The govt. SLP(C) No. 5984/2025 Diary No. 59005/2024 on 01.01.1996 pay matter against Telangana(Hyderabad) HC judgement in the UOI vs R. Siva Shankara Sastry case dismissed on 28.02.2025 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Monday, March 30, 2020

CBIC call for donations to PM relief fund and COC appeal

Dear friends and Comrades,

By this time all of you would have come to note the call of the CBIC for donations to the PM's relief fund TO FIGHT COVID - 19.  This Association had vide its letter dated 24.03.2020 (posted in this blog earlier), requested the Chairman to issue such an appeal.  Now that the appeal has been issued by the CBIC (after wide ranging consultations at the Zonal levels also) the COC of Associations in CBIC has also appealed to all members of the constituent Associations to liberally donate to this cause of fighting the pandemic.

Only those who do not want to donate or those who want to donate more than a day's salary require to give their signed intimation to the AO (DDO) s in the format enclosed to the letter of the CBIC.

Let all of us contribute our mite.

fraternally yours,
R. Manimohan,

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Circular in the face of COVID 19

(Representing the Superintendents of C. Ex & CGST)
[Recognised vide CBEC Letter F. No. B 12017/10/2006-Ad IV A dated 21/01/2008]
Address for Correspondence and Communications:
R. Manimohan, Secretary General, AIACEGEO,
G.S.T Bhavan, 6/7 A.T.D. Street, Race Course, Coimbatore – 641018.
Email id:  [Mob.No: 09443063989]
Shishir Agnihotri

Working President:
H.S. Bajaj

Asst Secy General:
A.S. Kundu

Liaison Secretary:
Abhishek Kamal

Chairman, CR Comt:
Tirthankar Pyne        

Vice Presidents:
M. A. Jithendra
Kousik Roy
T. Chakrapani Rao
S.K. Bundela
P.T. Gaidhani
Vinod Sharma
R.R. Thripathy
Ashish Pathak
R. Soundari
D.K. Sharma

Joint Secretaries:
Malkit Singh
Hemant Ghosal
S.K. Yadav
D. Samantaray
Anil Bhokare
A.G. Dhoble
C. J. Thomas
T. Elanchezhiyan
Samir Kumar Sinha
Chandra Prakash

Core Committee:
Ajit Kumar K.G.
G. Srinath

Office Secretary:
K.R.Dinesh Kumar

Ref. No: 02/Int/2020                          Date: 24.03.2020

CIRCULAR 02/2020

Dear friends and comrades,

Kindly find reproduced below the resolution of the All India Executive Committee of this Association, decided through on-line consultations on 23.03.2020:
“This AIEC takes note of the grim situation facing the country in the form of the COVID 19 and commits to appeal to the members of this Association to re dedicate their services to the nation at this crucial juncture.  Considering the various instructions of the Government of India on this issue, the following resolutions are passed:

   (1) That the CBIC should be requested to maintain skeletal strength only and that too only in the most essential fields in the Customs and GST, to ensure that most of the personnel are kept at their homes for safety and allowed to work from home in keeping with the DOPT instructions dated 22.03.2020 and to urge upon the CBIC to issue instructions to all Zonal Chiefs to provide vehicles to all such staff who are required essentially to attend office as part of the said skeletal staff due to the impending lock down and stoppage of public transport, curfew etc in almost all parts of the Country;
   (2) Due to the concept of work from home instructions and in order to be available over phone in emergencies, to suspend the call of this AIEC to its members to withdraw use of personal mobile phones for office work, undertaken earlier to demand office phones for office work; The call to be reviewed for revival at an appropriate time later;
    (3) To take up with the CBIC the necessity to get timelines for payments of taxes, duties and dues extended in the face of the lock down, whether in the case of SVLDRS or normal cases to enable the trade to face the present crisis and similarly to issue circular to the effect that any act not performed during this period of lock down and where any time lines for issue of show cause notices, demands, etc, could not be met, be protected and no action shall be taken against any one for the same;
    (4) To make a proposal to the CBIC to give a call to the staff of the CBIC to make generous contributions to relief fund (of the PM or CM as the donors may indicate), for enabling payment of incentives to those personnel who are working on the field at the risk of their own lives and to those whose lively hood has been displaced due to the lock down; and to permit the deductions in installments in succeeding months if the contribution is more than a day’s salary;
    (5) To give a call to members of the AIACEGEO to contribute generously to the relief fund whenever the CBIC gives a call for the same, considering the hardship of the personnel on the field who are putting their lives at risk to enable safely of ourselves and that of our kith and kin and that while we have the convenience of work from home, most of the unorganized labourers in the country are going to find it difficult to sustain due to the lock down.”

