitment Rules have to be reworked in terms of the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s in Dudeja case in such a manner that it will ensure equity between the three feeder cadres and thus stop the humiliation by way of Officers far junior from Customs or other zones becoming supervisory officers of officers who are their natural seniors having been selected through the same process of recruitment/examination. 

In addition to the above efforts of conducting DPC, this Association reiterates its earlier resolution (communicated to the Chairman, CBIC, vide Ref. No. CBIC/18/2020 dated 01.06 2020 ) that only a re-designation of the Officers who have got 5400 PB 3, and those who have put in equivalent number of years of service from the date of joining as Inspector, as Assistant Commissioners will give real solace to the really senior Officers (with long years of service rendered) who are forced to retire without even getting their second promotion in the careers and also bridge the inequalities within the cadre and department due to zonal imbalances and differences due to non-implementation of the cadre regulations in all zones uniformly.  This Association hopes that the Board under the present Chairman would sincerely try to get this proposal which is expenditure neutral and really beneficial to the entire Inspector borne cadre, implemented at the earliest, either simultaneous with the DPC proceedings or even if there are impediments for the DPC, separately, since this could pave way for overcoming regional imbalances and several litigations related to seniority and also enable filling up of all vacancies in the cadre of ACs.  Further, this proposal will also ensure that services of Officers in CGST with vast experience in Central Excise, Service Tax and GST can be properly used in the implementation of GST, in maximizing revenue and also to stop their humiliation to work under supervisory officers who are their natural juniors.

This AIEC further puts on record that continued interference by an outfit which is not having the backing of even 10% membership of the cadre, headed by a non-member of this cadre found inadmissible by the Board itself, in our cadre issues, should be stopped by the Board so that the good intentions of the Chairman and his team in CBIC towards this much neglected cadre gets properly conveyed.”

14.     Subsequently, vide our letter dated 22.06.2020, we also brought to the notice of the Board, the anomalous situation in respect of zonal seniority lists leading to litigations and reiterating that apart from DPC by normal course, re-designation also is required to take care of the interests of the really seniors who have put in more service but do not even find a place in the AISL and would retire without even their second promotion in the entire career. The following table along with detailed explanation regarding the problem was submitted for their better understanding:


Inspector batch   (As per the zonal lists)

No of Supdts as in 12/2019

Serving Supdts to be promoted as AC if DPC covers

No of Supdts still out of AISL

Cumulative total of No left out

First 400 Supdts as per AISL

First 800 Supdts as per AISL

Entire AISL upto 31.12.2006   (1191 Nos)











































































































      The above table is based on inputs received from our units regarding the working strength in each zone as in the month of December 2019 and projections of promotions are based on the AISL, eliminating those who have retired from service as on date.  The table shows that:


a)    If 400 Superintendent of Central Excise are promoted from the AISL, it would include 1992 batch inspectors also (148 from 1990, 68 from 1991 and 10 from 1992) but 927 officers who joined as Inspectors even before 1989 would be left out.


b)    If 800 Superintendent of Central Excise are promoted from the AISL it would include 1996 batch Inspectors also but would not include 3248 Officers who joined before 1992 out of which 903 would be those who joined as Inspectors even before 1989


c)     Even if the entire AISL is exhausted, still 2911 Officers who joined as Inspectors up to 1992 will not be promoted and out of that 713 would be those officers who joined as Inspectors even before 1989 (i.e., even those who have completed 30 years from service as Inspector itself and have got just a single promotion from that grade)”


15.     The matters related to DPC and re-designation have been personally briefed to the Member (Admn) on 07.10.2020. She has taken notes, got related correspondence from our side and responded positively by assuring to discuss them with the Chairman and take action accordingly.  During the discussion, it was enquired from her as to whether the CR Proposals have been sent by the CBIC to the RS or MOS.  She categorically denied that the CR Proposal has gone out from the Board.  She stated that the Board was yet to discuss it. When she sought our opinion on Uniform, we told her that Uniform did not have any statutory backing and in certain places, it has become a tool for harassment.  The issue in Lucknow was also discussed.  She asked whether uniform has to be prescribed now.  We informed that in GST, it was not required and practically it was not used for official work.  It was also pointed out that it was an impediment actually in anti-evasion work. It was stated that however for Land Customs stations with borders with other countries, for security reasons, some uniform may be prescribed properly, so as to identify the officers as belonging to the Government department.  She assured to discuss this aspect also with the Chairman and decide at the earliest.