Out of the above points in the resolution, the Chairman has already acted upon Point No. 1 by issue of suitable instructions to the Zonal Chiefs and Directorate Heads. The Chairman has also gone an extra mile by advising all Zonal Chiefs and Directorate Heads to form teams at each level in consultation with the local associations, to help the staff (including the contingent and contract employees) in case of medical emergencies.  We request all units to cooperate in this salutary effort.

Regarding Point No. 2 all unit Office bearers may intimate accordingly to their respective CCs/ Commissioners regarding the suspension of our call.

Regarding Point No. 3 and 4 we are requesting the CBIC for necessary circulars.

In respect of Point No. 5, the AIEC appeals to all our members to kindly come together and generously contribute taking into consideration the world war like situation and appreciating the fact that we are among the very few who are economically at an advantage compared to the masses whose very lives and lively hoods are at stake.

All members are requested to keep the selves and their family safe and be alert to any changing situations.  When the going becomes tough, the tough alone gets going.

With fraternal greetings,

R. Manimohan
Secretary General

Resolution of the AIEC in the face of COVID -communication to CBIC

(Representing the Superintendents of C. Ex & CGST)
[Recognised vide CBEC Letter F. No. B 12017/10/2006-Ad IV A dated 21/01/2008]
Address for Correspondence and Communications:
R. Manimohan, Secretary General, AIACEGEO,
G.S.T Bhavan, 6/7 A.T.D. Street, Race Course, Coimbatore – 641018.
Email id:  [Mob.No: 09443063989]
Shishir Agnihotri

Working President:
H.S. Bajaj

Asst Secy General:
A.S. Kundu

Liaison Secretary:
Abhishek Kamal

Chairman, CR Comt:
Tirthankar Pyne

Vice Presidents:
M. A. Jithendra
Kousik Roy
T. Chakrapani Rao
S.K. Bundela
P.T. Gaidhani
Vinod Sharma
R.R. Thripathy
Ashish Pathak
R. Soundari
D.K. Sharma

Joint Secretaries:
Malkit Singh
Hemant Ghosal
S.K. Yadav
D. Samantaray
Anil Bhokare
A.G. Dhoble
C. J. Thomas
T. Elanchezhiyan
Samir Kumar Sinha
Chandra Prakash

Core Committee:
Ajit Kumar K.G.
G. Srinath

Office Secretary:
K.R.Dinesh Kumar

Ref. No: 11/CBIC/2020                       Date: 24.03.2020

Shri. M. Ajit Kumar,
Chairman, CBIC, New Delhi.

Sub: Communication of the resolution of the AIEC of this     Association in the light of COVID – 19 reg.

Kindly find reproduced below the resolution of the All India Executive Committee of this Association, decided through on-line consultations on 23.03.2020:

“This AIEC takes note of the grim situation facing the country in the form of the COVID 19 and commits to appeal to the members of this Association to re dedicate their services to the nation at this crucial juncture.  Considering the various instructions of the Government of India on this issue, the following resolutions are passed:

      (1) That the CBIC should be requested to maintain skeletal strength only and that too only in the most essential fields in the Customs and GST, to ensure that most of the personnel are kept at their homes for safety and allowed to work from home in keeping with the DOPT instructions dated 22.03.2020 and to urge upon the CBIC to issue instructions to all Zonal Chiefs to provide vehicles to all such staff who are required essentially to attend office as part of the said skeletal staff due to the impending lock down and stoppage of public transport, curfew etc in almost all parts of the Country;

       (2) Due to the concept of work from home instructions and in order to be available over phone in emergencies, to suspend the call of this AIEC to its members to withdraw use of personal mobile phones for office work, undertaken earlier to demand office phones for office work; The call to be reviewed for revival at an appropriate time later;

    (3) To take up with the CBIC the necessity to get timelines for payments of taxes, duties and dues extended in the face of the lock down, whether in the case of SVLDRS or normal cases to enable the trade to face the present crisis and similarly to issue circular to the effect that any act not performed during this period of lock down and where any time lines for issue of show cause notices, demands, etc, could not be met, be protected and no action shall be taken against any one for the same;

       (4) To make a proposal to the CBIC to give a call to the staff of the CBIC to make generous contributions to relief fund (of the PM or CM as the donors may indicate), for enabling payment of incentives to those personnel who are working on the field at the risk of their own lives and to those whose lively hood has been displaced due to the lock down; and to permit the deductions in installments in succeeding months if the contribution is more than a day’s salary;

        (5) To give a call to members of the AIACEGEO to contribute generously to the relief fund whenever the CBIC gives a call for the same, considering the hardship of the personnel on the field who are putting their lives at risk to enable safely of ourselves and that of our kith and kin and that while we have the convenience of work from home, most of the unorganized labourers in the country are going to find it difficult to sustain due to the lock down.”

Out of the above, since the point No. 1 of the above resolution has been already acted upon by your good self, by way of suitable instructions to the Zonal Chiefs and Directorate Heads, necessary action/instructions in respect of point No. 3 and 4 of the above may kindly be considered.