16.     During the Video Conference on 10.06.2020, when the matter regarding the AISL not in accordance with NR Parmar having been quashed by the Hon’ble Tribunal at Chennai in the Bharathan case, upheld by the Hon’ble High Court of Madras and the SLP dismissed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the Commissioner (Co-ordination) had stated that as per the Legal Opinion with the department, the judgment was applicable only to the Chennai Zone.  We pointed out however that the AISL was quashed. Thereafter the Chairman had enquired whether NR Parmar had not been overruled by a subsequent judgment.  We stated that the Meghachandra case had only prospective effect, that it was yet to be accepted and implemented by the UOI and the Bharathan case had become final.

17.     Subsequently, since nothing was moving in the matter of implementation of the Bharathan/Parmar case, we consulted our Advocate in the Supreme Court regarding what is to be done in the matter for uniform implementation of NR Parmar in all zones as per the judgment in the case of Bharathan and others.  We wanted to know whether we can prefer a clarificatory petition in the Hon’ble Supreme Court. The Advocate opined that since it was not a detailed order by the Hon’ble Supreme Court and was only dismissal of the SLP, the question of clarification will not arise there and hence advised to move contempt petition before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras.

18.     A video meeting of the AIEC was held on 12.08.2020 to discuss and decide on the matter.  Accordingly the following resolution was passed:




HELD ONLINE ON 12.08.2020


     This meeting of the All India Executive Committee of the All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers, held online on 12.08.2020 hereby resolves unanimously to authorise its Secretary General, Shri. R. Manimohan to take necessary steps to file a Contempt Petition before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras for non-implementation of the judgment dated 25.04.2017 of the Hon’ble High Court in W. P. No 5611/2017 even after the dismissal of the SLP filed by the Department against the said judgment before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in SLP Nos. 4870 – 4871/2018 which was dismissed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on 25.09.2019 and also after repeated requests by this Association for uniform implementation of the judgment of the Hon’ble Madras High Court order in the above case to all similarly placed members of this Association which has been a respondent in the above said proceedings.


Further resolved to spend upto Rs. 1.5 lakhs towards the initial filing expenses of the contempt petition and any further expenses towards that as would be required in the proceedings; that all the expenses for litigation be met from the Litigation fund separately maintained by getting donations from units and members, as was done in the cases previously.”

19.     The Contempt petition has since been filed by our Advocate in the Hon’ble High Court on 22.09.2020. The Sl. No is Contempt SR 63429 of 2020. Some units like Mumbai, Karnataka, Pune and Kerala have sent contributions towards the Litigation fund and members from Chandigarh and Tamil Nadu have started sending in donations as per the call given by the AIB.

20.     It came to our notice in the meanwhile that an IA was filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the name of this Association by Shri. Harpal Singh and others with certain false claims regarding the representative capacity of the Association (beyond the provisions of the Constitution, repeatedly clarified by the Board) and tagging non-related matters to the Jarnail Singh Case, seeking an order to enable an adhoc DPC. We wrote to the Board to expose the mis-declarations being made before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.  However, some of our members also filed a counter IA.  Since the interest of the Association and entire cadre was involved, by online consultation, it was decided by the AIEC to fund the counter IA from the litigation fund.

21. Other issues raised:

a)    We raised the issue regarding non-holding of DPC for MACP in Chandigarh and the process was accordingly initiated there.

b)  When there were certain issues in Ranchi Zone related to AGT, we intervened and the Chief Commissioner immediately obliged and sorted out the matter in consultation with our unit Office Bearers there.

c)   As discussed in the Nagpur AIEC, we have requested for in rem implementation of Pankaj Nayan Case of Delhi Commissionerate in respect of seniority and promotion, where juniors got the benefit ahead of their natural seniors.

d)  We intervened to get the acceptance of Board for CAT orders in respect of 5400 cases of different zones, when it became delayed due to roster attendance on account of COVID.  In this matter certain developments require to be reported regarding Karnataka and Kolkata, which the units are themselves requested to explain in detail.

e)   We intimated our resolution that there should not be any bifurcation or creation of CCAs and also that whenever any jurisdictional changes are done in GST/Customs during any re-organisation, the local unit and Association should be consulted and changes effected accordingly.

f)    With regard to the issue of uniform and victimization of Office bearer in Lucknow, we have strongly protested.