On the other parts of the Resolution, we have issued a circular to all our members through our Units.  A copy of the same is also enclosed for kind information.

We thank you for your leadership and assure you of our fullest cooperation in facing this crisis.

Thanking you,
Yours truly,

Encl: Copy of our circular
(R. Manimohan)
Secretary General

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Day for Dharana and Dhyan

Dear friends and comrades,

      The CBIC has given a call to all of us to join the One day Janatha Curfew announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister for today. Our Chairman is leading from the front in dealing with the situation emerging due to the COVID 19. He has visited field formations like the Airport to see whether proper facilities have been provided and has had interaction with the officers there.

     Today is a day for Dharana and Dhyan for all of us.

     We belong to that segment which has access to knowledge acquired through news papers and internet. We know what has been happening all around the world.

     Western countries, with all their medical sophistication has found it difficult to cope with this crisis. If the epidemic strikes India, it will be a volcano erupted. With the illiteracy levels, lack of social discipline among even the so called educated, the tendency of one up-man-ship in every walk of life, the tendency to have all facilities gobbled up by those with power (any type of power) first, poor ratio of health facilities compared to the huge population, etc, it is imperative that we have to put our minds whole-heartedly together to ensure that it passes off, without hitting our country as it has done in the other countries of the world.

     We are aware of how even at the entry points, whether Airports or land borders, there is commotion and tension due to sudden influx of passengers from across the borders. Thereafter, monitoring the movement of each person who could be a potential carrier of the virus, is next to impossible in this country. Hence, it becomes necessary to remain safe within the confines of ones’ houses.

     We should be grateful that we have a house where we could be confined to ourselves.

We should be grateful that we could procure the requirements to run the house hold.

That we are connected with our community.

That even on those days we are confined, we are assured of our salary.

   We therefore, on this day at least, require to think of the masses who do not have the above facilities.

     We have to think of those other persons whether standing guard at various points, belonging to various agencies, screening persons for any symptoms, clearing the passengers and goods, day in and day out, who are exposed to the risks of contacting the virus all the more. We have to think of their families.

     We have to think of those in hospitals, the Doctors, Nurses, other staff, those who clean the hospitals, the garbage, the toilets, who are the most vulnerable to the virus.

        Those who run cabs, autos, the crew of flights, trains, busses and ships and many others engaged different types of transports.

    Those who in our areas also clear garbage, without any discrimination, exposed to the threats all the more.

    All their families – the risks they are put to.

     The Prime Ministers’ call to clap for 5 minutes at 5 pm today is to be understood in this context.

     When an entire populace can get together at a single point in time and concentrate on a subject, that DHARANA will have its effect. When even a demonstration and sloganeering by a hand full of people can generate an effect, what will be the effect when crores of people can come together and perform a particular event – whole heartedly?

     Our country is a land of diversities. Clapping alone may not be preferred by some. Then, at that appointed time today, they may sing, play instruments of their choice, chant their own mantras/hymns or pray from the bottom of their heart that:

“ We thank for all that we have;

We thank all those who have made it possible;

We thank all those who made it possible for us and our family to stay at our homes, for our own safety, even as they are toiling, putting to risk their own health as well as of their familys’.”

Then let us resolve that:

“ We shall remain safe hereafter,

Be compassionate to others,

Keep our equanimity intact for the coming times.”

      And once again from the bottom of our hearts, let us pray or plead or feel that ‘this shall also pass’.

     This one day of Dharana and Dhyan, is only a beginning. We have to maintain the spirit until the crisis is overcome.

With fraternal greetings,
R. Manimohan,

Friday, March 20, 2020

Keep safe distance and remain safe

Dear friends and comrades,

We are happy that the DOPT has issued instructions almost on the lines of point 2 of our letter addressed to the Hon'ble Prime Minister yesterday.

The Hon'ble Prime Minister has also addressed the nation yesterday evening to bring home the gravity of the situation.  All members are requested to follow the instructions of the Government scrupulously.

The country is at a crucial stage where the chain of spread of the CORONA virus is to be broken.

The complete lock down prescribed by the Hon'ble Prime Minister on 22.03.2020 is only indicative of the emergency.

The DOPT's instruction also is to enable the offices to remain open (in other words not to allow panic to get hold of the general public) and at the same time to keep safe.

We have to understand the implications and take due care.

It is not advisable to make unit visits or even to summon assessees to the offices during this period of emergency because it is not in anybody's interest.

In case of any difficulties of oneself or members of family, even with mild temperature, cough or cold, it is advised by WHO to stay at home and take rest as well as consult Doctor appropriately.  Hence necessary leave may be applied so that neither the officers and family members nor general public are put to risk.