22.     During the period under report, we have given suggestions to the Board on technical matters as below:

a)    Request for issue of SOP to maintain uniform procedures for checking and maintaining safety protocols in Air Ports;

b)    Regarding the risks faced by the Officers due to verification of risky exporters involving Tax Payers in State GST jurisdiction;

c)    For relaxation of dates under Indirect Tax laws due to COVID (which was issued by Ministry)

d)    Once again insisting upon notification of duties and responsibilities of all cadres so that Superintendents alone don’t continue to face the brunt of the entire work load in the department;

e)    Detailed suggestions to the committee constituted for prescribing modalities for scrutiny of GST returns;

f)     We have also intimated to the Board that since the GST platform is not properly functioning, the Kerala model should be emulated and the platform of GST of states be made accessible to our department officers also for better results. 

g)    We also intimated to the Board that since there is no facility to see the GST provisions at each point of time, until that facility is enabled, officers of the department should not be held responsible for any lapse on this count during GST Audit.


23.     I request the house to take note of the calls for agitation given by the AICEIA and also the JAC of CBDT and take appropriate decisions.

24.     As per the decision of the previous AIEC meeting held through VC. a circular was issued on 13th September 2020 to the units requesting that the opinions of the members in each unit may be obtained on the following specific points so that we can take up our woes with more vigour  and vitality for a concrete solution:

a)     Since our proposal for re-designation has not been discussed and/or accepted, there appears no solution for Superintendents with even more than 25, 30 and 35 years of service from Inspector grade and they are going to face the same pressures more and more unmindful of their age and health. Hence, to at-least safeguard our health and self respect of the cadre of Superintendents as a supervisory cadre, are we ready to take a stand that WE WILL PERFORM ONLY SUPERVISORY WORK?

b) Are we prepared to withdraw our private facilities like mobile, computer/laptop/internet from being demanded by or being put to use by the department, once again?

c) Shall we demand that the CGST may be taken away from the CBIC and kept as a department under the Revenue Secretary so that we get at-least an equal treatment along with our counterparts in State GST so that the CBIC which is obsessed and mindful only of Customs, can happily administer Customs alone and all those of us who want to go to Customs could opt to go there and gain our rightful seniority and promotion there?

d) Shall we suggest to the Hon’ble Prime Minister that there should be a 360 degree assessment of higher officials where we will also give our grading to our supervisory officers with regard to their behaviour to staff, knowledge on taxation law and procedures, proactive nature, non-misuse of staff and office machinery like cars, etc, so that the Government will be able to decide on who should be retained in service for the betterment of the Nation. Otherwise, as an Association we can also conduct such annual survey and submit it to the Government. This can alone stop harassment by self-serving higher officials.

This house is required to discuss the above issues also and decide further course of action in the matters.


25.     From time to time canards are being circulated by the fringe elements misusing the name of this Association, that we are stopping promotions, etc. Some of the Units seek reply from our side every time something is circulated like that.  We are clear in our stand that Court orders have to be adhered to by the Department, as long as they do not have a stay against such orders.  If they have made any appeal against any orders, but have not got any stay, let them implement the Order subject to the outcome of the appeal filed against such order.  Waiting for every matter to be settled by the Hon’ble Supreme Court is not a wise and practical method.  Since we all know where each case stands, we do not reply to each and every outbursts of frustrations of the fringe elements, who continue to mislead some members in the consideration zone.  All of us know that there is no case where any stay has been granted for the DPC as on date.  Hence there is no reason to the best of our knowledge why it could not be held.  Even if we have filed contempt in Bharathan case, there is no stay in the matter. If the department gives an undertaking to the Court that it will implement the Bharathan case in rem within a time frame and that they may be permitted to conduct DPC on adhoc basis, subject to such revision, we have assured the Board that we will not object.  This assurance was given orally to the then Member (Admn) in 2017 itself and reiterated to the Member (Admn) in January 2020. Thus we see no reason for not holding the DPC.  Our demand for re-designation is an additional demand which can be a take-off point for the Branch B Service demanded by us and recommended by the DGHRD in the CR Proposals.

26.     Hence, Office Bearers are requested to clarify the issues to their members and refer them to the blog published by us and copies of correspondence made by this Association, all of which are marked to the Units, though some of them may not be put on the blog.

27.     We require to make our members understand that unless our pain is made known at the field level, Office Bearers alone cannot make any difference. In this regard, it has come to my notice that in certain units the information from the AIB given by way of internal circulars or communications are not being properly conveyed to the members in the units.  This will not enable the All India Association to have effective functioning, if at the grass roots the members are not informed properly.


With fraternal greetings,

R. Manimohan,

Secretary General,





Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...