All members are requested to keep safe and take care of themselves, members of the family and general public also.

with fraternal greetings,
R. Manimohan

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Memorandum to Hon'ble PM on measures to contain COVID-19

(Representing the Superintendents of C.Ex& CGST)
[Recognised vide CBEC Letter F. No. B 12017/10/2006-Ad IV A dated 21/01/2008]
Address for Correspondence and Communications:
R. Manimohan, Secretary General, AIACEGEO,
G.S.T Bhavan, 6/7 A.T.D. Street, Race Course, Coimbatore – 641018.
Email id:[Mob.No: 09443063989]

Working President:
H.S. Bajaj

AsstSecy General:
A.S. Kundu

Liaison Secretary:
Abhishek Kamal

Chairman, CR Comt:

Vice Presidents:
M. A. Jithendra
Kousik Roy
T. ChakrapaniRao
Vinod Sharma
R.R. Thripathy
R. Soundari
D.K. Sharma

Joint Secretaries:
Malkit Singh
S.K. Yadav
D. Samantaray
Anil Bhokare
A.G. Dhoble
C. J. Thomas
T. Elanchezhiyan
Samir Kumar Sinha
Chandra Prakash

Core Committee:
Ajit Kumar K.G.
G. Srinath

Office Secretary:
K.R.Dinesh Kumar

Ref. No: 01/PM/2020                                      Date: 19.03.2020

Shri. Narendra Modiji,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.

Respected Pradhan Mantriji,

          Kindly accept our gratitude and congratulations for having shown thus far, the way to the entire world, in dealing with a volcanic situation in the name of ‘Corona Virus’.  We are fully with you in the message that ‘there should not be panic but we should be prepared’.

          Various analysis by experts on public health regarding the spread-speed of the Corona Virus in other parts of the World suggest that the present week and the coming two weeks are crucial to contain it’s spread in our Country.  In this context, we would like to humbly place before your good self the following suggestions for immediate directions as deemed fit:

(1)          While Government Offices have to be kept open so as to not cause panic among the public, at the same time the number of meetings requiring people to travel from one place to another could be reduced.  In this regard, it may kindly be ordered that meetings may be held only through video conferencing if at all very urgent and unavoidable.

(2)          Wherever travel through public transport is required, it would be better to reduce the number of such commuters. This requires that all Offices and establishments other than Essential Services require to be closed down till the crisis period is crossed. Further since the schools and colleges are closed till 31.3.2020, the presence of the parents at home is very important to ensure that the children are safe and follow proper protocols prescribed by the WHO/Government and also do not go out and socialise. The elderly at home also have to be taken care of and closely monitored. Hence wherever Offices could not be completely closed, attendance could be regulated through methods like work from home, flexi timings or alternate attendance, depending upon the nature of establishments and as per local arrangements, keeping in view the risk factors in each station/city/state. 

(3)          Wherever Government Offices have to remain open, necessary arrangements for sanitization of the entire office premises, provision of hand sanitizers/hand wash with proper water facilities, masks for the staff, etc, require to be immediately ordered.

(4)          Since the WHO has recommended people even with mild cough or fever to remain at home, the Leave Rules require to be relaxed to enable Government Servants to avail Medical Leave even without AMA/Medical Certificates.

(5)          Since the entire industrial and economic activity is under pressure, the Finance Ministry could be directed to relax all dates for payment of taxes and duties as well as for loan repayments and also submission of any reports and returns up to the second week of April 2020.   Consequently any meetings or mobilisation for revenue augmentation could be put on hold till April 2020.  The State Governments also could be advised to follow suit.

(6)          Due to the disruption of classes in schools and colleges, in order to avoid mental pressure on children, all annual exams other than Public Exams could be asked to be cancelled and all children be automatically promoted to the next class/grade, for the next academic year.

(7)          Special incentives could be granted to those Government Servants in Public Health and Essential Services due to the severe pressure and risk they themselves are exposed to in the present situation.

We hope if the above measures are ordered from your esteemed office, not only our entire country will stand to benefit in multiple ways, but also the entire world will take the cue in handling this grave crisis.

We once again salute the Government for its efforts at this crucial juncture and re-dedicate ourselves in the service of the nation.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

(R. Manimohan)
Secretary General,
Copy submitted for information and necessary action to:
1)    Hon’ble Union  Home Minister
2)    Hon’ble Union Finance Minister
3)    Hon’ble MOS, PMO.
4)    The Cabinet Secretary to the GOI
5)    The Secretary to GOI, DOPT
6)    The Revenue Secretary, GOI.
7)    The Chairman, CBIC.
8)    The Secretary JCM Staff Side.
9)    The Secretary General, CCGGOO.

(R. Manimohan)
Secretary General,

Congratulations, celebrations and retrospection.

 Dear Member and Friends, Hearty Congratulations to all the Superintendents who are promoted as Assistant Commissioners in the order dated 1...